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I said it earlier, Turkey who has nutured these terrorists scums, and who still surprisgly has as objective/aim(as stated by Erdogan recently) of toppling Assad, and leaving a power vacuum to be filled by these islamists beheaders(just look at lybia today, saddled with militias and no central government.:disagree:) will come back to hunt turkey just like Pakistan who did the same with the mujahideen/taliban in Afghanistan. You cant expect to support/finance/provide sanctuary and ammunitions to rag tag islamists fighters/militias/rebels/jihadists and expect they wont cause instability in your neighbourhood and eventually turn against you when your interests don't match anymore.

Moreover the more this conflict goes, the more arms the gulf states/west/saudi arabia etc will keep pouring weapons in the region to the 'Moderate syrian rebels':lol: the more arms the Kurds and other islamists militants will have, and the more instability/risk Turkey will face. The PKK will also benefit from this conflict no matter the outcome. Turkey is the only country who will come out at loss from this. It was indeed a big mistake to support the rebels in the first place. Turkey should have remained neutral and distance itself from this a la Jordan. Taking sides(the wrong one for that matter) was a huge mistake Erdogan made, whats even shocking is that he hasn't learned from his mistakes at all, he keeps going the same direction:disagree: Our governments can still afford to play this game of supporting these extremists and 'moderates' for geo-political reasons/interests since we are far away from the region and we have no border at all with these troubled region called the middle east. But Turkey's case/situation is different since it has a large border with both Syria and Iraq. so its decisions/views should be different.

I expect things to get alot worse for Turkey before they get any better in the coming moths/years.This is just the beginning.:bounce: Will be interesting to see what happens this coming days/months.:cheesy:

You better worry about your country. Niggas cutting head of English woman in Britain, not in my country.
Syrian Kurds give women grenades in last-ditch defense against Islamic State
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Islamic State forces are trying to oust the Kurdish defenders of Kobane, a Syrian town on the border with Turkey. News agencies have posted photographs showing the militants apparently raising their flag in the town, which Turkey had vowed to defend.

By Arthur Bright, Staff writer OCTOBER 6, 2014
Fighting around Kobane is turning increasingly desperate, as the forces of the self-declared Islamic State threaten to overrun the Syrian border town's Kurdish defenders.

Syrian Kurdish official Idris Nahsen told Agence France-Presse that IS forces are within a kilometer of the town to the south, but their latest attempt to advance had been repulsed by Kurdish forces. Although airstrikes by US-led coalition forces had helped slow the IS advance on Saturday, Mr. Nahsen said airstrikes alone would not be enough to break the siege on Kobane.

NBC News reports that the situation is becoming desperate in Kobane, where civilians of all ages are being recruited to help with the town's defense.

"Everybody is fighting in Kobani. There are women my age who have been given hand grenades to throw," said 63-year-old Alife Ali, as she waited in the hospital, a small child in her arms. "Our people dug a [16 feet] deep and wide ditch around the town to protect it. We will fight to the last person." Hassan waited anxiously outside a room for a 20-year-old female relative, wounded in the fighting. "She took up arms," he said. "They gave her a gun though she had no experience." His mother, sitting next to him, said of ISIS: "God curse them. They are worse than monsters. Look at what they did to our people."

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a female suicide bomber was among those who engaged IS forces, killing herself at an IS post on Sunday. The Observatory told AFP that is was the first time that such a tactic has been used by Kurdish fighters against the Islamic militants. Nahsen confirmed to AFP that the bombing had taken place, though he did not say whether it would be repeated. "I don't know. It is related to the situation. We don't have this strategy," he said.

The BBC reports that the Kurds in Kobane areangry that they have yet to receive help from Turkey, which promised last week that it would prevent the town from falling to the IS advance. Turkey has yet to act beyond patrolling the border, however. Turkish forces did deploy tear gas Monday against crowds of observers and reporters who had gathered along the border. The BBC's Paul Adams reports that one of the gas canisters shattered their vehicle's rear windshield and set the van on fire briefly.

The Christian Science Monitor reported last week that Turkey's apparent reluctance to act may stem from fears of fueling a resurgence of Kurdish separatism, which it has long tried to suppress. The Monitor notes that the Turkish government has been negotiating a peace deal with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), an outlawed Kurdish militant group, but that deal is now in jeopardy.

In return for expanded freedoms, the government wants the PKK to lay down its arms. But the strife in Kobane could put those talks at risk. Last week Murat Karayilan, a high-ranking commander in the PKK, told a Kurdish TV station that peace negotiations with the Turkish government were "finished."

“The cease-fire and the peace process is in a very fragile situation,” Ertugrul Kurkcu, a member of Parliament for the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party, the political affiliate of the PKK, tells The Christian Science Monitor.

“The state of the cease-fire is not only determined by the situation in Turkey, but the situation in the entire Kurdish nation,” Mr. Kurkcu says, alluding to the Kurdish-populated region of Syria, referred to by Kurds as Rojava.

Cenk Sidar, CEO of Sidar Global Partners, a Turkey-focused political and strategic risk consultancy firm, told the Monitor that “The perception that the Turks weren’t quickly willing to help the Kurds in Kobane has created a trauma in Kurdish minds and it will be very hard to restore trust.” If Kobane falls to IS forces, Mr. Sidar said, "The peace process will be over."

