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Khan calls US govt inept and clueless

No, it will be as before - both countries will work together where there national interests align, and will continue to work against each other where they are in conflict.
After US withdrawal from Afg, are there any areas left were US/Pak interests align?
You mean Biden said Afghanistan army will fight. Kabul will not fall and after 2 trillions dollars investment. it looks like you are clueless. What kind of shit did you smoke.
Amreekans were clueless in Vietnam, they were clueless in bay of pigs, they were clueless in noko and they were clueless in A-Stan and the list is quite long.. so what's new...
Bad timing. Not nice words against super power.Pakistan might pay for it later, probably fatf or drone strike.
IK is expecting Americans to somehow eat humble pie, learn and be humble, and live happily ever after. I like IK, but he is being seriously naive. US is going to be hurt, it will lick its wounds, reset, lock and load and like the Cowboy in the old west will return to exact revenge. It is how it operates. There is no learning by Americans that art of Americanism was perhaps lost post WWII, perhaps they never had it. US has a manifest destiny and no tin pot 3rd world country is going to teach them anything. So Pakistan better buckle up and get ready. The snakes within its midst have to be ruthlessly culled. Expect a reset West, coming back - this time they'll beef up (sorry for the pun) the Saffron brigade. They'll completely look the other way (as they did with Stalin), as they come gunning for China. In the midst of that little old PK will get screwed. Pakistan cannot maneuver around this shift. We are too poor and too weak. Pakistan has to double down with the Chinese and do it quick. Just as Pakistan did during the cold war in order to survive the Indian/Russian nexus, Pakistan needs to survive this new nexus Quad/US, and the only rodeo in town is China.

The only way this can be slowed down or reverted is some jolt to the financial system which results in massive dollar devaluation. That might slow it down, but could conversely even speed idiocy in the military industrial complex. God help the world, we are all in for scary decades to come.
Why your Modi don't give interview to international or Indian media. I never seen him given any interview in his tenure as PM.

It all depends on local their position.

Still imran khan is fighting with opposition parties, media, election administration, courts etc...

Every times he need to give the statements on all issues for local audiences including talking on international relationships.

Mostly, he gets the support from local audiences while talking on international relationships but it does backfire at actually international relationship with other countries.. Many examples are available...

At thr same time, Modi is not facing any such heat.. International relationships handle by foreign Office and internal political crisis manage by few other BJP leaders I.e Amit shah...... So Modi can focus on only administration part of government... He is election to do this government job but not to fight with others on a daily basis.

Imran khan and ministers always say that whatever issues in Pakistan because of previous governments but Modi does not repeat the same word on a daily basis.
Hold on your horses kid, Afghan war has been fought by 4 different presidents, Americans knew what they are coming in Afghanistan for, yes they made some wrong calculation but IK is in no position to claim that Americans are clueless when IK himself know jack, Americans are super Power for a reason and not that India type SHUPA PAWA but an actual super power who are still calling the shots around the world to by a large extent.
Knew or not, planned or miss planned, US power had started declining even before Afghan pull out. China showing eyes and RF annexing Crimea and helping Asad govt in syria are open enough examples.
US will decline a lot in next 10 years and wont be able to excercise its soft power in world organizations.
It all depends on local their position.

Still imran khan is fighting with opposition parties, media, election administration, courts etc...

Every times he need to give the statements on all issues for local audiences including talking on international relationships.

Mostly, he gets the support from local audiences while talking on international relationships but it does backfire at actually international relationship with other countries.. Many examples are available...

At thr same time, Modi is not facing any such heat.. International relationships handle by foreign Office and internal political crisis manage by few other BJP leaders I.e Amit shah...... So Modi can focus on only administration part of government... He is election to do this government job but not to fight with others on a daily basis.

Imran khan and ministers always say that whatever issues in Pakistan because of previous governments but Modi does not repeat the same word on a daily basis.
Bro modi is useless extreme right wing. Poison inside body and ready to kill itself anytime..
Actually they know, this is exactly how Americans planned and executed their interests in the region, the only clueless here is Imran Khan who is not intelligent enough to understand the game.
Now that’s a load of copium
If west keep following India n try to blame Pakistan. Then this policy is failure n it will keep embarrassing them in future. Pakistan was telling them truth and still Pakistan is telling them truth but they are not ready to accept it. Truth will never change if they keep denying it.
Just curious,what truth was Pakistan telling.
Bro modi is useless extreme right wing. Poison inside body and ready to kill itself anytime..

I would say that is a kind of ignorance of Pak media which serves Pakistani people.

Being a Pakistani might Modi is not good because of conflict between both countries including Kashmir.
But they forget that even left-wing (congress) were in central (Example - 2003 to 2014) and before the 1990s, relationship with the crises was remain the same.

Only two decisions of Modi in India were criticized or criticizing by few Indians:

2. New Farm Law

I believe that everyone having the right to protect in a democratic country. I take it in a positive way...

Others example_ ghar wapsi, love jihab - these are small issues.... it is not even one-sided.
Example - In India, the Christian community will give you money and a house (many places) if you convert and join the Christian community, The money comes from foreign countries.

Even, he does talks about democracy..... If anyone will talk about Hinduism then he will not be elected. Modi will only be elected in the next coming election if he will perform well. NO expectation of being a Hindu, supporting Hinduism, or from the right-wing.

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So Pakistan was bombed 480 times by the US helping the US secure it's interests against its own, and somehow Pakistan is the bad guy. This is what hubris and delusion looks like.

Blame mushraf he was just to weak to say no USA demands
Pakistan society is not at all in any mood to progress and IK has failed to infuse any dynamism in this decaying lot.
I would say that is a kind of ignorance of Pak media which serves Pakistani people.

Being a Pakistani might Modi is not good because of conflict between both countries including Kashmir.
But they forget that even left-wing (congress) were in central (Example - 2003 to 2014) and before the 1990s, relationship with the crises was remain the same.

Only two decisions of Modi in India were criticized or criticizing by few Indians:

2. New Farm Law

I believe that everyone having the right to protect in a democratic country. I take it in a positive way...

Others example_ ghar wapsi, love jihab - these are small issues.... it is not even one-sided.
Example - In India, the Christian community will give you money and a house (many places) if you convert and join the Christian community, The money comes from foreign countries.

Even, he does talks about democracy..... If anyone will talk about Hinduism then he will not be elected. Modi will only be elected in the next coming election if he will perform well. NO expectation of being a Hindu, supporting Hinduism, or from the right-wing.

Bro I am big fan of him and all Pakistani must support him. We want to give him time to kill its host body.
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