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FSA fighting with YPG in Eastern Kobanê.

Not really,it's just the truth behind the media campaign.I fail to see how burning Ataturk statues helps their situation with ISIS.How can you expect Turkey to help the people which killed their soldiers ?

It's like the Pakistani talibans asking for help from Pakistan if their brethren get slaughterd in Afghanistan by Afghan talibans.

go take care of your fellow Romanian beggers literally camping outside every single supermarket all over Sweden. Kurds aren't asking a shit from Turkey. Kurds are pissed over Turkey co-operating with them, closing the border to prevent Kurds from joining the fight. And we all know that with a buffer zone Turkey wants to take over kobanê when/if it falls, instead of letting arms go through.
How evil of the Turks not wanting to get involeved in a war for the sake of the same terrorist organisation that killed some 6k Turkish soldiers/policemen/public officials up to some few years ago.

As usual,Western public opinion is grossly misinformed ,presenting the Kurds as some secular champions of democracy.The same Kurds who sat idly watching while the SAA was butchered by jihadists just because they were not the ones attacked and were hoping for their own state on the back of beheaded Syrian soldiers.The same Kurds who sat by and watched,even rushed to grab some land as the Iraqi Army was routed by ISIS.The same Kurds who laughed at the Iraqis ,called them cowards and boasted about their military prowess.

Last but not least ,the same Kurds that some 90-100 years ago were at the forefront of massacres against Assyrians and other Christians in the ME,killing them were they stood,raping their women."God doesn't hit you with a bat" Kurds-remember that...it may take 100 years but somebody always pays for something,be those the sins of the fathers.What the Kurds were doing to Assyrians in the Nineveh plains and other locations some 100 years ago it's being done to them.Karma people,karma...now let them riot in Turkey untill Turkey gets fed up and goes hardline on their asses.
You said what's in my mind
Well,they were pulling the same stunts (ofcourse not massacres because that would upset their Western backers at lunch and look bad in the morning headlines) against the Assyrians in the Nineveh plains with the end goal being a good 'ol fashion cleansing of Christians and incorporation of their lands into glorious Kurdistan.Alas,it's time for a change of plans for the Kurds,with the new goal being survival right now.

How stupid can one actaully be. Kurds didn't do ANYTHING to Armenians. They started massacering Kurds in Wan, as anti-Islam and pan nationalist sentiments grew in Balkans against the ottoman, the Armenian did the same against Kurds. There is quote from a Russian general "Armenians are making their own undoing by killing all those people" which is exaclty what happened. Read Shattering Empires. The simple reason why Armenians are fooling us all is because of their successful lobbying in US. Assyrians, they begged for it and they recieved it good. Belive me The worst most inhumane brutal empire we have ever seen in this world was the assyrian empire. ffs they defected on the tigris spreading diseases to the babylonians on purpose, mass deportations, mass executions. And while the Brits did not want Kurds to have their seperate state coz of our oil in Kirkuk there was war between them. And those assyrians actively supported them. And it wasn't like the brits were fighting kindly, the first case of chemical weapons being used against civilians was by the RAF against Kurdish civilians. Kurdistan was a practice field where they experimented with all kinds of bombs. So Simko gave those fuckers a good pay back.

@flamer84 You are completely right. Were not the kurds who did not let arabs and turkmens refugee to come to kurd cities, when they were fleeing from ISIS? Now, kurds are begging for Turks and arabs support! Karma is really a bitch!
are over 2 million refugees in Kurdistan, most of them arabs and christians. Also according to CNN turk they should be thanking Peshmerga for protecting turkmens.

They what ? :mad:

Here u go

Contrary to most Turks here the people of Kobane/Ain-al Arab have my full support against a bunch of retarded psychopaths who slaughter innocent humans in the name of their idelology, the disgusting Wahabi-Salafist ideology. Go Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens of Kobane/Ain-Al Arab!
Looks like YPG militants can speak Turkish. Does YPG teach Syrian Kurds Turkish?

If the battle of Kobane had one good thing, it was indeed revealing the true face of some hypocrites who gambled on life of innocent people,who are driven out of their homes by the Black Disease of IS and fighting for their existence, only based on political hatred. Some even went as low as cheering for IS.

Whatever my country is guilty of, I am proud of my people who unanimously despise the IS disease and I'm quite happy that number of any possible IS sympathizers in my country is no more than a number impossible to be crushed easily.

As much as I hate the PJAK terrorists who are launching hit and run terrorist attacks on our borders even these days, I do sympathize with people of Kobane, and my heart goes with any human being that is fighting against the Black Disease, whether I agree with them politically or not.
I was more referring to talk of what the Kurds have been up to in the past 90-100 years and their present predicament being some sort of karma than whether Turkiye should or shouldn't help them !

If the Kurds have done something wrong in the past than the rest of us sure as hell have just as many skeletons in the closet and now when they're in a miserable condition....rubbing history into their faces in such a callous way is uncalled for !
if you go back long enough.. am sure there will be many who did very unpleasant things to others.. why should the present generation pay price.
karma is a nicer way to express rage and intention of revenge.
I said it earlier, Turkey who has nutured these terrorists scums, and who still surprisgly has as objective/aim(as stated by Erdogan recently) of toppling Assad, and leaving a power vacuum to be filled by these islamists beheaders(just look at lybia today, saddled with militias and no central government.:disagree:) will come back to hunt turkey just like Pakistan who did the same with the mujahideen/taliban in Afghanistan. You cant expect to support/finance/provide sanctuary and ammunitions to rag tag islamists fighters/militias/rebels/jihadists and expect they wont cause instability in your neighbourhood and eventually turn against you when your interests don't match anymore.

Moreover the more this conflict goes, the more arms the gulf states/west/saudi arabia etc will keep pouring weapons in the region to the 'Moderate syrian rebels':lol: the more arms the Kurds and other islamists militants will have, and the more instability/risk Turkey will face. The PKK will also benefit from this conflict no matter the outcome. Turkey is the only country who will come out at loss from this. It was indeed a big mistake to support the rebels in the first place. Turkey should have remained neutral and distance itself from this a la Jordan. Taking sides(the wrong one for that matter) was a huge mistake Erdogan made, whats even shocking is that he hasn't learned from his mistakes at all, he keeps going the same direction:disagree: Our governments can still afford to play this game of supporting these extremists and 'moderates' for geo-political reasons/interests since we are far away from the region and we have no border at all with these troubled region called the middle east. But Turkey's case/situation is different since it has a large border with both Syria and Iraq. so its decisions/views should be different.

I expect things to get alot worse for Turkey before they get any better in the coming moths/years.This is just the beginning.:bounce: Will be interesting to see what happens this coming days/months.:cheesy:

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