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Killing India’s hidden ‘Cold Start’ strategy

HAHAHA yea We all saw the ACTION by the IAF after the Mumbai drama. :)

Geedar Bhabkiyaan is all that India is capable off.
buddy, war is the worst thing can happened to any country..... i have seen the response of people who had seen today's bomb last in karachi. do you want to have same thing?? hopefully not. it is not that simple, there would be collateral damage
Its like de ja vue on this forum, I'm nationalistic as the next man, but it does get tedious after a while, having the same arguments over and over again.
Once Indians accept Pakistan at heart. Stop stealing our water. Stop terrorism in Pakistan. Resolve Kashmir, Siachin, Sir Creek. Hand over Col. Prohit who killed 93 Pakisatnis and injured 160 in the Samjotha Express bombing then we can love them all we want.

Until then no peace with them.

You dont LOVE INDIANS, Just hate us...:chilli:

We didn't hate Sikh but you tell me WHO KILLED THOUSENDS OF SIKHS IN PUNJAB??? I think you got the point.


Country which itself killing peoples in Kashmir, supporting terrorism in neighbor countries, can’t pretend of your words.

We have no dream to take over delhi but we will take back Kashmir, Siachen, ser creek & Junagarh with Gujrat.

If you have real guts other than on keyboard do it! i Like ur Boots daily if it happens...:devil:

It was not India who cut in two parts it was already in two parts. You can check any world map of your choice. :lol:

Joke of the Century... he means ONE PAKISTAN IN TO TWO

HAHAHA yea We all saw the ACTION by the IAF and the success it achieved with.. after the Mumbai drama. :)

The truth is that India is behaving like a superpower WANABE .. Like america used the pre-emtive strike doctrine to bomb iraq, afgh and a whole bunch of other third world countries, India wants to be like America. but the events after 2008 proved otherwise. Its a dream which will never be fulfilled. So the day that 'action' which u refer to is taken, the "reaction" will wipe u out.

Geedar Bhabkiyaan is all that India is capable off.

:rofl: This FEAR is v need... Wait till the Missile Defense Completely... Then v show the power of INDIA:cheers:

Till then Just Dream off:wave:
Pakistan, China, Bangladesh need to form a defense pact. All three respective nations have tension and ongoing conflict with a troublesome neighbor. It should be made clear any military attack on either of the three nations all nations will strike until complete surrender or destruction.

In fact, the best way to resolve this troublesome neighbor is to go on the offensive, a trilateral invasion. The enemy must be broken into mini states much of the land conquered and consumed. Each nation shall reach nirvana in the spoils of the physical and military process of taking control.

"Cold start".....tsk
china is sitting on india's head, this is more than enough

True, but all three nations must enjoy the spoils of the invasion. All three nations tearing into the neighbor until it becomes handicapped and crippled, complete surrender or complete valid destruction in accordance with laws of war if deemed necceasary.

All three nations have their common goals hence it's important for all to unify. Also there isn't a damn thing the enemy can do about the defense pact.
Pakistan, China, Bangladesh need to form a defense pact. All three respective nations have tension and ongoing conflict with a troublesome neighbor. It should be made clear any military attack on either of the three nations all nations will strike until complete surrender or destruction.

In fact, the best way to resolve this troublesome neighbor is to go on the offensive, a trilateral invasion. The enemy must be broken into mini states much of the land conquered and consumed. Each nation shall reach nirvana in the spoils of the physical and military process of taking control

"Cold start".....tsk

I say chap, that's some pretty strong stuff that you must be smoking! Nirvana indeed! :lol::lol:
True, but all three nations must enjoy the spoils of the invasion. All three nations tearing into the neighbor until it becomes handicapped and crippled, complete surrender or complete valid destruction in accordance with laws of war if deemed necceasary.

All three nations have their common goals hence it's important for all to unify. Also there isn't a damn thing the enemy can do about the defense pact.

Don't forget India's old friend Russia which is sitting on China's head or its new friend, the US which is sitting on Pakistan's head. If you want to see any action, it won't take more than 2 minutes for them to tear apart your wet dreams!! Nirvana indeed!! :rofl::rofl:

:rofl: This FEAR is v need... Wait till the Missile Defense Completely... Then v show the power of INDIA:cheers:

Till then Just Dream off:wave:

:rofl::rofl:oooooo Indian Missile defence I am getting afraid :rofl:
C'mon now,grow up kid.:lol:
India will only show his Power if(A BIG IF) he is ready to see the Power of Pakistan in reactionand Indian establishment is not silly...well I hope they are not
This is a useless thread about a failed Indian doctrine. Lets focus on some more beneficial threads.
^^ Either ways, you are gonna say how India is worse off compared to Pakistan.. why bother creating a new thread.. Lets have the same stuff here
So that's exactly what I said. The Pakistan was already in two. Check the world map for further elaboration.:)


Areesh don't hurt 'em yarrr....let them keep thinking that 1971 Pakistani Blunder was great Indian Millitary victory...:rofl:


But this time ,India has to face Pakistan Army on Western Sector.Let me remind you...Pakistan Army is also equipped with Nuclear Missiles Just like India :cheesy:

True, but all three nations must enjoy the spoils of the invasion. All three nations tearing into the neighbor until it becomes handicapped and crippled, complete surrender or complete valid destruction in accordance with laws of war if deemed necceasary.

All three nations have their common goals hence it's important for all to unify. Also there isn't a damn thing the enemy can do about the defense pact.

Wouldnt you love that.. Intellectual (pun) fantisizing is always a good release of frustration ;)
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