Why is it that we dont hear any comments from the democracy loving 'FSA alias moderate syrian rebels' condemning or pledging to fight ISIS and other extremists Alqaeda link groups like Al nusra etc? :lol: I thought they said they are fighting for the 'Syrian people'?:omghaha: Why are they silent on this?:ph34r::sarcastic: In fact some of them have even criticised the U.S led air strikes against their alliy ISIS because they say it weakens the opposition to Assad.:omghaha: I couldn't believe it when i red this news. They are even more pathetic than i thought.:lol::tsk: These scums called 'moderate rebels' have even been cooperating with ISIS,ALnusra and other terrorists groups in thier fight against the Syrian government and they don't care where they get support be it from ISIS or whoever as far as they are their ennemy's ennemy:agree:. So they are all different sides of the same coin:laugh:
I just pity the poor civilians,women and children who are caught up in this great game being played. :fie: However we will keep supporting/financing/arming our freedom/democracy loving moderate rebels

You better worry about your country. Niggas cutting head of English woman in Britain, not in my country.
This is a discussion forum bro. everybody is free to comment/state his point of view. Afterall, this is called PAKISTAN DEFENCE FORUM' Not TURKISH defence forum.:cheesy: So i can comment on which ever topic i want, bar turkish defence forum.:dirol:
Moreover, Britain is wayyyyy more safer/stable than Turkey with all due respect, though Turkey isn't doing bad compared to its peers in the middle east(i dont know if that will last though, ISIS and other extremist groups might change that.lol).8-)
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Brave last stand so much hate for the Kurds especially from there Muslim neighbours...
Like every nation Kurds may have a mixed history some bad some good like i know Saladin was a Kurd
You just praised a horde of Satan in the name of your God.

95% of all the Turks support IS when it comes to Kurds. And they have since the begining of the conflict. Since the begining of the conflict they have wanted to take control over the Kurdish regions. And they were right to be worried. Their father is getting burned .
It was a long time ago since Kurds were as united as they are now.
Brave last stand so much hate for the Kurds especially from there Muslim neighbours...
Like every nation Kurds may have a mixed history some bad some good like i know Saladin was a Kurd

It wasn't Kurds who started embracing western nationalist sentiments, it wasn't Kurds who occupied others land but here we are non-belivers, our women are halal etc. The muslim world cries for Filistin, yet they don't utter A WORD when it comes to Kurds.
95% of all the Turks support IS when it comes to Kurds. And they have since the begining of the conflict. Since the begining of the conflict they have wanted to take control over the Kurdish regions. And they were right to be worried. Their father is getting burned .
It was a long time ago since Kurds were as united as they are now.
PKK are just as bad as ISIS so shut it, Turkey is for Kurds too.
It wasn't Kurds who started embracing western nationalist sentiments, it wasn't Kurds who occupied others land but here we are non-belivers, our women are halal etc. The muslim world cries for Filistin, yet they don't utter A WORD when it comes to Kurds.

You collaborate with imperialists, Jews, communists against Muslim countries in the region.

You supported USA in the invasion, now you pay the price.
PKK are just as bad as ISIS so shut it, Turkey is for Kurds too.

Turkey for Kurds? Where have u been all these years? Turkey is for Turks since Ataturk. Remember there are no Kurds in Turkey, they are mountain Turks.
It wasn't Kurds who started embracing western nationalist sentiments, it wasn't Kurds who occupied others land but here we are non-belivers, our women are halal etc. The muslim world cries for Filistin, yet they don't utter A WORD when it comes to Kurds.
i will be honest here i don't have much knowledge regarding your conflict with the Turks....on Palestine there is clarity because the oppressor happens to be Non-Muslim country...just get the feeling here that tackling ISIS is not seen as a priority
I should be proud of that? Shut the phuck up, tearing up the middle east is something I am not proud of.

Oh oh, so you said I am not proud, and threw all the responsibility at others' back. Clever, very clever.

You know how many children suffer from birth defects or DEPLETED URANIUM???

This is you, this is USA:

It wasn't Kurds who started embracing western nationalist sentiments, it wasn't Kurds who occupied others land but here we are non-belivers, our women are halal etc. The muslim world cries for Filistin, yet they don't utter A WORD when it comes to Kurds.
Muslim world is a huge joke. No one will shed tears for you unless it's in their interest. If you want ti survive, first you should raise some brave leaders, not spineless ones like Barzani and other gangs who are fighting among themselves.
You do not like any of countries who have Kurdish population, but whether you like it or not, it was Iran who first and foremost, came to Kurds help and sent many arms for Barzani to repel the first wave of IS attacks. They were literally going to endanger Erbil and even capture it, since Barzani thought he was in a safe haven and he could finally exploit the situation in Iraq to achieve his dreams, but when the IS knocked on his door, things changed. You do not like Iran for whatever reason, but as Barzani himself said, Iran was the first country who came to your help, without asking for anything.

Another funny thing is that, while their brothers and sisters are being killed by IS, PJAK terrorists are still attacking Iran's borders these days. These paper tigers should go and show their teeth for IS, not for the same country who sent arms and advisers for fellow Kurds.

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