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Afghanistan 'furious' over speculated US 7 billion military aid to Pakistan

this is why US got frustrated and decided to leave.
US Army slogan...Army of one
Afghan Army slogan...Army of Lun

Well, they sure don't know what they are doing.

Pal, don't try to fool the world. Internally Pak is SO afraid of this issue that it wants Afghans to first recognize Durand line issue. 3.4 Geo-politics of a Settlement | Durand Line

> Pakistan is afraid of the challenge Afghanistan could bring to the Durand Line question, if it acquires the strength to do so in the future.

This kind of verbal braggadocio fools nobody!

But I thought you LOVED India taking Kashmir issue to UN which is impartial so what exactly are you guys scared of? If you personally are not your mly leadership SURE is

Go ask around in FATA or KP on their thoughts about the Durrand line and you will get your answer. You do know that it was the FATA tribals who smashed up the Afghan army during the 60's intrusions don't you? Well actually you wouldn't be posting the above if you did.

Like someone has said, it is an internationally recognised border. There is nothing to fool anybody about.

But I hear the Afghanis say exactly what you say except they think of Pak in terms YOU think of Afghanistan. Why dont we let UN decide it once for all since Pak likes to brandish the UN resolutions on Kashmir in front of the whole world!

Your post is beyond ludicrous. What part of "internationally recognised border" don't you understand? We have to go to the UN for a dispute that no one cares about, apart from Afghanistan?

You may be right about Afghanistan but your claim "Pakistan Army is a 21st century military machine capable of deploying such sophisticated weapons.." Please say something that at least passes the laugh test!

Deploying MRAPS is too tall of an order for us then? I suppose India can teach us everything about being a 21st century military machine.

Since Pak has such a strong case why doesnt IT take the case to UN to forever shut the Afghani mouth. Put your money where your mouth is

Your move first, Kashmir. Let's do it. Convince your people first. We all know which way that would go.
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Well, they sure don't know what they are doing.

Go ask around in FATA or KP on their thoughts about the Durrand line and you will get your answer. You do know that it was the FATA tribals who smashed up the Afghan army during the 60's intrusions don't you? Well actually you wouldn't be posting the above if you did.

Like someone has said, it is an internationally recognised border. There is nothing to fool anybody about.

Your post is beyond ludicrous. What part of "internationally recognised border" don't you understand? We have to go to the UN for a dispute that no one cares about, apart from Afghanistan?

Deploying MRAPS is too tall of an order for us then? I suppose India can teach us everything about being a 21st century military machine.

Your move first, Kashmir. Let's do it. Convince your people first. We all know which way that would go.
I will stick by my stand. Pakistan's establishment is HUGELY scared of this issue and hardly ever mentions it for that reason only. It is like a wife who dare not confront her husband over something as she knows he is cheating on her and if she takes the issue head on she knows what will happen. So what do you do? Bury your head in the sand. I have watched Pak-Afghan joint shows in english where this hidden fear spills across. You can deny all you want
"Pakistan Army is a 21st century military machine capable of deploying such sophisticated weapons.." Please say something that at least passes the laugh test!

Are you fucking retarded or just another gullible delusional bharoti that thinks that his shit-hole nation india is a shupaa powaa that rules the world while non others can match his junkard indian army that have its tanks falling in the wells? :lol:

What I've written is not even a claim, it is a statement of "fact"...

Look into the equipment/weapon systems and training of Pakistan Military.
I wonder why Afghanistan does not take the Durand line issue to UN like India did in 1947 and over which Pak is soooooo very happy so I am sure they will appreciate Afghanistan as well!
Because the Afghans know they'll lose. The Durand line is recognized internationally and legally, even if the Afghans win, Pakistan won't just hand it over without a fight.

Pal, don't try to fool the world. Internally Pak is SO afraid of this issue that it wants Afghans to first recognize Durand line issue. 3.4 Geo-politics of a Settlement | Durand Line

> Pakistan is afraid of the challenge Afghanistan could bring to the Durand Line question, if it acquires the strength to do so in the future.

This kind of verbal braggadocio fools nobody!
No one but the Afghans dispute the line, Pakistan has nothing to fear. Even if the Afghans brought it up to the UN, it wouldn't stand a chance. Back when Afghanistan was still a strong nation, they tried to do something similar with the concept of Pashtunistan, but they failed repeatedly.

But I thought you LOVED India taking Kashmir issue to UN which is impartial so what exactly are you guys scared of? If you personally are not your mly leadership SURE is

The situations are different, no need to compare them. The UN recognizes Kashmir as disputed, while the Durand line is considered the international line.

