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Khameini said India was better when Muslims ruled it

Then look at performance of Indians in the west compared to the "superiors" and have another chuckle/groan.

India has a much larger expat population, which probably explains why it has more wealthy individuals. There's also the Mirpuri factor that you need to consider.
Muslims quickly settled in India and have left a strong cultural legacy. Much of your food, language, and infrastructure comes from Muslims.

No they weren't, Hinduism came about with the Vedic people, who also didn't come from India:


Science dictates that Indians tend to have lower IQs than Pakistanis, so listen to your superiors.

you are wrong.90 % of our food has no connection to muslim culture.I was born and brought up in rural India and i have seen what people of india eat mostly. You are also wrong about language.95 % of indian language has no connection to Urdu or any Arabi language.We have basically 2 sets of language.One which was originated from Sanskrit (Indo-Aryan) and another set is from Dravidian languages.
You have not done proper research on Hinduism.You think Hinduism started after Aryan came to India.Hinduism(Sanatan dharma) was here much before vedic people (Aryan) came.Yoga is much older,at least 5000 years old.Later it was refined my Patanjali but it was not brought by Aryan.Meditation practice was much before Aryan came here.You can see the Lord shiva on meditation posture on one of the paintings found in Indus Valley civilization. It is altogether a separate discussion but Jaina says that Mahavira was his last Thirthankara of 24 Thirthankara. We dont have any solid proof for all 24 of them but we know about last three.24th thirthankara was Mahavira who was born around 500 BC.I consider Jainism older than Hinduism.They found swastika symbol in Indus Valley Civilization which is basically Jaina symbol and but later Hindus started using this symbol.
Dieties like shiva,shakti are Dravidian deities.They were worshiping these deities before Aryan came here.Aryan brought their own dieties like Varun,Indra etc..Present day Hinduism is amalgam of Aryan culture and Dravidian India which was before Aryan.

However i agree with most of you about the discriminatory caste system and other crappy things in Hindus which were basically enforced by Brahmins (Aryan you can say).Caste system and idolatry was started by Brahmins.There are many more $hitty superstitious things Hindus do today.These things are because Brahmins.
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LOL! Khameini is so butt hurt. His Islamic supremacy tendancies won't work any more.

Yes, Pakistan which has less public defecation, less rape, a higher median wealth, better roads, better pilots (not a single Indian can hold a candle in front of MM Alam), a higher average IQ, a better representation of minorities in the government, more nuclear missiles, doesn't kill people for eating beef, doesn't drink cow urine, sent rockets to space in the 60s where as India is only doing so now, ranks higher on the happiness index, has produced a much better fighter jet (Thunder > Tejas), etc.

I highly doubt that. Prior to Islamic rule, India was pretty terrible. Muslims renewed civilisation in your land, just like the Vedic people before them and the European people after them.
LOL! Do you live in parallel universe. You guys are full talk no substance.

Normally Pakistanis in PDF pretend as if they speak sense but when backed with facts they sulk down. You are just going to be just an another example of that category.

PDF Pakistanis say that they have produced a better jet than Tejas every minute just like you said which means that JF17 is an indigenous Pakistani development.

But when we Indians counter that claim by saying that going by that logic then SU30 MKI can also be called as an indigenous plane because we manufacture it from raw materials phase unlike JF17 which is just being assembled.

Going by JF17 logic India has 2 indigenous planes unlike Pakistan which has only one semi indigenous plane. LOL! There goes Khurram sir's supremacy down the drain.

Typical reaction of Pakistanis after hearing this will be we never claimed that JF17 is a indigenous place, we only claim producing it. LOL! LOL!

Khurramji I am amazed at your IQ level.

Even when 50% of the Islamic lands are engulfed in civil wars you guys, including Khameini, are speaking with such supremacist tendencies then how you guys will behave when you really have upper hand, only God knows it.
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India has a much larger expat population, which probably explains why it has more wealthy individuals. There's also the Mirpuri factor that you need to consider.
He was talking about household income...According to 2016 survey Average household income of Indian American is 1,22,000 $ on the other hand average household income of Pakistani American is 62,000 $...
agree with most of you about the discriminatory caste system and other crappy things in Hindus which were basically enforced by Brahmins (Aryan you can say).Caste system and idolatry was started by Brahmins.There are many more $hitty superstitious things Hindus do today.These things are because Brahmins.
Here it comes.

