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95% of all the Turks support IS when it comes to Kurds. And they have since the begining of the conflict. Since the begining of the conflict they have wanted to take control over the Kurdish regions. And they were right to be worried. Their father is getting burned .
It was a long time ago since Kurds were as united as they are now.

Turks support isis against pkk facists.:-)
i will be honest here i don't have much knowledge regarding your conflict with the Turks....on Palestine there is clarity because the oppressor happens to be Non-Muslim country...just get the feeling here that tackling ISIS is not seen as a priority

Let me sum it up for you. The Ottoman Empire had fallen. Ataturk stepped out as the savior of a Turkish republic who didn't even consider himself as muslim. Turkey was created but during negoitation talks after Turkey's defeat in ww1, it was planned for Kurds to have their own state. But Turkey didn'taccept that and the west didn't really bother plus Kurds weren't even given a voice. Turkey wasn't a muslim state at all. It was a secularist ultra nationalist state. Within those borders there lived a big ethnic group called the Kurds. At the begining everything was fine until pan-turan policies came into order. Kurdish language was forbidden, Kurdish culture was forbidden, Kurdish names of rivers, mountains, cities, villages all was forcibly changed into Turkish. EVERYTHING GOT TURKIFIED and u consider a Muslim state to do such an act? Not even IS are as sick as them, atleast they recognize a geographical area called Kurdistan. Even Ataturk did but his predecessors... Kurds were heavily opressed. Imagine China coming taking over Pakiststan, forcing you all to stop speaking your native languages and just speak chinese. Force their culture upon you, change the names of your valleys and cities to chinese, not even allowing you to have a Pakistani name. Turkey even banned 3 letters since they were common in Kurdish language, how sick is that?! You see what I mean?

Since then Kurds have gone through numerous rebellions against the occupier state.

The Dersim Rebellion:

"In explaining the reason for the Kurdish rebellion to the British foreign secretary Anthony Eden he said the following:[6]

The government has tried to assimilate the Kurdish people for years, oppressing them, banning publications in Kurdish, persecuting those who speak Kurdish, forcibly deporting people from fertile parts of Kurdistan for uncultivated areas of Anatolia where many have perished. The prisons are full of non-combatants, intellectuals are shot, hanged or exiled to remote places. Three million Kurds, demand to live in freedom and peace in their own country.

Note: it is very likely that this letter was not sent by Seyid Riza, but by a Kurdish nationalist from Dersim who took refuge in Syria, named Nuri Dersimi. He was trying to get support for the Kurdish nationalist cause from Western powers (which he didn't get). The Turkish state used the letter to incriminate Seyid Riza of rebelling against the state but never proved that the letter was written by him. English archives supposedly show that the signature underneath was from Nuri Dersimi.[7]

Sheikh Said Rebellion:

The Azadî was dominated by officers from the former Hamidiye, a Kurdish tribal militia established under the Ottoman Empire to deal with the Armenians and sometimes even to keep the Kizilbash under control. According to various historias the main reason the revolt took place was that various elements of Turkish society were unhappy with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's abolition of the Islamic Caliphate system. There have been questionable British sources who label this as a nationalistic revolt by Kurds[citation needed]. While it can be considered we must understand that Britain was a sworn enemy of both the Islamic Caliphate and the Turks. According to British intelligence reports, the Azadî officers had eleven grievances. Apart from inevitable Kurdish cultural demands and complaints of Turkish maltreatment, this list also detailed fears of imminent massdeportations of Kurds. They also registered annoyance that the name Kurdistan did not appear on maps, at restrictions on the Kurdish language and on Kurdish education and objections to alleged Turkish economic exploitation of Kurdish areas, at the expense of Kurds.[citation needed]

It was Sheikh Said who convinced Hamidiye commanders to support a fight for the return of Islamic Caliphate system.[9]

Kurdish rebellions in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In order to open lebensraum for themselves, Kurds killed first Alevi Turkmens, then Armenians, and Assyrians. Now they claim a foreign territory as their own.

