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Khan calls US govt inept and clueless

Wait wait kashmir game is just started. This is why we say where you stop thinking we start thinking. You think kashmir issue is closed. As student of history I feel it is just started.. enjoy the game. Not just the kashmir kerala and Indian Punjab is there as well

They keep on reminding, reiterating and reassuring themselves, that "Kashmir issue is closed"., precisely for the reason that they, in their hearts, don't believe it at all. It is as much as an out of business old prostitute keeps on hoping, for a rich customer. :lol:

Let them have this "good feel" thing.
US will adopt a ignore policy towards Pakistan infact the day Biden became President of US they have been ignoring Pakistani govt. Its not a surprise. 90s decade was testimonial to that. Also few sanctions are coming up but Pakistani govt and militarily establishment has already aligned themselves with China unlike 10 years back.
230 millions can not be ignored. When they are situated geographically on point where it can make n break world order.. if they keep follow this policy they will keep embarrassing themselves.. let them do and get embarrass.
You are accepting now. Why they invested money on wrong horse. It was amaraicn ignorance they did not knew 350k Boggs soldiers they were training. Kayani told them in 2010 I think. Again it was their ignorance to not accepting the reality.
Now come to Pakistan's economic problems. It has nothing to do with usa n west. I am here in Pakistan since last 10 days or more. I tell you people go n buy plots houses with millions cash in their bags which you can not imagine to do in west. 95 percent Pakistanis own their house and with out any loans from banks . 95 percent Pakistanis have houses with out any liability. In west everyone is paying installments or rents. Pakistan is much more rich then many countries in west. Pakistan dont have registered economy. This is problem and it is topic for other day.

let us assume what you say is true. Pakistan exports $25 billion. There is another $20 billion in remmitances
where is the money coming from ?
let us assume what you say is true. Pakistan exports $25 billion. There is another $20 billion in remmitances
where is the money coming from ?
You don't know Pakistan so I don't want to talk to you. Bro. 28 billions remittance correct yourself recent numbers if I am not wrong
You don't know Pakistan so I don't want to talk to you. Bro. 28 billions remittance correct yourself recent numbers if I am not wrong

Okay make it
Pakistan exports $25 billion. There is another $30 billion in remmitances

Explain the math
Imran Khan has the tendency to wash his dirty linen in public. This will backfire big time. Teach Imran some diplomacy please.

He is not washing HIS dirty laundry in public rather its America's. Your Modi however gone in his shell, no jhappi or hugs, is he sulking ? lol
I g
Okay make it
Pakistan exports $25 billion. There is another $30 billion in remmitances

Explain the math
I give you example. I am in Pakistan these days and I saw people buying land and houses cash in hand. No mortgage system. Pakistani swam is much more rich then half of Europe. I was with my friends in property dealer office yesterday and I saw people carrying millions in cash to buy property and I asked him how it works he said people have hel of money but they hide it. Houses worth of millions but no one is there to live. So you don’t worry about Pakistan.
Now come to register economy
28 billions Remittances
18 billions expors
Then public service amount of 4 billions
Now pakistaní government is working on tourism which internal worth around 8 billions. So bro
Pakistan has much more potential
Only pakistanís don’t know there true potential
Free lance software industry worth 8 billions..
if we fix Afganistán issue which is using Pakistan’s money after their 9 billions were blocked.
pakistans rise is sure
Wait and see
Pakistan needs 52 billions Yearly
Clueless, inept, “come on man”; Biden is sometimes easily distracted. But honestly, he did an “Irish Exit” on all things Afghanistan and pivoted to Asia.

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Khan put his chitar in oil last night and what happened next morning is part of history. US needs to be put on defensive otherwise they will start shifting blame on us for their incompetence in Afghanistan. Imagine if we had Nawaza here pant uttar kar apni paish kar raha hota sala.

Khan doesnt hold back.. US and Pakistan will br future nemises

The problem with the current american government is that it is out on all fronts.

