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Kashmiris want accession to Pakistan: (FaZL)

He was involved in a scam about some diesel tender, took some kickbacks and thus the name.

Funny name indeed. Few days ago, people were talking about Maulana Bijli ghar from Peshawar. :D
Everyone on this forum will get old and die and new one keep on trolling but kashmir will still remain with Indian and will remain forever...
What happened to the slogans of ''AJJAAADDIIII" ???

You must have wax in your ears.....AZADI loud and clear being heard and sung....perhaps the first time even in an IOK Uni. :D

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Windy, you are using same video and argument umpteenth time...:D

Come on mate, you know the reality. India will keep Kashmir even if we have to mine the entire border and station more than half of our force. The strategic importance of Kashmir is way too high.
and that too 10 guys got together and started to sing Pakistani national anthem..and the indian forces were probably laughing their @$$ off seeing their pathetic attempt at p!$$ing of Indians...
Windy, you are using same video and argument umpteenth time...:D

Come on mate, you know the reality. India will keep Kashmir even if we have to mine the entire border and station more than half of our force. The strategic importance of Kashmir is way too high.

Care to elaborate on the highlighted part....or is this just a way of killing an argument.
As arm chair Generals, we can do all the chest thumping albeit we know that IOK is a powder keg......which can not be supressed by force forever.
Care to elaborate on the highlighted part....or is this just a way of killing an argument.
As arm chair Generals, we can do all the chest thumping albeit we know that IOK is a powder keg......which can not be supressed by force forever.

Well if they want, they can move to Azad Kashmir and sing the song with pride and freedom!!

We are not against that. The only problem is with land.

Forget freedom and all that. Will any country in their right minds give up Kashmir and its extremely strategic military location to a country that has warred India 4 times? Ridiculous to expect India to give it up.
Care to elaborate on the highlighted part....or is this just a way of killing an argument.
As arm chair Generals, we can do all the chest thumping albeit we know that IOK is a powder keg......which can not be supressed by force forever.

Why can't it be kept under control with force. We have been doing it for over 6 decades. By your own reckoning, India has killed thousands. And despite the brutal occupation and support from across the border, the locals have repeatedly failed to engineer a movement that would keep India at bay.

You guys have been trying way to hard and have little to show for it. The only thing that you guys have managed is the occasional pakistani flag hoisting and the periodical street fight - which "liberals" are quick to brand as intifada. That's just poor marketing, among many other things.

I don't see any sound logic behind claims that "it's only a matter of time".
Windy, you are using same video and argument umpteenth time...:D

Come on mate, you know the reality. India will keep Kashmir even if we have to mine the entire border and station more than half of our force. The strategic importance of Kashmir is way too high.

At least someone is talking about STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE being the real reason rather then the INTEGRAL PART propaganda!
Care to elaborate on the highlighted part....or is this just a way of killing an argument.
As arm chair Generals, we can do all the chest thumping albeit we know that IOK is a powder keg......which can not be suppressed by force forever.
You have used this video earlier.

As for change, that may happen, well from where I see, Kashmiris are now getting more involved in development and feel less fear because of normalcy of the present times. Remember that survival is a key factor, always. Now Kashmiris feel relatively safe and now looking for more freedom, income, job opportunities etc. Don't give mass graves as an argument against it. War crimes happened, don't know up to what extent but things are getting normal against external forces constant bringing of Superficial Genocide.

India is already experimenting in rehabilitating extremists to bring down internal problems and it is also done in Kashmir. You are right that force can't forever hold this situation, that's why India is focusing more on Kashmir's development.

Tourism instead of terrorism is booming and it will dial done the unrest, if there is.

But even all goes south and Kashmir become more volatile than ever, do you think we can afford to loose Kashmir. Hell no. It is matter of our national security and survival of millions of people.
At least someone is talking about STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE being the real reason rather then the INTEGRAL PART propaganda!

It is indeed an INTEGRAL PART of India. But this is an Indian view. Every Indian holds this view, for the most part. No one will say otherwise. For Pakistan that view doesnt work out as a good reason.

The second reason is the strategic one. This is acceptable to everybody, so we use it.

But as long as you accept any one of those reasons and drop your claim to Kashmir we are good :lol:
At least someone is talking about STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE being the real reason rather then the INTEGRAL PART propaganda!

How are the two different ?

Every state is strategically important.

All states must remain in the national fold. One cannot imagine another country say on the Indian Peninsula or on its Eastern or Western orders.

..and Integral part is not propaganda - its a statement of fact.
At least someone is talking about STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE being the real reason rather then the INTEGRAL PART propaganda!


btw, same goes for Pakistan, Kashmiris are hardly brothers for them, i can cite two eg:

1. Giving away part of so called Azad Kashmir to China, just to make friendship with it.
2. Changing the demographic population of Azad Kashmir by settling Punjabi & others, while original people are at the receiving end.

btw, same goes for Pakistan, Kashmiris are hardly brothers for them, i can cite two eg:

1. Giving away part of so called Azad Kashmir to China, just to make friendship with it.
2. Changing the demographic population of Azad Kashmir by settling Punjabi & others, while original people are at the receiving end.
You can add third point, seperating Kashmir and making Gilgit Baltistan a new province.
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