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Khameini said India was better when Muslims ruled it

This is about India so merely to satisfy yourself without replying to Iranian leadership, there is no need to bring in Pakistan.
Wasn't Pakistan part India during Muslim rule which the tweet is referring to.
why dont you move back to pakistan then mate ??
Ruled by muslims......im pretty sure pakistans economy would dwarf dem democractic britans :)
It is well known that the regions that made up South Asia have historically been very rich, especially under Muslim rule, Bengal alone for example generated 12% of the world's economy and the Mughal Empire made up a quarter of the world economy.

Lol the comments are hilarious


This one pulled a reverse "we wuzzz" :rofl: Ji oye Gangadesh

It is well known that the regions that made up South Asia have historically been very rich, especially under Muslim rule, Bengal alone for example generated 12% of the world's economy and the Mughal Empire made up a quarter of the world economy.

Lol the comments are hilarious


This one pulled a reverse "we wuzzz" :rofl: Ji oye Gangadesh


These Chowkidar account are terrible. They make up history as they go along just to support their argument.

‘Persian are Indians’ ?
khomeini is a hypocrite . he wont leve a chance to stab Muslims for india .

khomeini is a hypocrite . he wont leve a chance to stab Muslims for india .
Stating that two times does make it more uglier..
Wasn't Pakistan part India during Muslim rule which the tweet is referring to.

An intellect will agree that back then, there was no Pakistan unless you have to create a reason to drag in. Subject is about Muslim rule and you have all this to reply? This is about Iran in regard to Muslim rule over India. Only current day Indians having issues with statement and drags Pakistan into this which wasn't there back then.
So how does one become an " Think tank consultant" in this forum ?

*Its interesting when one think thank consultant does the normal thing to placate the sane...immediately followed by another think tank consultant to placate the insane.....lol

This tactic is usually done by military dictatorships that rules over an extremist population.

Eg: Rome when it controlled israel/palestine area..


I also have a similar query....How does one go up the ranks? :)
Funny how In Indian movies Muslim rulers were portrayed as filthy and evil when majority of them treated all their people in the best ways, whether they were Hindu or muslim. Now India denies all of the inventions and benefits of Muslim rule.
Watch jodha akbar, Mughal-e-azam, Padmawati...
This is totally true.

Respects to Iran.

India was indeed great under Mughal rule.

But it was equally great under Mauryan Rule and Gupta rule. Perhaps even greater during the Mauryan empire. But I don't expect a Mullah from Iran to have knowledge of these ancient empires, IF at all this is a verified account.
Lol. Mauryan and Gupta?

Compare on any factors.

Islamic rule brought civilization to the subcontinent. Before that there was only choot achoot, mud huts, temple pornography and demented brahmins their devadasis. Even Indian kings and queens were bare breasted like tribes in Africa do to this day.

From architecture to music, from science to education, from administration to public affairs and military, Muslims were the first to introduce everything here among us.
Those were backward times. Some people limit their thinking to military might and the size of their empires.
I prefer human rights.
Waiting for Modi Sarkar concocted response to Iran's Supreme leader...India was way better under Muslims 1000 year rule?:pop:
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