On the domestic front, they are going all guns blazing on their extreme leftist agenda. The who cacameme about trans-gender rights, covid-19 marshal plan, the so-called empathy toward refugees and immigrants and of course their whole transformation to bring a woman in the White House. The leftist government is swinging it's bat in every direction and at anyone who opposes them. This has divided the americans to the extent, they are ill equipped to bring any semblance of sanity to the country.

Whereas on the foreign front, the american government has pivoted toward China. All the while they are also poking Russia, wherever and whenever they can. The american government has been pushing even on its allies, like Germany. With the latter, they have been pushing for Germany to abandon its trade of Gas from Russia. Europe's left with a bad taste in their mouths, with how america has treated it. In the Pacific, the americans have pushed their ally, Japan, to take a more aggressive approach toward a military build up. With the creation of an Eastern Wing - NATO (quad), america seems to be pushing on all fronts.

In the case of Afghanistan, the americans had no choice but to abandon its longest running war, in history. With so much stirred up by the americans across the globe, it seems that even america cannot do it all, at the same time. The time is creeping up on the americans, it is something that they no longer have as a luxury anymore. China has demonstrated to the world, the most rapid expansion of military by any nation, in history. And that is what has made america run out of time, the same as it is running out money ($28 trillion debt in the hole) and the same as it is being blunted by its opponents, everywhere it has started wars (Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan & Yemen.

But the most inexplicable thing in all of this, has nothing to do with americans! ..... Yup, I am talking about you .... Yes you Pakistanis. What is inexplicable about Pakistanis, is that they are divided, haphazard and continually being led astray on the domestic front. Yet, it's military and government (current one) seems to have notched up successive victories under its belt. Why is it that Pakistanis are so divided? What seems to be the confusion here? Why is it always that Pakistanis either get led astray by religious fanatics (not actual scholars of Islam), liberal lunatics, impostor Muslims, racial extremists and/or political group of crazed monkeys?

Has Islam not entered our hearts? Have we not witnessed events unfolding which the Noble Qur'an speaks of? Are we not strong enough in faith to see history unraveling itself before the world?

I honestly yearn for the day that Pakistanis unite as Muslims, under the flag of Islam. Educated, of sound mind, calm and deadly in their foresight. Could it ever happen? I pray to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah that Pakistanis manage to establish Imaan in their hearts .... REAL IMAAN, REAL HONESTY, REAL INTREGRITY, REAL FORESIGHT and REAL LOVE FOR ALLAH SUBHANAHU WATA'AALAH. Because when you do, my beloved countrymen/women .... there is nothing that will come in our way, when we stand firm in Imaan and attain knowledge (both seen and unseen).

I pray that day comes ... because on that day, the kuffar will quiver and squirm in fear, They will not just fear a Muslim Pakistani army, but more than that they will fear the Firaasah of Mu'mins in Pakistan.
Actually they know, this is exactly how Americans planned and executed their interests in the region, the only clueless here is Imran Khan who is not intelligent enough to understand the game.
Nope. Imran Khan is correct. US gov, as a whole had no clue what it got itself involved with in Afghanistan. The disconnect here is that the Kabul regime was also duplicitous in its actions. Covertly backing terrorists to attack Pakistan. A response was inevitable.
You mean Biden said Afghanistan army will fight. Kabul will not fall and after 2 trillions dollars investment. it looks like you are clueless. What kind of shit did you smoke.
It was all part of the plan. :lol: :lol:
They are a super power because their ancestors where smart. They are just running off of their success now.
Quality of western imperialist has diminished massively. Too many Indians in higher positions. :lol: :lol:
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This aptly describes the situation:
Excerpt from the article: "In the span of the last 20 years, the United States not only lost in Afghanistan, but more importantly, it lost Pakistan. This loss will not even factor in any meaningful discourse as global empires seldom give to objective retrospection. Perhaps in time there might be those brave enough in the US establishment to shed light on what is likely to be America’s single largest foreign policy disaster since Vietnam. The loss of Pakistan to the other side of the foreboding bi-polar world."


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