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Kazakhstan protests

You were in Kazakhstan?

That's the thing with dictatorship. They are bound to collapse at one point . Unlike democracy which are more resilient due to the system being used to a change of government/leadership , dictatorships where one person or a leader has all powers and unlimited mandate to rule the country with an iron fist the way he sees fit, means that the system and institutions are so weak that there is no system in place to prepare the country for a change of government /leadership, so it leaves a power vacuum, which thereby creates instability as differe parties,individuals and powers juste to position themselves in power .

Dictatorships and polities controlled and manipulated by monied class and powerful private interests, especially military industries. These two regimes are inherently unstable.
This is a desperate and futile attempt by the US to gain a foothold in Central Asia, nothing will come out of these events. Kazakhstan is firmly under the protection of Russia.
While I'm sure there are Kazakh people who have economic issues and are protesting because of it (and I completely sympathize with that), however the moment these ridiculous anti Russia demands came out that means the protests were infiltrated and ruined by the CIA.
How likely is for China to use People's armed police to help stabilise the Kazachstan?
How likely is for China to use People's armed police to help stabilise the Kazachstan?

Kazakhstan is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and the Russian peacekeeping forces entered Kazakhstan under the arrangements of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Theoretically, the Chinese army may also enter Kazakhstan, in the name of counter-terrorism under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The situation is not that serious, and Russia has responded very quickly.
There is no such security agreement or legal infrastructure between Kazakhstan and China. Anyone who follows the country closely also knows that no matter who is in the power in Kazakhstan, they never make such a request.

Russia has a special situation. Already with CSTO, this special situation has a legal basis.
This is a desperate and futile attempt by the US to gain a foothold in Central Asia, nothing will come out of these events. Kazakhstan is firmly under the protection of Russia.
While I'm sure there are Kazakh people who have economic issues and are protesting because of it (and I completely sympathize with that), however the moment these ridiculous anti Russia demands came out that means the protests were infiltrated and ruined by the CIA.

It may or may not be... First It is necessary to see whether Kazakhstan's national independence and legitimacy will weaken as a result of this chain of events.

If Kazakhstan emerges from this process stronger, your thesis is probably right. Anti-government structures in Kazakhstan will collapse and be exposed. But If the number of permanent foreign military assets in the country is increasing, and withdrawing some of the reforms made in recent years, it is necessary to talk about other possibilities.

The situation for Kazakhstan is so dire that even bunch of swag dream of their country's intervention in Kazakhstan here, what I just read on this last page.

Well, things are going to get tough tonight. Russia to offer Kazakhstan assistance to suppress demonstrations.

These events are losing their feature of being a democratic action within hours, and are now evolving into a conspiracy that can put the Kazakh people into a very risky process. Unfortunately, there are very sad videos and images...
" Condemn Russian aggression again Ukraine, "

American influence can be noticed here.

Anyways, dictatorships are weak and i hope in coming years countries turn towards democracy. Otherwise, there would be terrible things like the social credit score system that is in China or no sincerity and free thinking in people like in NK, just fake smiling and happiness... terrible robotic and dead society.
CSTO peacekeepers flying from Moscow to Kazakhstan.

No police or army intervention to these affairs? So the gov’t just waits for Russia to send its own troops? Does not feel like a genuine protest
Kazakhstan is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and the Russian peacekeeping forces entered Kazakhstan under the arrangements of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Theoretically, the Chinese army may also enter Kazakhstan, in the name of counter-terrorism under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The situation is not that serious, and Russia has responded very quickly.

No police or army intervention to these affairs? So the gov’t just waits for Russia to send its own troops? Does not feel like a genuine protest
All of these authoritarian regimes exist for one reason ...to steal the nation's wealth. Well done to the people of Kazakhstan.
1- How come a country full of oil and gas like Kazakhstan has expensive fuel??? It is absolutely ridiculous meaning corruption.
It doesn't. The price of the fuel gas was 0,13USD, the government was about to make it 0,26USD, thats how the protests started.
I suppose Turkey is related too,it's a small step towards their pan turkic empire dream.

Too much imagination, minimum knowledge of what talking about...

Result? an international relations expert who has solved all the world's problems..

Sometimes I read such stupid things that I feel ashamed on behalf of the writer while reading it. What the idiot refers to as the Turkic empire is actually just a cultural cooperation organization and its founder is Nazarbayev (honorary leader of Kazakhstan)
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No police or army intervention to these affairs? So the gov’t just waits for Russia to send its own troops? Does not feel like a genuine protest
There are 12 or may be even more casualties among Kazakh police and army.
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