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Khan calls US govt inept and clueless

One argument please where is American trained 350 k army n Kabul will fall in 6 months then Kabul will fall in 4 months then kubl will fall in 24 hours. Who was telling this to us.. sir please deny me with facts. N prof me wrong that you are still clueless. It is Joe who said I will not pass this mess to 5th president rit? Sir it batter for Americans to accept new realities. Blameing Pakistan will not help them as it did not helped them in past. They just lost best friend which made them solo supper power of the world in 1980z after defeating soviet. They just lost fighting hand. Now no one will fight for them they lost respect of its allies after leaving them middle of war helpless n same Pakistan came to rescue them with PIA.

Ok, fair enough so lets understand this point by point...
America train Afghan army but they all ran away, who's fault it is ? Americans or Afghan soldiers? Bhai Americans as I said miscalculated to some extent, they trained ANA to fight just as they trained NATO and East European and almost half the world armies, but if the student turn out to be bad its not a teachers fault.

Joe Biden was right to end the war, but America extracted a lot from this war, if you know what Americans were doing in Afghanistan then you know that from that angle they did not lose, a coworker of mine told me his father fought in Vietnam and he believes America won, his Idea of Winning is that Americans killed more than their enemies hence Winning...

Now, Why I am saying IK is clueless, because look at Pakistan? are we any better ? Pakistan is facing massive deadly attacks and yet IK is clueless about who is to blame or fight, he can not even launch a operation in Tribal areas to fight the insurgency, let alone make a hard decision.

Americans knew what they are signing up for in Afghanistan, Spying on Pak/China, Destabilizing Pakistan, Drug trade, Mineral extraction, and in words of another American President to launch a Crusade, they killed many and destroyed a country, and its Political and societal infrastructure to a point of no return, so how are they clueless? just because the Army they trained ran ? I mean seriously ? And for them running in middle of night, its been explained by many respectable members that it was done on purpose that the information was kept secret so those who are sympathetic towards Taliban or ISIS within Afghan Army will not pass the information and so they avoid getting attacked during the evacuations.
American showed their weakness when they started blaming Pakistan for its failure. This is great mistake to show your weakness when you are fighting backyard of two atomic powers Pakistan n China then there is another supper power(Russia)waiting for revenge. Man since the day one it was wrong planning rong judgement to take three supper powers plus Iran. I am still surprised by American ignorance
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Ok, fair enough so lets understand this point by point...
America train Afghan army but they all ran away, who's fault it is ? Americans or Afghan soldiers? Bhai Americans as I said miscalculated to some extent, they trained ANA to fight just as they trained NATO and East European and almost half the world armies, but if the student turn out to be bad its not a teachers fault.

Joe Biden was right to end the war, but America extracted a lot from this war, if you know what Americans were doing in Afghanistan then you know that from that angle they did not lose, a coworker of mine told me his father fought in Vietnam and he believes America won, his Idea of Winning is that Americans killed more than their enemies hence Winning...

Now, Why I am saying IK is clueless, because look at Pakistan? are we any better ? Pakistan is facing massive deadly attacks and yet IK is clueless about who is to blame or fight, he can not even launch a operation in Tribal areas to fight the insurgency, let alone make a hard decision.

Americans knew what they are signing up for in Afghanistan, Spying on Pak/China, Destabilizing Pakistan, Drug trade, Mineral extraction, and in words of another American President to launch a Crusade, they killed many and destroyed a country, and its Political and societal infrastructure to a point of no return, so how are they clueless? just because the Army they trained ran ? I mean seriously ? And for them running in middle of night, its been explained by many respectable members that it was done on purpose that the information was kept secret so those who are sympathetic towards Taliban or ISIS within Afghan Army will not pass the information and so they avoid getting attacked during the evacuations.
You are accepting now. Why they invested money on wrong horse. It was amaraicn ignorance they did not knew 350k Boggs soldiers they were training. Kayani told them in 2010 I think. Again it was their ignorance to not accepting the reality.
Now come to Pakistan's economic problems. It has nothing to do with usa n west. I am here in Pakistan since last 10 days or more. I tell you people go n buy plots houses with millions cash in their bags which you can not imagine to do in west. 95 percent Pakistanis own their house and with out any loans from banks . 95 percent Pakistanis have houses with out any liability. In west everyone is paying installments or rents. Pakistan is much more rich then many countries in west. Pakistan dont have registered economy. This is problem and it is topic for other day.
You are accepting now. Why they invested money on wrong horse. It was amaraicn ignorance they did not knew 350k Boggs soldiers they were training. Kayani told them in 2010 I think. Again it was their ignorance to not accepting the reality.
Now come to Pakistan's economic problems. It has nothing to do with usa n west. I am here in Pakistan since last 10 days or more. I tell you people go buy plots will millions cash in their bags which you can not imagine to do in west. 95 percent Pakistanis owns their house and with outany loans from banks . 95 percent Pakistanis houses with out any liability. In west everyone paying installments or rents. Pakistan is much more rich then many countries in west. Pakistan dont have registered economy. This is problem and it is topic for other day.

