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Khalistani Baba vs Punjab Police

True said. But I can tell you even in my university I have seen Sikhs supporting Khalistan, I am amused at the fact that they don't even understand what kind of a state that would be. They are just fighting for a cause that is utterly foolish. I can't help but laugh at them. There was Khalistan movement, now its over PERIOD.
Actually there is a proverb in English which goes like"United we stand,divided we fall":-)!Did you know that once there were some Bengali di*kheads who actually wated Bengal to be an independent country and they were Bengali Hindus.But thankfully the Bengali populace didn't give them the necessary trp to start a secessionist movement in Bengal or else these dumbnut traitors would have formed a separate Bengali country:hitwall:

i hereby declare you a traitor . . you mocchhi eating babumoshai :angry::angry::angry:
Sorry mate but i am a pure veggie just like my fellow Rajput brethren:p:
True said. But I can tell you even in my university I have seen Sikhs supporting Khalistan, I am amused at the fact that they don't even understand what kind of a state that would be. They are just fighting for a cause that is utterly foolish. I can't help but laugh at them. There was Khalistan movement, now its over PERIOD.
Lol bro, I saw one of these fools at my Gurdwara in my home town come in wearing a "Khalistan" hoodie with Ak-47s and Binderawala emblazoned on it- he was "asked" to leave, never saw that hoodie again! There is a group of these young men who are called the "Khalistanis" and let me tell you the rest of the community treat them like the plague, they are sidelined and not allowed to get involved in the running of the Gurdwara no matter how hard they try to be included.

There just is no appetite for what they are selling in the vast majority of the Sikh community. If there was the relatively well of Sikh community in India would have emigrated en mass to sunnier shores surely?
American CNN TV recently did a show about Punjab. Looks to be a interesting place. i would like to try and visit there and other Indian areas when I travel to Asia soon.

I notice some negatives things on India by CNN, just saw it few months ago. Indians can tell obviously.
Lol bro, I saw one of these fools at my Gurdwara in my home town come in wearing a "Khalistan" hoodie with Ak-47s and Binderawala emblazoned on it- he was "asked" to leave, never saw that hoodie again! There is a group of these young men who are called the "Khalistanis" and let me tell you the rest of the community treat them like the plague, they are sidelined and not allowed to get involved in the running of the Gurdwara no matter how hard they try to be included.

There just is no appetite for what they are selling in the vast majority of the Sikh community. If there was the relatively well of Sikh community in India would have emigrated en mass to sunnier shores surely?
Unfortunately, here in Canada, khalistanis are still very popular. You will see them at every Nagar Kirtan. In some gurdwaras, Bhindrawala is being equated to our Gurus. It's absolutely insane,but yes it is happening. I have seen it.

Khalistani movement has died out in India, but in Canada there is still a mini movement going on. I swear it should be crushed ASAP.
It maybe 2-5% but the trend is very popular in England, most of the Sikhs wear the "I pledge Rajoana" t shirts and Orange turbans to signify that support, even some of the 'moderate' Sikhs I have met hold some support for the Khalistan movement. The Sikhs in England are highly educated people so their awareness is better compared to the Sikhs back in India.

In fact, every time Vaisakhi happens a street parade occurs and I see most of the Sikh youth wearing Khalistan t-shirts and orange turbans.
Firstly bro, the wearing of a Orange turban in NO WAY signifies a Sikh is supporting the Khalistani movement to think otherwise is entirely false. The colour orange is used for ceremonial purposes and on special occasions for us Sikhs not just with turbans but other material. The flags out side every Gurdwara with a Khanda on it will be of the very same colour but does that mean every Gurwara is supporting Khalistan?

And I'm a Sikh born and raised in the UK but can't say I have any of these feelings nor could I say many Sikhs I know in the UK. I mean the ground floor of our Gurdwara is a community centre for the elderly and most days you will find a fair amount of elderly Indian (Sikhs and their Hindu friends) watching the IPL! Whenever there's a big Indian international cricket match on our Gurdwara will show it and the place will be packed with Sikhs and well any Indian.

I mean do I have to show you this:

If you know anything about the UK/London you'll know about Southall and how it is a predominantly Sikh area.
Unfortunately, here in Canada, khalistanis are still very popular. You will see them at every Nagar Kirtan. In some gurdwaras, Bhindrawala is being equated to our Gurus. It's absolutely insane,but yes it is happening. I have seen it.

Khalistani movement has died out in India, but in Canada there is still a mini movement going on. I swear it should be crushed ASAP.

