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Khameini said India was better when Muslims ruled it

Those were backward times. Some people limit their thinking to military might and the size of their empires.
I prefer human rights.

Human right doesn't work selectively. You cannot do Kashmir with Kashmiris and speak human rights at the same time.
Yeah, we can see that in Pakistan.:tup:

Yes, Pakistan which has less public defecation, less rape, a higher median wealth, better roads, better pilots (not a single Indian can hold a candle in front of MM Alam), a higher average IQ, a better representation of minorities in the government, more nuclear missiles, doesn't kill people for eating beef, doesn't drink cow urine, sent rockets to space in the 60s where as India is only doing so now, ranks higher on the happiness index, has produced a much better fighter jet (Thunder > Tejas), etc.

But it was equally great under Mauryan Rule and Gupta rule.

I highly doubt that. Prior to Islamic rule, India was pretty terrible. Muslims renewed civilisation in your land, just like the Vedic people before them and the European people after them.
Yes, Pakistan which has less public defecation, less rape, a higher median wealth, better roads, better pilots (not a single Indian can hold a candle in front of MM Alam), a higher average IQ, a better representation of minorities in the government, more nuclear missiles, doesn't kill people for eating beef, doesn't drink cow urine, sent rockets to space in the 60s where as India is only doing so now, ranks higher on the happiness index, has produced a much better fighter jet (Thunder > Tejas), etc.

I highly doubt that. Prior to Islamic rule, India was pretty terrible. Muslims renewed civilisation in your land, just like the Vedic people before them and the European people after them.

India is paper tiger they just happen to have more trolls than us and bigger swarm of people 1billion sigh if it wasn't for its sheer size and population and being close to the Peoples Republic of China it would be irrelevant anyways Pakistan in 1990 had better HDI nevertheless despite the high GDP and wah wah supa powa Indians delude themselves they just get lip service from the west cause of population abroad and shitty *** Bollywood films that are churned out garbage more than Bollywood

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan the banks here are on fire
Iran has never had an empire like the Achaemenid empire since then. And they were zoriastrians. so you can actually say that about Iran. They were much greater before Islam.

Complete and utter nonsense:




Persians themselves have also had a massive influence on the Islamic world, forming part of the aristocracy in just about every major Muslim empire since their conversion to Islam. Their culture has also massively influenced the Islamic world too, e.g Urdu is written in a Persian script.
Complete and utter nonsense:




Persians themselves have also had a massive influence on the Islamic world, forming part of the aristocracy in just about every major Muslim empire since their conversion to Islam. Their culture has also massively influenced the Islamic world too, e.g Urdu is written in a Persian script.

It's no use talking to these folks tbh they think they were blind blue eyed white Aryans before Islam came well the Brahmins mucked up much of the British horse shit theories hence the whole asskissing
Human right doesn't work selectively. You cannot do Kashmir with Kashmiris and speak human rights at the same time.
Kashmiris don't stand for human rights. They stand for religious rights, many of which are directly opposed to the universal understanding of human rights.
Kashmiris don't stand for human rights. They stand for religious rights, many of which are directly opposed to the universal understanding of human rights.

Kashmiris stand for their right to self-determination. And the principle of self-determination is prominently embodied in Article I of the Charter of the United Nations and article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... In fact, the right to self determination is a binding principle of International Law ...

The so called world's largest democracy has obviously zero regard for human rights and international law, yet you have the audacity to talk about "human rights"?? Hypocrisy? or plain ignorance?
Complete and utter nonsense:




Persians themselves have also had a massive influence on the Islamic world, forming part of the aristocracy in just about every major Muslim empire since their conversion to Islam. Their culture has also massively influenced the Islamic world too, e.g Urdu is written in a Persian script.

They had some decent empires later as well. But nothing that could match up to the Zoroastrian Achaemenid Empire.
Kashmiris stand for their right to self-determination. And the principle of self-determination is prominently embodied in Article I of the Charter of the United Nations and article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... In fact, the right to self determination is a binding principle of International Law ...

The so called world's largest democracy has obviously zero regard for human rights and international law, yet you have the audacity to talk about "human rights"?? Hypocrisy? or plain ignorance?
I have zero regards for people who believe in fairytales.
Unlike other pakistanis, I don't give a damn about india, indians or the history of india. The modern day territory called india has nothing to do with my forefathers who always lived in what is today's punjab pakistan. To me only history that has taken place on the the present territory of pakistan is our history. What was happening in gangu areas of delhi, mumbai, kalkatta etc. is not my history or anyone who has indigenous roots in the present territory of paksitan.

This is something Iranians or any other foreigners for that matter, don't understand.
I have zero regards for people who believe in fairytales.

So, what you are saying is: those who disagree with you and believe in a God (you believe does not exist) do not really deserve respect or human rights, or perhaps are not even worthy of being called "human"?? ...

Terrorists too think like that ... They too believe that whoever disagrees with them and rejects their ideology deserves no respect or rights.
This is totally true.

Respects to Iran.

Lol. Mauryan and Gupta?

Compare on any factors.

Islamic rule brought civilization to the subcontinent. Before that there was only choot achoot, mud huts, temple pornography and demented brahmins their devadasis. Even Indian kings and queens were bare breasted like tribes in Africa do to this day.

From architecture to music, from science to education, from administration to public affairs and military, Muslims were the first to introduce everything here among us.


Angus Maddison's chart of the history of world GDP.

It shows clearly that India was actually the largest economy of the world during hindus rule i.e right up to around 1500 AD, then China went above us and our share of the world GDP actually declined during Mughal rule and then completely tanked during British Rule. I will still say that India did well during Mughal rule because there was a bump in our share of world GDP between 1600 to 1700 and went above China for a brief period again. But still, nothing like our glory during Hindu rule.
So, what you are saying is: those who disagree with you and believe in a God (you believe does not exist) do not really deserve respect or human rights, or perhaps are not even worthy of being called "human"?? ...

Terrorists too think like that ... They too believe that whoever disagrees with them and rejects their ideology deserves no respect or rights.
You can disagree. Peacefully.

Side note - I would take them seriously if they could back their claims with science.
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