The confession.

You have summed up what Hinduism is.
He was talking about household income...According to 2016 survey Average household income of Indian American is 1,22,000 $ on the other hand average household income of Pakistani American is 62,000 $...

some of the gap can be explained by Indian American women working while pakistani American women are stay at home
India was indeed great under Mughal rule.

But it was equally great under Mauryan Rule and Gupta rule. Perhaps even greater during the Mauryan empire. But I don't expect a Mullah from Iran to have knowledge of these ancient empires, IF at all this is a verified account.
little correction under Guptas
Do you have any numbers to back it up?

i do not have raw statistical data. I run into lots of Indian and chinese women professionals in the high tech industry. I do meet a few Iranian women professionals and a few from Turkey or Egypt or Lebanon. I have never met anyone from pakistan
you are wrong.90 % of our food has no connection to muslim culture.I was born and brought up in rural India and i have seen what people of india eat mostly. You are also wrong about language.95 % of indian language has no connection to Urdu or any Arabi language.We have basically 2 sets of language.One which was originated from Sanskrit (Indo-Aryan) and another set is from Dravidian languages.
You have not done proper research on Hinduism.You think Hinduism started after Aryan came to India.Hinduism(Sanatan dharma) was here much before vedic people (Aryan) came.Yoga is much older,at least 5000 years old.Later it was refined my Patanjali but it was not brought by Aryan.Meditation practice was much before Aryan came here.You can see the Lord shiva on meditation posture on one of the paintings found in Indus Valley civilization. It is altogether a separate discussion but Jaina says that Mahavira was his last Thirthankara of 24 Thirthankara. We dont have any solid proof for all 24 of them but we know about last three.24th thirthankara was Mahavira who was born around 500 BC.I consider Jainism older than Hinduism.They found swastika symbol in Indus Valley Civilization which is basically Jaina symbol and but later Hindus started using this symbol.
Dieties like shiva,shakti are Dravidian deities.They were worshiping these deities before Aryan came here.Aryan brought their own dieties like Varun,Indra etc..Present day Hinduism is amalgam of Aryan culture and Dravidian India which was before Aryan.

However i agree with most of you about the discriminatory caste system and other crappy things in Hindus which were basically enforced by Brahmins (Aryan you can say).Caste system and idolatry was started by Brahmins.There are many more $hitty superstitious things Hindus do today.These things are because Brahmins.

This is the tendency of most Hindus as per my observation, they just fall over heels to criticize themselves.

Not one person from Abrahamic faith will accept that Shia, Sunni, Al Sauds, Gaddafis, Alwaites, are castes. They will give 1000 excuses but will never accept them as castes/
Wow. This is kick in the nuts for Indians !

"The dignity and majesty of the Indian peninsula was highest during the time Muslims ruled over it; and the biggest blow that the British stroke in this important area was abolishing the eminent Islamic civilization."

Supreme leader of Iran Khameini
Sir do you want the looted treasures back from Iran which were looted by Mr Nadir Shah, same as you demanded for Kohinoor.

RSS history on the rocks.

And what did hindus do with their wealth?

Muslim rule brought in culture, clothing, architecture, arts, cuisine, weapons, administration everything.

What do you have to show for India's glorious pre Islamic past?
A few broken Ashok Stambhas?
You are a teacher I believe and from West Bengal reading in a govt school. History here which is taught is free from RSS influence by any means.
In those books as well Gupta period is called the golden period of Indian History.
I know right!
No forced conversions
No communal tensions
No fake absurd hegemonic territorial claims
Sir do you want the looted treasures back from Iran which were looted by Mr Nadir Shah, same as you demanded for Kohinoor.

You are a teacher I believe and from West Bengal reading in a govt school. History here which is taught is free from RSS influence by any means.
In those books as well Gupta period is called the golden period of Indian History.
As per my observation from his name,He is one of poor low caste Hindus convert to Muslim.His grudge for Hindus (Brahminvad)can be understood.4000 years of oppression could obviously make you see only the negative aspect of your own legacy.He forgets that how Muslim invader plundered and murdered his forefathers,destroyed Indian culture,temples etc.He is full of hate.

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