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Khameini said India was better when Muslims ruled it

Funny how In Indian movies Muslim rulers were portrayed as filthy and evil when majority of them treated all their people in the best ways, whether they were Hindu or muslim. Now India denies all of the inventions and benefits of Muslim rule.
Factually correct and have been discussed by renowned scholars like Bernard Lewis even.

Your turn...

you win... :)

Curious....are there any other major pakistani defence forums around ??
or is PDF the foremost ?
As long as Khomeni provides us with favorable trade deals, i am fine accept even if says Kashmir is for Pakistan...
Paging @Cobra Arbok
So... about your "infinite regional strategic importance and supa pawa that none can defy" claim.
khomeini is a hypocrite . he wont leve a chance to stab Muslims for india .

khomeini is a hypocrite . he wont leve a chance to stab Muslims for india .
India was indeed great under Mughal rule.

But it was equally great under Mauryan Rule and Gupta rule. Perhaps even greater during the Mauryan empire. But I don't expect a Mullah from Iran to have knowledge of these ancient empires, IF at all this is a verified account.
India was indeed great under Mughal rule.

But it was equally great under Mauryan Rule and Gupta rule. Perhaps even greater during the Mauryan empire. But I don't expect a Mullah from Iran to have knowledge of these ancient empires, IF at all this is a verified account.
If it is troll thread to start after maybe fake twitter account then i may indulge " Iran was better when it was Persia" . :D
If it is troll thread to start after maybe fake twitter account then i may indulge " Iran was better when it was Persia" . :D

Of course. Iran has never had an empire like the Achaemenid empire since then. And they were zoriastrians. so you can actually say that about Iran. They were much greater before Islam. Though I don't believe that has anything to do with the religion they follow. Just a matter of time and chance.
Unlike other pakistanis, I don't give a damn about india, indians or the history of india. The modern day territory called india has nothing to do with my forefathers who always lived in what is today's punjab pakistan. To me only history that has taken place on the the present territory of pakistan is our history. What was happening in gangu areas of delhi, mumbai, kalkatta etc. is not my history or anyone who has indigenous roots in the present territory of paksitan.
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