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Afghanistan 'furious' over speculated US 7 billion military aid to Pakistan

Did i hear lectures from Afghani friends on what a 21st centuary military means? :D
Did i hear lectures from Afghani friends on what a 21st centuary military means? :D

Yes you heard it from a country who don't even have toilets lol and all of this poor nation lives in Pakistan and yet they say bad things about Pakistan lol
1. PA is not a 21st century army, its based on quantity and not quality.
2. You need to get your info updated on ANSF, we have far much advanced vehicles under our command.
3. The documentary is years old.
4. it was a hoax, US is going to give nothing to Pakistan. - US Denies Delivering Military Equipment To Pakistan - Ariana News

1. :rofl:
2. You do too. But from what I've heard plenty of equipment provided to the police and the ANA is often stripped down and sold for scrap metal. Nor do you have the necessary facilities to maintain these vehicles produce simple spares, overhaul or even upgrade. You will lose these vehicles at an extremely high rate, mark my words.
3. That document is from May last year and it was frighteningly appalling. It's less than a year old, and unless some huge miracles have been performed since, I don't buy it.
4. I still have a feeling you may see something yet, even if it's kept quiet, better in our hands than in the hands of the ANA and ANP.

Stop fooling your self, by these old videos.

Wanna know how ANSF looks like today? - ANSF | Afghan National Security Forces | Page 19

Don't get me wrong, ANA is clearly well equipped by the Americans, but is the current form of affairs sustainable?
I don't think so
1. PA is not a 21st century army, its based on quantity and not quality.
2. You need to get your info updated on ANSF, we have far much advanced vehicles under our command.
3. The documentary is years old.
4. it was a hoax, US is going to give nothing to Pakistan. - US Denies Delivering Military Equipment To Pakistan - Ariana News

So services integration, network centric warfare, modernisation is not 21st century, ok.

If the ANSF have such vehicles under their control then that is great. But I feel once NATO support and advice departs, then it would be interesting to see how things pan out.

The documentary is fairly old, but these were the beginnings of the force we see today. Not a great start by any margin.As for the US not giving anything to Pakistan, that still remains to be seen and either way we don't lose out. Pakistan is currently exploring other MRAP options.

Stop fooling your self, by these old videos.

Wanna know how ANSF looks like today? - ANSF | Afghan National Security Forces | Page 19

Whether the ANSF is a competent force to combat the Taliban remains to be seen (see my earlier comments about the NATO departure). If they remain neutral and don't have any designs on Pakistan then I can assure you I wish them the very best against the Taliban (both Afghan/Pak), who I hate.
2. You do too. But from what I've heard plenty of equipment provided to the police and the ANA is often stripped down and sold for scrap metal. Nor do you have the necessary facilities to maintain these vehicles produce simple spares, overhaul or even upgrade. You will lose these vehicles at an extremely high rate, mark my words.

Aircraft maintenance and repair facility is being built in Kandahar, Major Vehicle repair and maintenance facility is being build in Kabul with Indian and Russian technicians.
And with the BSA soon to be signed, US support will be guaranteed by another 10 years.

If the ANSF have such vehicles under their control then that is great. But I feel once NATO support and advice departs, then it would be interesting to see how things pan out.
Aircraft maintenance and repair facility is being built in Kandahar, Major Vehicle repair and maintenance facility is being build in Kabul with Indian and Russian technicians.
And with the BSA soon to be signed, US support will be guaranteed by another 10 years.

Are they signing the BSA? Then that is good news.
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