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Kayani asks US to give Pakistan Cobra helicopters

I think already tested Russian helo in afghan war need to give a chance. Don't know how was over all performance of Russian helos during afghan war.
i think apache is not a big deal for usa to sell pakistan because usa already sold these babies half of the world


Apache Longbow will be great but if we cant get them than TIGER attack helicopter should be great half of european countries have them and germany will sell them to us if we ask them and provide them $$$$$$$
Apache Longbow will be great but if we cant get them than TIGER attack helicopter should be great half of european countries have them and germany will sell them to us if we ask them and provide them $$$$$$$
Yes a number of people told me that PA was also interested in the Eurocopter Tiger. In fact one source (waz) set the figure at 30 helicopters initially.
I knew it the only Problem is the Finance, FMF is just another way of America to have Control on Pakistan procurement of Military Hardware.

But what is your Opinion about T-129, I think its a Nice Helicopter Especially For Anti-terrorists operations. I would Like to hear Expert Opinion from you.

I am certainly no expert but I think Pakistan may even go for a Turkish platform if the price is right and the Turks can deliver the heli within an acceptable time frame after Americans say no to Pakistan on both more Cobras and Apache induction.
Does anyone have any detailed accounts of attack helo operations during any of the past India-Pakistan conflicts? How significant were they?
I think Pakistan must develop its own attack helicopter with china like JF-17.
Pakistan can fit these helos with required westren avionce suit
Then there is no need to begg APACHE n COBRAS frm USA:coffee:
Its in our interests to get as much as we can thru EDA programme and pay for MLU rather than to purchase brand new platforms like the Longbow from US. Remember that China will have a range of new designs of army choppers in near future which we can get with full ToT and no strings attached.

I for one would like to see less dependancy on US weapons. :coffee:
Does anyone have any detailed accounts of attack helo operations during any of the past India-Pakistan conflicts? How significant were they?

There were no attack helis around during any of the past wars. Indians used their Mi-8s armed with rockets and one was lost after which the Helis were pulled back during the Kargil war. Aside from that no other incidents involving gunships have happened.
Whatever Kayani asked for the most likely outcome would be Cobras for Pakistan with Spares that is the most likely scenario and we should be happy about that Turkish helo project is still being worked upon and Chinese gunships are under extensive trials so better wait for 2-3 years until Chinese gunships are ready and become the first customers to purchase couple of dozen. Future gunship fleet of Pakistan would be high end and low end that is Turkish and Chinese helos and good thing about that we will be able to purchase potent systems for less $$$ and reliable partners because China is now developing almost everything in house while is good for us without strings attached and without any sanctions and as many as we can buy.
Whatever Kayani asked for the most likely outcome would be Cobras for Pakistan with Spares that is the most likely scenario and we should be happy about that Turkish helo project is still being worked upon and Chinese gunships are under extensive trials so better wait for 2-3 years until Chinese gunships are ready and become the first customers to purchase couple of dozen. Future gunship fleet of Pakistan would be high end and low end that is Turkish and Chinese helos and good thing about that we will be able to purchase potent systems for less $$$ and reliable partners because China is now developing almost everything in house while is good for us without strings attached and without any sanctions and as many as we can buy.

the issue with the chinese helo is guess what! - engine -! all other parameters are satisfactory - western avionics would be a added advantage on future pak army requirements.
Does anyone have any detailed accounts of attack helo operations during any of the past India-Pakistan conflicts? How significant were they?

i concur with blain2 - none!
I agree, Army does not need Appaches, rather more AH-1f or an upgraded model of cobra helos. There was a plan to upgrade cobra helicopters, but no one knows what is the latest on that.
I think AH-64 is best suited for anti armour ops and not req for COIN ops. as it will prove to be overkill for taliban.

The biggest questions are money, avialability, and capability. In the AH platform you have 3 main US manufactured choices. I say US manufactured as they are likely to be US funded. The choices being AH-1Z, AH-64, and the Battle Hawk. Starting with the AH-1Z, the system price is USD 75 Mil and it has very poor hot high performance, a key requirement for any Pakistani acquisition. It is also avialable 2018+ as the US Marine Corps has eaten up all the early production.

The AH-64, good choice yet mediocre hot/high peroformance and a system price tag of USD 60 Million. Again expensive and can only to marginal in Counter Insurgency Operations in FATA. It also is only avialable as early as 2014 as the production is limited.

That leaves the new Sikorsky Battle Hawk or Armed Black Hawk. This is to me is an interesting creature as it only costs about USD 28 Million and has all the features of both Air Assault Troop Transport and Attack Helicopter Weaponry such as Hellfire, 0.50 Cal, 20 mm turret all integrated into a glass cockpit. It is avialable in 2011, costs half as much as any other option and does the the best in hot/high scenrio's.
the issue with the chinese helo is guess what! - engine -! all other parameters are satisfactory - western avionics would be a added advantage on future pak army requirements.

What engine does the alternative Turkish helo use?
Why are you guys obsessing over Turkish and Chinese Gunships?

Apache and Cobra Gunships are the best in the world. Pakistan has flown Cobra for more than 20 years and are well versed in how to maintain and operate them.

They are ideally suited for Pakistan's harsh terrain.

The Turkish and Chinese are still new choppers and it will take years before they are integrated into Pakistani Forces.

I think there is a different mindset in the United States than there was in the 1980s that USA after finishing operations in Afghanistan will abandon Pakistan again.

USA has too much at stake here, especially with the growing power of China, India, Iran and Middle East.

It is imperative that USA have a strong alliance with Pakistan to deal with terrorism, prevent nuclear weapons from falling into enemy hands and rid the region of terrorism and extremism.

So I do not think a repeat of the 1990's will occur when Pakistan will be slapped with Sanctions.

I think we should go for these Gunships for our own security and then start a join partnership with either Turkey or China to start manufacturing our own Gunships.

We can make our own Submarines, Tanks, Fighters, APC, etc, so why not Gunships.

I think 24 Apache Gunships and 48 Super Cobras plus refurbished Cobra will be very effective for Pakistan.
^^^ that is a wishful list......
how about we be realistic eh? get upgrades for the current fleet then get 10 supa cobras and 10 apachie long bouws it will cost aroung with upgrades 2.5 billion adleast with spares and weapons
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