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Khadim Rizvi under house arrest

Living in Netherlands and saying this, height of hypocrisy, what on earth do you know what kind of a hell hole these assholes have created in Pakistan. You are an absolute retard.
Listen i will not get personal..U can talk generally otherways i know how to respond to libturd tattus like you. Please refrain from getting personal, thanks!
It seems liberal secular elite of this country is looking for conflict . insha'Allah these moustousch begairat kuttay /billi paalne wale will lose and no ,blocking roads doesn't make 1 terrorist.

hope u get your wish and we can get rid of kuttay paalne wale angerayzoun ki najaiz aulad by target every moocherh in judiciary/military and political scène. Lots likeuou are playing with fire ,You want civilian war then be ready . Hell even i would go to pak if bastards kuttay moocherh were to kill peace full protester.
jahils only follow jahils.....your boss Razvi the man with the gutter mouth swears profanity and people like you say subhanallah. lanti people like you have kidnapped islam and we want is back. sick of you and your lot..you wont go to palestine or kashmir or anywhere where muslims are dying like burma but will all go after one woman. cowards
military aint gonna fight molvis
Heard that one before
And this is 1 issue where molvis can get ten of milions on the street because every body agree on the issue and that these kuttay paalne wale are playing with the honour of our Prophet and are doing their best to please the west.
Please do that i would love to see you guys do that and further humiliate and expose yourself
killing molvis,
Egypt did that they came out of it ok infact its one of the fasted growing economy in that region who knew mullahs were such a drag on the country :D
are these muslims or kafirs calling for blood of religious ppl?
They are patriotic Pakistanis who got sick of your lot blowing up and killing people
!i hope some Day these seculars get the short end of the stick. INSHALLAH
Hope is all you have in Netherland :D
I will say here with 100 % certainely nothing will happen simply because every religiouse authoritty in Pakistan from deobandi to brelvi to Shias agree that pakistani elite be it military, judiciary or political is wrong when it comes to blasphemy laws . a lot of ppl are reading too much into military this bla bla but military aint gonna fight molvis when military generals know it will be their head Rolling on street and not molvis. Pakistan is a religious state , its ppl are religious and passionate about it. And this is 1 issue where molvis can get ten of milions on the street because every body agree on the issue and that these kuttay paalne wale are playing with the honour of our Prophet and are doing their best to please the west.
You liberal block roads for monthes on end , is halal. You lots let you bajis dance on containers in dharnas makes it halal then live with molvis too when they blocks roads otherways you are letting religious ppl no choice but to take waepons which will be unwinneable war for kuttay paalne walas. may it never comes to it.

your reply to such vile comments on this thread by secular kuttas against innocent civilian protestors. To call for killing them, killing molvis, killing anybody who talks religious , are these muslims or kafirs calling for blood of religious ppl? Its is fucking shame full that these kuttas are mostly pakistanis , a nation which call itself islamic republic of pakistan but whose elite is whiskey drinkers and kutta paalne walas !i hope some Day these seculars get the short end of the stick. INSHALLAH

1. All Terrorists deserve to die. (Also, Islam says to do it to takfreeris like you)
2. Tell me the right and wrong you're talking about in a more coherent manner, How did you get to NL without a proper education is beyond me.
3. Please explain to me what liberalism is to you?
4. Pakistani do not support these so called sect as you would want to believe. They believe in religion themselves, not padri folks like you. Sorry to say.
5. Again, Kuttay Palnay? Do you know that country you're in had high regards for dogs and wolfs?
6. If people are calling to kill terrorists, then they should stop terrorizing the country by blocking roads and burning property. Alas, what would you know how to earn property with sweat and blood.
7. What is secularism? You're in NL... And.. No matter the system you're in. You will go back to the same miserable life you lead everyday. There will be no difference. So why the hate?
I really request the Govt. to not be misguided by these liberal dalaals in drawing rooms and social media and don't become another type of Musharraf or else these dalaals will leave you to fend for yourself alone. These are the worst enemies of Pakistan.

These people were gloating when Lal Masjid incident happened, they were celebrating when Mumtaz Qadri was hanged. And created a bigger behemoth than before. They defended that b*stard Taseer for his role in Srilankan cricket team attack. TLP was a reaction and an unknown Barelvi cleric rose now known as Khadim Rizvi.

