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Kazakhstan protests


Mar 2, 2018
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Kazakhstan declares state of emergency in protest-hit city, province

Kazakhstan government resigns following fuel price protests

City mayor's office torched, hundreds detained amid Kazakhstan unrest

Russia warns against outside interference in Kazakhstan, urges dialogue

The demonstrations, which started on the grounds of fuel price hikes, quickly got out of control and spread throughout the country and turned into an uprising against the government.

Protesters' Demands
1. Immediate release of all political prisoners
2. President and government resignation
3. Political reforms
4. Establishment of a Provisional Government composed of respected bureaucrats and civilians.
5. Withdrawal from all alliances with Russia
President of Kazakhstan, Tokayev: "There will be a harsh intervention tonight, I'm sure the people of Kazakhstan will support me"

Well this explains everything

Currently, a part of the population of Kazakhstan is of Russian origin, moreover, about half of the population speaks Russian very well, so Russian Kazakh cooperation will always exist. Two countries have an intricate cultural relationship. However, let me give you a more interesting anecdote: the current government removing the russian cyrillic alphabet, And also russian is being abolished in education. In other words, while the current government in Kazakhstan is currently trying to bring Turkish-Kazakh culture to the fore, it is really remarkable that the protesters included Russia in their demands. I smell Soros.

I am sure that the vast majority of protesters do not have such an agenda, but such cliques are capable of instrumentalizing mass events by poisoning them.


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Kazakhstan declares state of emergency in protest-hit city, province

Kazakhstan government resigns following fuel price protests

City mayor's office torched, hundreds detained amid Kazakhstan unrest

Russia warns against outside interference in Kazakhstan, urges dialogue

The demonstrations, which started on the grounds of fuel price hikes, quickly got out of control and spread throughout the country and turned into an uprising against the government.

Protesters' Demands
1. Immediate release of all political prisoners
2. President and government resignation
3. Political reforms
4. Establishment of a Provisional Government composed of respected bureaucrats and civilians.
5. Withdrawal from all alliances with Russia

Chinese ears in the country tell me that the previous president fled the country to Uzbekistan with his family.

It's the new "eunuch" government which kicked him out, and those sharp 30 something lieutenants who were always buzzing around him.
Internet is shutdown in entire country, only satellite phones are working
The VPN still works, albeit slowly. There are journalists reporting from the field. But whatsapp and many other social communication apps cannot be using.
The VPN still works, albeit slowly. There are journalists reporting from the field. But whatsapp and many other social communication apps cannot be using.
I hear it was cut off completely few hours ago.
Popcorn lao, another tinpot dictatorship on the verge of collapsing.
Well, I got out at the right time
You were in Kazakhstan?
Popcorn lao, another tinpot dictatorship on the verge of collapsing.
That's the thing with dictatorship. They are bound to collapse at one point . Unlike democracy which are more resilient due to the system being used to a change of government/leadership , dictatorships where one person or a leader has all powers and unlimited mandate to rule the country with an iron fist the way he sees fit, means that the system and institutions are so weak that there is no system in place to prepare the country for a change of government /leadership, so it leaves a power vacuum, which thereby creates instability as differe parties,individuals and powers juste to position themselves in power .

Well, things are going to get tough tonight. Russia to offer Kazakhstan assistance to suppress demonstrations.

These events are losing their feature of being a democratic action within hours, and are now evolving into a conspiracy that can put the Kazakh people into a very risky process. Unfortunately, there are very sad videos and images...
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Well, things are going to get tough tonight.

These events are losing their feature of being a democratic action within hours, and are now evolving into a conspiracy that can put the Kazakh people into a very risky process. Unfortunately, there are very sad videos and images...
Tbh some of these demands do make sense due to the deep rooted resentment against the Soviet Union and her successor(Russia).
Also wouldn’t be surprised if Russia sends troops in as “peace keepers”.
Tbh some of these demands do make sense due to the deep rooted resentment against the Soviet Union and her successor(Russia).

Russia's structuring in Kazakhstan is not just bureaucracy. There is a cultural overlap, from very basic dynamics in to detailed issues. That's why any outside interference backfires. The most important strategic mistake to be made for a structure that aims to reduce Russia's influence is to target Russia directly at the very beginning of a mass event. We have seen before, in Georgia and Ukraine, that Soros foundations act so stupidly. I don't know for sure if this structure is behind these events. However, the only thing I will say is that no matter who is behind these events (which could be a false flag operation), as a result, the Kazakh people, who are instrumentalized in this monopoly struggle, may be the only segment that actually no one cares about...
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