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Killing India’s hidden ‘Cold Start’ strategy

you indians got no chance if i were a betting person you wouldnt even be in the top ten ,you guys just call operaters ,your dreams are illusinary ,you look at a white face and say yes master ,imagine what the white manthinks of you ,you thin k they gonna let you shake of the york ,definatley not.
Come on guys Knock it off

Rafi I believe your remarks were provacative. I think we are being disrespectful.

We should admit that it are the Indians who make this forum interesting with their participation.

At times I too like to fool around with them but a person should know when it is enough.

I think this thread has become too volatile and sentiments of people are being hurt

Remember the basics The ultimate aim of war is peace

We cannot win the war against India unless we come to peace with them

We cannot come to peace till we remove animosity

Personally I love Pakistan but I do not hate India or Indians

Once Indians accept Pakistan at heart. Stop stealing our water. Stop terrorism in Pakistan. Resolve Kashmir, Siachin, Sir Creek. Hand over Col. Prohit who killed 93 Pakisatnis and injured 160 in the Samjotha Express bombing then we can love them all we want.

Until then no peace with them.
Once Indians accept Pakistan at heart. Stop stealing our water. Stop terrorism in Pakistan. Resolve Kashmir, Siachin, Sir Creek. Hand over Col. Prohit who killed 93 Pakisatnis and injured 160 in the Samjotha Express bombing then we can love them all we want.

Until then no peace with them.

Yeh bro. This sounds more like it! :sniper::sniper::sniper::sniper:
Once Indians accept Pakistan at heart. Stop stealing our water. Stop terrorism in Pakistan. Resolve Kashmir, Siachin, Sir Creek. Hand over Col. Prohit who killed 93 Pakisatnis and injured 160 in the Samjotha Express bombing then we can love them all we want.

Until then no peace with them.

Once pakistanis stop hating Hindus and Sikhs and start treating them like humans . Stop terrorism in India.stop dreaming of taking over delhi. Stop sending terrorists in Kashmir .Hand over dawood ibrahim , hafiz saeed , maulana masood azhar and others who have killed hundreds and thousands of people in india over the years.Then we can love pakistanis all we want.

Until then no peace with them.

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Once pakistanis stop hating Hindus and Sikhs and start treating them like humans . Stop terrorism in India.stop dreaming of taking over delhi. Stop sending terrorists in Kashmir .Hand over dawood ibrahim , hafiz saeed , maulana masood azhar and others who have killed hundreds and thousands of people in india over the years.Then we can love pakistanis all we want.

Until then no peace with them.


No, let them keep dreaming of Delhi. It's just too entertaining. :rofl:
what the bloody hell is this static? This is PDF, and the current discussion is about a war experience. In war, soldiers die. On all sides. It's war. Hello? I'm glad our friend, an active soldier, is sharing his accounts. As suggested, why don't you guys fish for some indian active or retired armed forces personnel and bring them on here. And realize that media covers mere fraction of what really happens on the ground, day to day, in war environment - especially a demanding one like kargil. I met a Lt in the US army a couple days back. A kind, spirited soldier, in a casual setting though he was in uniform. He was deployed - 1 in Ramadi, Iraq then later in Afghanistan. He had some stories you would never hear about in media, or in print. I can elaborate later elsewhere perhaps

But people who know the ways of the world can see through the media misinformation and figure out a picture roughly same as reality.
Scoring points over the death of hundreds of innocent men , women and children now ?

Shows how morally degraded some of you have become . Then you expect us to feel for those " peaceful kashmiris" .:tdown:

You can't compare the murder of 120 000 innocents in Kashmir by your T. Army with 200 in Bomby(Mumbai).:tdown::tdown::tdown:
^^^ @ Every pakistani who speaks about "poor" kashmiris (read muslims), What about the kashmiri pandits?

Does an entire community becomes refugee in its own country for fun?

P.S. I know that this is an OT post, but so are many many others.
Once Indians accept Pakistan at heart. Stop stealing our water. Stop terrorism in Pakistan. Resolve Kashmir, Siachin, Sir Creek. Hand over Col. Prohit who killed 93 Pakisatnis and injured 160 in the Samjotha Express bombing then we can love them all we want.

Until then no peace with them.

Well done. you prove yourself a true Pakistani. This policy must be rais and apply on India.:yahoo::pakistan::cheers:

We cant forget or step over 120 000 murders of Kashmiries, killed 93 Pakisatnis and injured 160 in the Samjotha Express bombing, only for peace talk with India.
Once pakistanis stop hating Hindus and Sikhs

We didn't hate Sikh but you tell me WHO KILLED THOUSENDS OF SIKHS IN PUNJAB??? I think you got the point.

Stop terrorism in India

Country which itself killing peoples in Kashmir, supporting terrorism in neighbor countries, can’t pretend of your words.

stop dreaming of taking over delhi.

We have no dream to take over delhi but we will take back Kashmir, Siachen, ser creek & Junagarh with Gujrat.
We didn't hate Sikh but you tell me WHO KILLED THOUSENDS OF SIKHS IN PUNJAB??? I think you got the point.


Country which itself killing peoples in Kashmir, supporting terrorism in neighbor countries, can’t pretend of your words.

We have no dream to take over delhi but we will take back Kashmir, Siachen, ser creek & Junagarh with Gujrat.

becouse of the very same mentality of you people in 1971 pakistan was cut into two by India , do you want more parts of pakistan?
becouse of the very same mentality of you people in 1971 pakistan was cut into two by India , do you want more parts of pakistan?

It was not India who cut in two parts it was already in two parts. You can check any world map of your choice. :lol:
Don't you think all the points that you have mentioned prooves that it is working???? Whatever we are doing only 2-3% of our GDP is being used. Care to look at the percentage of GDP you guys have to put in Defense. whether cold start is going to be a success or not, only time will tell. However at the moment it is doing two things

- It is putting additional burden on already fragile economy
- It is giving one simple message. There will not be a showdown like 2003, there will be action.

As said how much India will be successful in it is a matter of speculation which i am not interested in, however my advice ponder over the two points mentioned and then re-look at your post....

HAHAHA yea We all saw the ACTION by the IAF and the success it achieved with.. after the Mumbai drama. :)

The truth is that India is behaving like a superpower WANABE .. Like america used the pre-emtive strike doctrine to bomb iraq, afgh and a whole bunch of other third world countries, India wants to be like America. but the events after 2008 proved otherwise. Its a dream which will never be fulfilled. So the day that 'action' which u refer to is taken, the "reaction" will wipe u out.

Geedar Bhabkiyaan is all that India is capable off.
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