I will stick by my stand. Pakistan's establishment is HUGELY scared of this issue and hardly ever mentions it for that reason only. It is like a wife who dare not confront her husband over something as she knows he is cheating on her and if she takes the issue head on she knows what will happen. So what do you do? Bury your head in the sand. I have watched Pak-Afghan joint shows in english where this hidden fear spills across. You can deny all you want
What poor logic.

Pakistan doesn't mention this issue, because there is no issue to begin with. The only ones that are trying to make it an issue is Afghanistan. You've been making ridiculous claims, and pointing towards pointless websites who's credibility is questionable.

Tell me something, If Afghanistan is so confident and Pakistan is so scared, why don't the Afghans bring it up in the UN, or an international court? It's not up to Pakistan to challenge Afghanistan, because to Pakistan there is no reason to fight.

Seriously, either you're a mega troll, you just very ignorant of facts.
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I think some thing is unusually wrong with Afghanistan, i need to make a research, what's happening in Kabul!!!
Will do it tomorrow.
I will stick by my stand. Pakistan's establishment is HUGELY scared of this issue and hardly ever mentions it for that reason only. It is like a wife who dare not confront her husband over something as she knows he is cheating on her and if she takes the issue head on she knows what will happen. So what do you do? Bury your head in the sand. I have watched Pak-Afghan joint shows in english where this hidden fear spills across. You can deny all you want

It's funny you talk about denial, when NO ONE in the international community cares about this issue and yet you chose to ignore that.

By the way, you may want to read an article posted up here a few days ago. It's done by a Western analyst and talks of Afghanistan being pulled towards different directions e.g. Dostum towards Uzbekistan and Central Asia, and how different factions are pushing towards a union with their corresponding kin. There is no talk of any Durrand line, and how would there be with each faction distrusting the other and ready to fight it out.
Hilarious video posted , I think its fiarly safe the sooner Pakistan Armed forces move in setup permenent camps in Afghanistan it would be idea case
Hilarious video posted , I think its fiarly safe the sooner Pakistan Armed forces move in setup permenent camps in Afghanistan it would be idea case
What video?

There is no need to post bases in Afghanistan, just on the border region. What Pakistan needs to do is to seal the border and only allow movement in certain locations that are heavily monitored, but all of that is easier said than done.
Official in documentary made it clear that Afghans are day dreaming if they think USA will left everything behind and leave.

“Should Afghan security forces not be equipped and funded well, Afghanistan will again turn into the centre of international terrorism. In that case, the international community will be hurt.”

And this is supposed to be threat? These retards should know next time USA will not even bother to rebuil nation but just anihilate it.
Pal, don't try to fool the world. Internally Pak is SO afraid of this issue that it wants Afghans to first recognize Durand line issue. 3.4 Geo-politics of a Settlement | Durand Line

> Pakistan is afraid of the challenge Afghanistan could bring to the Durand Line question, if it acquires the strength to do so in the future.

This kind of verbal braggadocio fools nobody!

Except a few pushtoon nationalists no one else cares about this durand line issue anymore. Not even parties like ANP. So no. We aren't afraid of anything. If Afghanistan wants to take this to UN we have no issues with that. We are ready to defend our stance.

But no we aren't going to take this to UN. This makes no sense since the whole world agrees with us. Then why take it to UN?
Except a few pushtoon nationalists no one else cares about this durand line issue anymore. Not even parties like ANP. So no. We aren't afraid of anything. If Afghanistan wants to take this to UN we have no issues with that. We are ready to defend our stance.

But no we aren't going to take this to UN. This makes no sense since the whole world agrees with us. Then why take it to UN?

Don't buy it for a minute all this bravado. Will respond tomorrow it's too late here right now
Pal, don't try to fool the world. Internally Pak is SO afraid of this issue that it wants Afghans to first recognize Durand line issue. 3.4 Geo-politics of a Settlement | Durand Line

> Pakistan is afraid of the challenge Afghanistan could bring to the Durand Line question, if it acquires the strength to do so in the future.

This kind of verbal braggadocio fools nobody!
But I thought you LOVED India taking Kashmir issue to UN which is impartial so what exactly are you guys scared of? If you personally are not your mly leadership SURE is

I will stick by my stand. Pakistan's establishment is HUGELY scared of this issue and hardly ever mentions it for that reason only. It is like a wife who dare not confront her husband over something as she knows he is cheating on her and if she takes the issue head on she knows what will happen. So what do you do? Bury your head in the sand. I have watched Pak-Afghan joint shows in english where this hidden fear spills across. You can deny all you want

well I will let our Pakistani Pashtun brothers & sisters answer your questions

@Luftwaffe @Spring Onion @ghilzai @farhan_9909 @DESERT FIGHTER @Abu Zolfiqar @TaimiKhan @Imran Khan @Hyperion
kya tum hume chor ker chale jaoge,...... kya tum humara dil tor doge :cray:
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