^Canada respect and value Sikhs more than Indians. :agree:
Unfortunately, here in Canada, khalistanis are still very popular. You will see them at every Nagar Kirtan. In some gurdwaras, Bhindrawala is being equated to our Gurus. It's absolutely insane,but yes it is happening. I have seen it.

Khalistani movement has died out in India, but in Canada there is still a mini movement going on. I swear it should be crushed ASAP.
Man that's freaking despicable it really is especially quoting Bhindrawala in the Gurdwara.

And what can be done? The Candian govt isn't going to do a damn thing because these fools don't threaten them per se. Anyway these idiots can continue living their fantasy out in Canada it doesn't mean much to the Sikh community at all.
^Canada respect and value Sikhs more than Indians. :agree:
Don't tell us where we are respected. India is our home country and Canada can never replace that. Some Khalistanis Sikhs like to live their dream of Khalistan in Canada, well they can.

Gurus. It's absolutely ins
Man that's freaking despicable it really is especially quoting Bhindrawala in the Gurdwara.

And what can be done? The Candian govt isn't going to do a damn thing because these fools don't threaten them per se. Anyway these idiots can continue living their fantasy out in Canada it doesn't mean much to the Sikh community at all.

This is the entrance the Malton Gurdwara, in a very Desi area.
i eat everything except humans and dogs :ashamed::ashamed::ashamed:
Hehe actually i am a kalank to the entire Bengali community as i am a pure veggie.My friends call me a non-Bengali becuse of this,heck even my relatives make fun of me because of my food habit:P.They call me "ghaas-patakhor" meaning "grass and leaf eater":lol:.You won't believe me but even my own parents ridicule me all the times because i am a veggie:(!But I simply don't care what people say about me,i am a veggie and i am proud of it:sniper:
Some Canadian Sikhs think they are in safe heaven where they can chant anti Indian slogans and curse India. Just live out your dream here. These sikhs are cowards.
Don't tell us where we are respected. India is our home country and Canada can never replace that. Some Khalistanis Sikhs like to live their dream of Khalistan in Canada, well they can.

This is the entrance the Malton Gurdwara, in a very Desi area.
I don't even know what to say to such silliness. Can't say I'm surprised but does this mean the Khalistan movement is alive and flourishing? Please :sarcastic::sarcastic:

Some Canadian Sikhs think they are in safe heaven where they can chant anti Indian slogans and curse India. Just live out your dream here. These sikhs are cowards.
Year on year, generation after generation their numbers will continue to plummet, let them live in their fantasy world.
I don't even know what to say to such silliness. Can't say I'm surprised but does this mean the Khalistan movement is alive and flourishing? Please :sarcastic::sarcastic:
Nah not flourishing. But I would say it exists. Some Sikhs are just adamant and won't let it die out that easily.
Nah not flourishing. But I would say it exists. Some Sikhs are just adamant and won't let it die out that easily.
Sikhs can be a stubborn lot bro!

I would say though, let's be real. Khalistanis exists (the majority of them being in the UK and Canada, barely any to speak of in India itself which begs the question how will so few non-Indians carve out an independent country in India, but that is a question for another time) I would say 70-80% of these remaining "Kalistanis" ( :pleasantry: ) be completely pacified and give up on the "cause" ( :pleasantry: ) if the atrocities of 1984 were PROPERLY addressed. And by this I mean the true perpetrators behind bars where they belong. The 1984 riots are a MAJOR source of pain in the Sikh community to this day and a major cause that the hardcore Khalistanis beat to death and use to further their own agenda. Bring justice to them and even the few Khalistanis abroad will give up on this joke.

I am hoping and praying that the next GoI who ever they are bring some belated justice to this case.
Nah not flourishing. But I would say it exists. Some Sikhs are just adamant and won't let it die out that easily.

I am now demanding Independent Mallu republic.

Alcohol and coconut our national symbols of course.

Sikhs can be a stubborn lot bro!

I would say though, let's be real. Khalistanis exists (the majority of them being in the UK and Canada, barely any to speak of in India itself which begs the question how will so few non-Indians carve out an independent country in India, but that is a question for another time) I would say 70-80% of these remaining "Kalistanis" :-)pleasantry:) would be completely pacified and give up on the "cause" if the atrocities of 1984 were PROPERLY addressed. And by this I mean the true perpetrators behind bars where they belong. The 1984 riots are a MAJOR source of pain in the Sikh community to this day and a major cause that the hardcore Khalistanis beat to death and use to further their own agenda. Bring justice to them and even the few Khalistanis abroad will give up on this joke.

I am hoping and praying that the next GoI who ever they are bring some belated justice to this case.

I was wondering why those responsible were never brought to book.

It's a travesty :(
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