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Khameini said India was better when Muslims ruled it

i believe i do look like my ancestors agterall I am a Dhar.

nope, but it was not as bad as it was for aboriginals like you.

brahmins were not forced to pay jizya by muslim kings like rest of you beside 2 kings. some kings even forced Desi muslims to pay jizya like ummyads did to persian muslims.

Rudra is a Rigvedic god retard :lol:,infact he is one of the most powerful god in rigved after Indra, Agni, Soma and Surya. Shiva is his auspicious roop while Rudra is his basically Alpha male roop. even the title Mahadev is used for Vedic god like Shiva for thousands of years. Maha-Greater, Deva-God in Sanskrit.

when Vedic tribes used to go out for hinting they used to call Rudra to help them in hunting and protect their womenfolk when they were away. dont try teach me my own religion kid.

Listen you brainwashed dumb.I know more than you and your central Asian clan.What makes you think that i am a low caste Hindu.I do'nt associate myself with any religion or caste.Let me educate you. Rudra was not your deity initially. You integrated him in your list of deities. Adiyogi(Rudra) was here much before your central asian clan came here.
Ever read history?you might know that Shiva (Pashupati) on meditation posture was discovered from Indus valley civilization.Now dont claim that you people came here before Indus valley civilization.
You talking about discrimination you faced earlier?How Idiot and dumb you are to ignore the discriminatory attitude you had for last thousands of years and you still have the same attitude.What discrimination you are talking about?check the current central government Modi's misters list .You will find more than of 70% of the ministers are Brahmins.do you think your population is 70 % here in this country?
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Nice, so you have history of 3 religions in you family. Do you belong to any tribe ? Do you have any memory of belonging to any tribe/caste ?

Yes. Unfortunately, we in Punjab also have an established caste system; though it is declining with time, which is good, as far as I am concerned. My clan/tribe is Jat; and goat is Sipra (or Sapra). But this caste system exists across the religions. So, you would find Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, in my clan & goat. For example, one spokesman of INC, from Mumbai, is Charan Singh Sapra.

I used to be just like you and still do, but when I started growing up and faced discrimination and human rights abuse just becauseof my origin I started to understand how real world works.

I am a lonewolf now. ;)

Still, you may try to revert back. For a start, you may seek some sort of peace with the poster "TheSeeker". I believe that one's fundamental ideology should not be effected by the circumstances. Conflict in the life is another thing, which is not avoidable. But there is no inherent contradiction between both. I think that Bhagvat Geeta presents it in a very refined way.
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Still, you may try to revert back. For a start, you may seek some sort of peace with the poster "TheSeeker". I believe that one's fundamental ideology should not be effected by the circumstances. Conflict in the life is another thing, which is not avoidable. But there is no inherent contradiction between both. I think that Bhagvat Geeta presents it in a very refined way.
Sir I salute you for your beautiful remarks.
Thanks Bro. Allah aap ko khush rakhay.

I think that Bhagvat Geeta presents it in a very refined way.
Sir,You are talking about Bhagvat Geeta to a very arrogant guy.Does he realize that Krishna was yadav. One of those aboriginal slaves that he mentioned earlier. Common Agnihotra ,tell us whether Krishna who revealed the greatest spiritual teaching (Geeta) of Hindus ,was one of central Asian brahmins.?
Sir,You are talking about Bhagvat Geeta to a very arrogant guy.Does he realize that Krishna was yadav. One of those aboriginal slaves that he mentioned earlier. Common Agnihotra ,tell us whether Krishna who revealed the greatest spiritual teaching (Geeta) of Hindus ,was one of central Asian brahmins.?

I would say that don't be hard on "Agnihotra". We must understand a few common things about religions:

1) Religious associations are fundamentally emotional and spiritual.
2) Invariably, a sanctity and sacredness is ascribed to all religious concepts, customs and symbols.
3) All the religions have multiple interpretations and exegesis, even according to its own followers.

These above three essential features, of virtually all the religions, therefore, warrant that in mutually discussing the religion, we must retain tolerance and forbearance, towards each other. That is what my poor comprehension is.
I would say that don't be hard on "Agnihotra". We must understand a few common things about religions:

1) Religious associations are fundamentally emotional and spiritual.
2) Invariably, a sanctity and sacredness is ascribed to all religious concepts, customs and symbols.
3) All the religions have multiple interpretations and exegesis, even according to its own followers.

These above three essential features, of virtually all the religions, therefore, warrant that in mutually discussing the religion, we must retain tolerance and forbearance, towards each other. That is what my poor comprehension is.
Sir you are right.
Offtopic:Could you please tell me about your avatar?Looks like a Sikh guru.
Sir you are right.
Offtopic:Could you please tell me about your avatar?Looks like a Sikh guru.

No. It is an imaginary portrait of Baba Bulleh Shah, who was a Punjabi Muslim Sufi poet of eighteenth century. Subjects and themes of his poetry were mostly mysticism. My signature is also one line of his verse: "Bulleya, kee jana man kaun?": O Bulleh, what do I know, who am I.
No. It is an imaginary portrait of Baba Bulleh Shah, who was a Punjabi Muslim Sufi poet of eighteenth century. Subjects and themes of his poetry were mostly mysticism. My signature is also one line of his verse: "Bulleya, kee jana man kaun?": O Bulleh, what do I know, who am I.
Sir,You seem to be very beautiful person.Thanks.I love Sufi mystism.
Sir,You seem to be very beautiful person.Thanks.I love Sufi mystism.

Thanks a lot. Allah aap ko shanti aur shakti day. About mysticism, yes, I somewhat gathered it from your avatar and your comments.
i believe i do look like my ancestors agterall I am a Dhar.

If so, you almost certainly would. Whilst some people go too far in claiming they were all a bunch of Nords, they were not dark. They were a mix of whites/light browns. Interestingly enough, genetic evidence shows that the earliest Indo-Europeans also shared a similar phenotype, with most of them lacking any blonde hair or blue eyes.

what civilization

Rofl, just about everything you take pride in comes from high caste Hindus.

Ever read history?you might know that Shiva (Pashupati) on meditation posture was discovered from Indus valley civilization.Now dont claim that you people came here before Indus valley civilization.

Incorporating some elements of the native religion is pretty plausible and probable. Also, IVC's population itself is descended from Iranian farmers who migrated to the region.
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