The blame to release Asia should remain with judiciary and not diverted to PM IK govt. We already have many problems. Patwaris would LOVE this to happen. They screwed Sheikh Rasheed election due to this very issue. Mark my words you can't win from them. Inside jail he'll be a hero outside jail he'll be a winner.
It would be catastrophic if Asia leaves Pakistan.
jahils only follow jahils.....your boss Razvi the man with the gutter mouth swears profanity and people like you say subhanallah. lanti people like you have kidnapped islam and we want is back. sick of you and your lot..you wont go to palestine or kashmir or anywhere where muslims are dying like burma but will all go after one woman. cowards
Let them burn people have rejected them
Tell that to imran khan, to naar shazia, to zardari to maulana diesel, to every other pressure group. Dont be fucking munafiqs and call a spade a spade.

My god, its true what they said about Muslims in europe...
They're beyond help.

Please dont come back.
Yeah Yeah i am jahil but lots like you who call for killing bearded or religiouse ppl are fucking highest attainable for any civilization! When you lots demand different action for same kind of situation then dont expect the otherside to react peacfully when shit hits the fan. I hope Pakistan is spared all the mess but looking at how some kuttay paalne wale dil ke angrez want to kill anybody religious makes me very upset .
beard is the sunnah....you jahils hijacked it
religious people...dont swear abuse and throw stones. you are evil sons of satan
even here religiouse ppl are fucking highest attainable for any civilization you cant help being razvi. is this your islam?
what have you jahils got against dogs......are dogs not Allah's creation that are used to guard us? we can hunt with the same dogs and eat their kill....read your religion you jahil

you are so far from islam that i cant even call u a kaffir. how sad is that? keep going with that foul mouth. shows what you read at your MADrassa and what your parents taught you about anti islam
Gentleman, I hope this the the begining of the end of dark forces of mullahism. They need to be purged on a industrial scale. Religion should never be used in the aid of bandits. Mullahs need to focus on nurturing a good decent flock. People who show kindness, respect, patience and other positive attributes. Not the thugs that we saw. His son has the temerity to talk about "bathmeez". Well his dad show precious little when him and his hordes were burning Pakistan down. I hope all thinking Pakistani's support the government - be they PPP or PML-N. This issue is bigger than partisan politics and I even hope our Indian neighbours support us in this effort. This is fight for the soul of Pakistan. A fight to pull Islam out of those who think they alone own it. They don't.

Either way this appears to be a masterstroke. Few days ago PM IK was at the Rahmatul-Lil-Alameen (SAW) Conference. That was designed to pull the rug underneath the TLP. Great move .....

@Oscar What did you allude to few days back?

am just wondering what would be next move from this idiot imran khan---

every time he amazes me even more=

he fell right in trap of khadim rizvi

rizvi wanted to be arrested-- THIS WILL GLORIFY HIM EVEN MORE..- the idiots pti - and imrans hunchman are going to bring a lot of instability to pakistan..

and the other pion of great game saqib nisar already hinted yesterday in london- that khadim hussain will be arrested today-----

so nothing is new here guys

buisness as usual.....
am just wondering what would be next move from this idiot imran khan---

every time he amazes me even more=

he fell right in trap of khadim rizvi

rizvi wanted to be arrested-- THIS WILL GLORIFY HIM EVEN MORE..- the idiots pti - and imrans hunchman are going to bring a lot of instability to pakistan..

and the other pion of great game saqib nisar already hinted yesterday in london- that khadim hussain will be arrested today-----

so nothing is new here guys

buisness as usual.....
so what would you do if you were IK. sit and passify this man and everytime he wants to bring the country to a standstill he can. he can ask for killing of the army chief and that ok. killing judges and thats ok but do nothing against him?

so tell us what would u do?
Heard that one before

Please do that i would love to see you guys do that and further humiliate and expose yourself

Egypt did that they came out of it ok infact its one of the fasted growing economy in that region who knew mullahs were such a drag on the country :D

They are patriotic Pakistanis who got sick of your lot blowing up and killing people

Hope is all you have in Netherland :D

keep pakistani nation divided----------- thats wat the infidels want
and we are just giving them exactley what the want
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