Anybody here to give history lesson to this Kurd?
Muslim world is a huge joke. No one will shed tears for you unless it's in their interest. If you want ti survive, first you should raise some brave leaders, not spineless ones like Barzani and other gangs who are fighting among themselves.
You do not like any of countries who have Kurdish population, but whether you like it or not, it was Iran who first and foremost, came to Kurds help and sent many arms for Barzani to repel the first wave of IS attacks. They were literally going to endanger Erbil and even capture it, since Barzani thought he was in a safe haven and he could finally exploit the situation in Iraq to achieve his dreams, but when the IS knocked on his door, things changed. You do not like Iran for whatever reason, but as Barzani himself said, Iran was the first country who came to your help, without asking for anything.

Another funny thing is that, while their brothers and sisters are being killed by IS, PJAK terrorists are still attacking Iran's borders these days. These paper tigers should go and show their teeth for IS, not for the same country who sent arms and advisers for fellow Kurds.

The most opressed groups in Iran= Kurds and Baloch. There is a reason why there have been countless of Kurdish revolts against Iran. And why people still despise Iran. Iran commited big crimes against Kurds.

Anyway Kurds are demonstrating against IS all over Eastern Kurdistan(iran)

In mahabad:
Demonstrations planed for tomorrow in: Kermanshan Paveh Mehabad Sanandaj Piranshar Baneh Bokan Sardasht Ourmye Saghez Mariwan
The most opressed groups in Iran= Kurds and Baloch. There is a reason why there have been countless of Kurdish revolts against Iran. And why people still despise Iran. Iran commited big crimes against Kurds.
Anyway Kurds are demonstrating against IS all over Eastern Kurdistan(iran)
You missed my whole point and posted a video of demonstrations, I think it's better to leave it.

Edit: What's with the Turkish flag they are holding?
Looks like it's time to bring back some recent history.

From one Kurd to another

Vivian the Yazidi MP

As she said
There is no ISIS, they are revolutionary freedom fighters aganst Shi'a opression

Dude seriously you need to stop call others' soils eastern kurdistan western kurdistan etc... no one will give you a cm2 of their own and you have no capability or power to gain it...all you can do is sucking westerners' and create terrorism/chaos.. Too bad our govt. was soft against you but the people of Turkey will be not. This stupid thread all about dramaticize the situation by showing kurds as poor people... This is a terrorist vs terrorist situation actually we enjoy how IS slaughter fvking rats... hopefully our army will not move a finger to save your over kicked ***...
all other Kurds should take note from Iranian Kurds on how to protest, if that video reflects all protests. i applaud you, Iranian Kurds.
You missed my whole point and posted a video of demonstrations, I think it's better to leave it.

Edit: What's with the Turkish flag they are holding?

That's because they love us :omghaha:

Look closer to the flags. They have been marked x with red lines.
Someone should tell those fools that red on red doesn't show well. Now they look like isil hating, Turkey loving protesters :)
It wasn't Kurds who started embracing western nationalist sentiments, it wasn't Kurds who occupied others land but here we are non-belivers, our women are halal etc. The muslim world cries for Filistin, yet they don't utter A WORD when it comes to Kurds.
of course we do…. **** isis bro.. we are behind you… but did u support "filistin" or were u backing israel?
95% of all the Turks support IS when it comes to Kurds. And they have since the begining of the conflict. Since the begining of the conflict they have wanted to take control over the Kurdish regions. And they were right to be worried. Their father is getting burned .
It was a long time ago since Kurds were as united as they are now.

Yeah, do some more. Test our patience....over 10 PKK sympathizers shot dead.

This is the latest heval met his end.
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They are making crosses over them and burning them. Same with Kurds in europe and in southern kurdistan.
This one is good as well, the self pro-claimed Mufti who was disguising ISIS are revolutionary tribes was being hosted in Arbil by Barzani, this was in June 2014.

ISIS are freedom fighters
Turkish bros, please vote for this man in the next election. He will end the Kurdish issue once and for all.

Also listen to him.


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