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Kashmiris want accession to Pakistan: (FaZL)

Its like muslims being majority in kashmir they will move out along with land. hindus can leave the land to settle in india as happened during partition.muslim majority areas made up pakistan and those among minorities wanted to go leave they left for good or forced to leave from both side.
If that is the logic, then Pakistan should be ready to welcome the 160million Muslims living in India now. That will complete the partition based on the two nation theory.
Not needed bro.

Its highly needed, in Hinduism, attacking or destroying other religious places is not advocated.
Political parties used crap roits under name of hinduism to support such demolishing act for their vested interests.

It was place of Ram-mandir sooner or later Justice would have been served with time.

BTW nice avatar. Can you post the bigger version of it ?

I tried a lot but image size remains same:hitwall:
Easier said than done. What if all the Ahmedis, the Hazaras, the Hindus & the Christians chose to come to India? Okay with that?

Oh I forgot to add : On the lines of Two Nation Theory. So that would narrow down the possiblity to just Hindus and Sikhs.

Yeah I know its easier said than done. But there has to be a second choice. You know as well as me there are people whose heart beats not for this land. There is no point in them being here, feeling unwanted and the same goes for many in Pakistan who have to put up with the dicsrimination because they are the children of a lesser god.
Doesnt matter anymore.its the wish of the people which dictates the terms. btw Scott are moving out of UK along with land so will kashmir from india.Just the matter of time.

Apply the same logic to Baluchistan. The Recent opinion poll in Kashmir suggests people want independence people of Gilgit and baltistan also wants independence, Do you think a state like Kashmir be independent and live in peace especially between arch rivals Pakistan and India. It is fare better to remain in status quo situation.
India will accept pakistani Hindu, pakistani cristians (may be Hazara or Shia) But the Big question is , Will Pakistani accept Hindu-Muslims (read Indian Muslims????)
Its like muslims being majority in kashmir they will move out along with land. hindus can leave the land to settle in india as happened during partition.muslim majority areas made up pakistan and those among minorities wanted to go leave they left for good or forced to leave from both side.

The time of partition is over. The ruled signed over that land to India, and legally India is the rightful owner. Seconly, Kashmiris do not wanna be a part of Pakistan. The minority separatist forces and the Pakistani sympathizers if they want, can be granted peaceful repatriation to either Pakistan or bangladesh or to any other nation they want to move to, according to international law. We however wont give back that land. Any Muslim Kashmiri that wants to stay with India will also stay here, and there is nothing Pakistan or anybody else can do about it.

And as for Jinnah, well, there are no more Jinnah's today. Neither as politically powerful, nor with such credibility.

Doesnt matter anymore.its the wish of the people which dictates the terms. btw Scott are moving out of UK along with land so will kashmir from india.Just the matter of time.

Exactly. And the majority wants to stay with India.
Its highly needed, in Hinduism, attacking or destroying other religious places is not advocated.
Political parties used crap roits under name of hinduism to support such demolishing act for their vested interests.

It was place of Ram-mandir sooner or later Justice would have been served with time.

Agree with the overall content of your post. But I am not sure if your condemnation in this particular context was needed. Anyway lets agree to disagree.

Yes we are meant to take this guy seriously:rofl:
Fazlu pitching to the voters, any other day of the week he wouldn't give a rat's *** about Kashmir or even Pakistan for that matter. It's playing smitten with the voters around election time and with the Taliban any other, Fazlu is a busy, busy man! Raising coalitions without coalition partners!
Where was Mullah Diesel for the last 4 years about the Kashmir issue as Chairman of this special committee (what does this committee do anyway?)

As others have said, election stunt, nothing more, nothing less.

The less seriously we take this guy, the better.
lol but why did he get the nick, Maulana Diesel ?. Did he pass a fatwa or something on that ?
What happened to the slogans of ''AJJAAADDIIII" ???
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