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kolkata psychically challenged teenager raped by rickshaw driver.

You just called him criminal minded bro,and its more and enough to start troll wars in here!
We Indians do face a serious problems of rapes in our country and its a major embarrassment to our nation,even though statistically speaking there are countries with more severe rape problem than India.

However,the continuous creations of threads based on the news of rape and other criminal activities serve no actual purpose,as there is usually no window for fruitful discussion.

Some members (Indians and others),however came up with the idea of having a separate section for rape and crimes so that discussions on human behaviour and preventive measures could be discussed,and also opening of individual threads can be avoided.

I hope you get the point bro,people here are really sentimental,and calling an elite Indian member criminal minded is more than enough for a filthy war of words!

Had it been parliament I would be sitting satyagraha with placards!
I can see some sanity in your post that,s why i liked it.But some parts of it doesn,t makes sense.As long as our moderators allows us to post this and this is not against the terms of PDF who the heck someone else is to tell me what to post or what not to? I called him a criminal minded because i have seen no reason to get angry over posting a news.If he is not a criminal minded than what,s really bothers him when i share something which shows how a filthy criminal degraded and abused an psychically abnormal girl?There are plenty of posts on PDF which are source of embarassment for our country but so far i have seen some pakistani member attacking the poster instead of debating on that issue.I think that,s why you can,t control rapes in your country because you simply get offended when someone talks on this issue.Elite member? IF i start trolling today and continue it for three more years without contributing something positive on PDF,one day i too will be called a elite member.
WHAATT.....:hitwall:, I guess its time to go incognito mode on my browser for some research....o_O

search the terms 'marital rape'

it should bring up legislation on it. Or sexual assault laws have provisions that has it under it's purview too.
Only problem is that if I open a new thread to share a similar news on a rape incident in Pakistan, then the thread will be promptly deleted, not closed but "Deleted", and probably I will be banned.

Now, what was the purpose of this thread?
Don,t again ask me the same question about the purpose of this thread because i have already it.Go cry a river infront of indian and global media and ask them why why you reported this rape news?
Post as much pakistani rape incidents on PDF as you can but i am sure you will only find 1-2 in a month.But if i become a rape reporter on PDF i will find them almost everyday :lol: As you can see i post on different topics not just on rape.Finally i ve seen our mods treating indian members equally and sometimes give them preference over pakistani members.

Had to report your post also, though you will have certain degree of immunity.
I have no immunity on PDF but i am sure you get immunity on indian defence forum.
Only problem is that if I open a new thread to share a similar news on a rape incident in Pakistan, then the thread will be promptly deleted, not closed but "Deleted", and probably I will be banned.

Now, what was the purpose of this thread?
Don't act as if you don't know why. You are in PDF. Remember the full form. And also who you are. It's perfectly logical though twisted.
I can see some sanity in your post that,s why i liked it.But some parts of it doesn,t makes sense.As long as our moderators allows us to post this and this is not against the terms of PDF who the heck someone else is to tell me what to post or what not to? I called him a criminal minded because i have seen no reason to get angry over posting a news.If he is not a criminal minded than what,s really bothers him when i share something which shows how a filthy criminal degraded and abused an psychically abnormal girl?There are plenty of posts on PDF which are source of embarassment for our country but so far i have seen some pakistani member attacking the poster instead of debating on that issue.I think that,s why you can,t control rapes in your country because you simply get offended when someone talks on this issue.Elite member? IF i start trolling today and continue it for three more years without contributing something positive on PDF,one day i too will be called a elite member.

The forum rules do not oppose starting threads about rapes,but my point is,opening individual threads on each and every rape reported in India or anywhere does not provide any opportunity for a good discussion.If we are to discuss them,we must be having a separate section or something.If threads are to be started for every rape reported,then within no time the forum will be flooded by them.

He is a Elite Memeber,and PDF is like a family.He has been around for a long time and many of us has a close relationship and I have to tell,you calling him criminal minded is absolutely unacceptable.

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