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Kazakhstan protests

Well, I don't know what's really going on there but a little surprised by the anarchy there. A resource rich country with small population and no existential external enemies is burning like this! I just hope peace prevails in Kazakhstan.
News, no harm to Chinese contractors there so far. Internet is back, but extremely slow.

Mess continues in Almati. Atelao, and West of the country much worse. Military switched sides there.

Speculation is there that the eunuch president is using current commotion to get rid of the previous president. So, the palace coup is going on at the same time as riots on the street.
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Are you saying the golden horde was not real.. Including timurlane who was based out of Uzbekistan aka the self styled ruler of the world and you have historic cities like Bukhara etc etc.. Turkmenistan is remnants of the ilkhanate that had ruled Iran and central asia based out of modern day Turkmenistan..

Even the Golden horde were rulers of Russia for centuries and they were based out of modern day Kazakhstan
This has nothing to do with modern day Central Asia states, my friend, just like Alexander The Great has nothing to do with modern day North Macedonia. Geography is not equal to history. Anyway, I respect your opinion and I just gives mine.

CSTO is sending its troops to Kazakhstan. No English link atm.

This was a matter of time, 68% of the population is Kazakh, and during the Soviet times they were under Moscow rule and after they were under a Moscow puppet. Time for the natural course to take shape and that is for the Kazakh people to, naturally, take back their country and get out of the Russian spider web.

I am in favor of Kazakhstan increasing their cooperation with Turkey and the Turkic Council as well as create their foreign policy objectives in line with their nations' interests and history.
CSTO is sending its troops

They have really no choice as article 4 was invoked by the sitting president. But there has been alot of exaggeration in this country and I have no doubt this will fade and settle down within week time. This is a wealthy nation and progressive don't see how this can go on. I am even surprised by this protests was the last country I was expecting it from
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how can people protest in Kazakstan isn't it like -40C there ?
America is trying to turn Kazakhstan into the next Libya with ISIS and whatever fighting forever. Hope Russian troops quell this rebellion quickly. The capital is very close to China as well maybe China will help out however they can as well.
But the doubling of fuel prices in Zhanaozen was just the trigger for the built-up desperation that Kazakhs feel after years of government corruption, bad economic conditions in a country rich in natural resources, and the absence of free and fair elections.

People in Kazakhstan had finally had enough of their authoritarian government's unfulfilled promises and lip service to real reform.
Putin Russian meddling. Trying hard to save another authoritarian puppet regime Kazakh s will be no push over
Putin Russian meddling. Trying hard to save another authoritarian puppet regime Kazakh s will be no push over

Exactly, its pathetic to see Pakistanis here support Russia in their blatant invasion of Kazakhstan. Russians have oppressed central asian people for hundreds of years destroying amongst the richest lands in human history. Wiping out their language, culture, economy, etc...

Millions of muslims where butchered in those lands, I am not even including the death toll from the invasion of Afghanistan.

All central asian countries are ran by corrupt despot dictators who are slaves of Putin.
Under Nazarbayev and his successor, a small elite have amassed enormous wealth, while life for many ordinary Kazakhs is still hard-going, particularly in the resource-rich west of the country. Rare protests have been ruthlessly crushed, and the regime faces no real opposition in parliament.
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