Training soldiers who lost or ran away doesn't show that Americans are clueless about Afghanistan yaar. Secondly buying houses in cash does not mean anything, 1USD is 169 PKR today, that speaks a lot about Pakistan's economy, but lets not go there.
"They are absolutely clueless" qualifies to be called a...

But every time IK speaks to Americans, a new Hashtag is born! #Ignorant&Clueless
Bro pl
Training soldiers who lost or ran away doesn't show that Americans are clueless about Afghanistan yaar. Secondly buying houses in cash does not mean anything, 1USD is 169 PKR today, that speaks a lot about Pakistan's economy, but lets not go there.
Bro please. If I am your worker and you giving me salary and you don't know if I am going to office or not. then who is to blame.You or your enemy ? Simple question. If I don't know about my staff who is getting salaries from my bank account then I must die with shame.
Hold on your horses kid, Afghan war has been fought by 4 different presidents, Americans knew what they are coming in Afghanistan for, yes they made some wrong calculation but IK is in no position to claim that Americans are clueless when IK himself know jack, Americans are super Power for a reason and not that India type SHUPA PAWA but an actual super power who are still calling the shots around the world to by a large extent.
They are a super power because their ancestors where smart. They are just running off of their success now.
Actually they know, this is exactly how Americans planned and executed their interests in the region, the only clueless here is Imran Khan who is not intelligent enough to understand the game.
I wouldn’t say clueless, US establishment had all the classified intelligence reports from the ground. Deep state/establishment was just ignorant and generals lied to politicians. Partially reason being #1.Top 5 defense contractors that strategically employ thousands of workers in every state were on a Federal dollars gravy train. #2. Deep state doesn’t want to admit they F’ed up and face the embarrassment.

Clueless: No. Ignorant: Yes

I wouldn’t say clueless, US establishment had all the classified intelligence reports from the ground. Deep state/establishment was just ignorant and generals lied to politicians. Partially reason being #1.Top 5 defense contractors that strategically employ thousands of workers in every state were on a Federal dollars gravy train. #2. Deep state doesn’t want to admit they F’ed up and face the embarrassment.

Clueless: No. Ignorant: Yes

If they knew it and they did not corrected their mistake then man they must be court-martial. They all must be in prison for their ignorance.
I wouldn’t say clueless, US establishment had all the classified intelligence reports from the ground. Deep state/establishment was just ignorant and generals lied to politicians. Partially reason being #1.Top 5 defense contractors that strategically employ thousands of workers in every state were on a Federal dollars gravy train. #2. Deep state doesn’t want to admit they F’ed up and face the embarrassment.

Clueless: No. Ignorant: Yes

By the way this anchor is amaraica's arnab guswami lol
Imran Khan has the tendency to wash his dirty linen in public. This will backfire big time. Teach Imran some diplomacy please.
If they knew it and they did not corrected their mistake then man they must be court-martial. They all must be in prison for their ignorance.

By the way this anchor is amaraica's arnab guswami lol
Fox News overall is arnab kusswami. But sometimes they are right.
Actually they know, this is exactly how Americans planned and executed their interests in the region, the only clueless here is Imran Khan who is not intelligent enough to understand the game.
No he is not clueless. He is putting pressure on USA. Showing them the mirror.
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