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Kazakhstan protests

1- How come a country full of oil and gas like Kazakhstan has expensive fuel??? It is absolutely ridiculous meaning corruption.

2- Why Central Asian countries and Russia still not able to control US induced protests? Just look at Ukraine which is now an enemy of Russia. This to me shows the failure of Russian intelligence, the failure of Chinese intelligence, the failure of Kazak and other Central Asian intelligence.

Just pathetic honestly !
1- How come a country full of oil and gas like Kazakhstan has expensive fuel??? It is absolutely ridiculous meaning corruption.

2- Why Central Asian countries and Russia still not able to control US induced protests? Just look at Ukraine which is now an enemy of Russia. This to me shows the failure of Russian intelligence, the failure of Chinese intelligence, the failure of Kazak and other Central Asian intelligence.

Just pathetic honestly !
agreed. this certainly looks like an intelligence failure on part of the Russian Intel, either that or Russians are using it to make the kazakh government accept the above listed demands before help arrives...

Well, things are going to get tough tonight. Russia to offer Kazakhstan assistance to suppress demonstrations.

These events are losing their feature of being a democratic action within hours, and are now evolving into a conspiracy that can put the Kazakh people into a very risky process. Unfortunately, there are very sad videos and images...

to put pressure on Russia to back away from Ukraine. It will be interesting to see Russia dealing with both at the same time.
National Enforcement for Democracy has been working very hard in Kazakhstan.
to put pressure on Russia to back away from Ukraine. It will be interesting to see Russia dealing with both at the same time.

Why would they care about Ukraine? If the rebels were simply for democracy and wanted to address specific domestic issues, then that's easily understandable. But the fact that they care so much about the Ukraine just makes this seem like a CIA influenced color revolution.
Putin will get involved. Didn't Kazakhstan become much more wealthy due to oil production. Putin is not going to let that go so easily. Especially with the grip he has on Europe. Bunker down it's going to get rough. Freedom isn't free when greed & power corrupt.
Why would they care about Ukraine? If the rebels were simply for democracy and wanted to address specific domestic issues, then that's easily understandable. But the fact that they care so much about the Ukraine just makes this seem like a CIA influenced color revolution.
I suppose Turkey is related too,it's a small step towards their pan turkic empire dream.
National Enforcement for Democracy has been working very hard in Kazakhstan.

I am sure he is planning. All good despots do. He is no different. Kazakhstan is rich in oil something Russia can't loose.
1- How come a country full of oil and gas like Kazakhstan has expensive fuel??? It is absolutely ridiculous meaning corruption.

2- Why Central Asian countries and Russia still not able to control US induced protests? Just look at Ukraine which is now an enemy of Russia. This to me shows the failure of Russian intelligence, the failure of Chinese intelligence, the failure of Kazak and other Central Asian intelligence.

Just pathetic honestly !
May be, it was their goal - to identify and destroy all the Western 5th column in the country.
Some unidentified people give weapons to terrorists, Alma-Ata.
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14:00 Some sporadic clashes in the capital, nothing on the scale of Alamutu. So far no bad news from anybody was heard. Internet/phone been shutdown since last night.

Nur Sultan is a city where a lot of government employees live, also a place from where country's telecom infrastructure is ran from.
Just curious, is that because you think the government is good, or because of what you want from this country strategically?
You can say all you want about the government, but alternative is chaos. I know it because I live in Ukraine.
You can say all you want about the government, but alternative is chaos. I know it because I live in Ukraine.

And what will you do when Russians enter the country under the pretext of protecting the Russian speaking population. They will do that. I am 100% sure.
And what will you do when Russians enter the country under the pretext of protecting the Russian speaking population. They will do that. I am 100% sure.
And opression of Russian speaking population started before the coup or after?
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