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Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik convicted by Nazi RSS India

Well, Planet Pakistani logic....

Yasin Malik had earlier pleaded guilty to all the charges including those under the stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in a terror funding case.​

Read rinse repeat.
@PakAlp @Faqirze : In any other civilized country, he would have been executed 30 years ago. It is only in benevolent India that a murderer like him can live to spew his venom.

What would your country do to somebody who shot four air force men dead? Who constantly waged war against the state, and materially supported terrorists and separatists?

He is lucky to have been born in India - anywhere else, he would be quickly executed if he was lucky, or painfully tortured to death.

@PakAlp and @Faqirze are from Pakistan, a country where in 1951, fours years after the country's formation, the progressive leftist poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his Socialist and Communist comrades in the military and civilian society launched an attempt to take over governance and enable a progressive, welfare-based society. The takeover attempt failed and it became called by its opponents as the Rawalpindi Conspiracy. The Indian military OTOH unfortunately hasn't attempted a single time to enable progressive individuals and movements to bring progress, rationality and harmony to India even when there have been so many political, social and socio-economic oppressions and atrocities in the 75 years that India has existed, whether it be the suicides by 350,000+ farmers just between 1995 and 2015 or the atrocities against Dalits and the females or the war calls by Hindutvadis in a Dharam Sansad just last December to genocide two million Muslims at the earliest opportunity which led to the lynching of an elderly and confused Hindu man in MP just four days ago on suspicion of being a Muslim. I can list many atrocities that happen daily in india but sadly the Indian military watches on. Additionally you express anger over Yasin Malik having killed some Indian air force officers 30 years ago but you don't consider that the same Indian air force has been for last many years been conducting armed operation against the Indian Communist guerrillas, the Naxals, including killing them and why ? Just because the Naxals want a progressive, Communist society free of political, social and socio-economic oppression ? And it won't be surprising if the Indian air force will start bombing Kashmir. What is the Indian air force saying its ideology is then ? Ambani'ology, Adani'ology and Hindutvad'ology ? Why are you not angry about this ?
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Sir, Yasin is not a hero of mine but he was an armed militant years ago and then he took the path of peace. Shouldn't the Indian establishment have cultivated the company of this peace-seeking man and worked with him for a broader peaceful and political solution to the Kashmir issue like the one Musharraf proposed in 2001 ( the Four Point Formula ) ? :) For how long should the Kashmiris become pawns in the nationalist wars between Indian establishment and Pakistani establishment ?

Okay Sir.... what is the solution for kashmir?

India should allow these people freely which happened over many decades?

And, which nation allows such people in its own country - can you give the example?

I would be happy to take the risk and clean up such leaders from Kashmir. There would be some security challenges from a maximum of a month but later, people do live peacefully...\\

Such leaders will never allow peaceful life in the kashmir. We need to learn from Pakistan - how they cleaned such people from their country.
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Well, Planet Pakistani logic....

Yasin Malik had earlier pleaded guilty to all the charges including those under the stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in a terror funding case.​

Read rinse repeat.

Sounds like another Freedom fighter in the last century

Okay Sir.... what is the solution for kashmir?

India should allow these people freely which happened over many decades?

And, which nation allows such people in its own country - can you give the example?

I would be happy to take the risk and clean up such leaders from Kashmir. There would be some security challenges from a maximum of a month but later, people do live peacefully...\\

Such leaders will never allow such peaceful life in the kashmir. We need to learn from Pakistan - how they cleaned such people from their country.

1. South Africa for a long time had the White-rule Apartheid government against which the aware Black and Brown South Africaners and the progressive White Africaners were fighting against. One of the leaders of these fighters and agitators was Nelson Mandela. When White rule ended and Nelson Mandela became the leader of new, unified South Africa he set up not a court to hunt down the Whites who committed crimes against the others but instead set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1995 for the Whites and others to recount their crimes and violences and for the victims of these violences and crimes to give their testimonies and for the violence doing people on all sides to seek forgiveness, compromise and wish for a unified South Africa where the previous anger and violent events are forgiven and the country is healed. Such a Truth and Reconciliation Commission should be done in India in Kashmir, the participants being the Indian government forces, the Kashmiri militants, the Kashmiri Pandits, the Sikhs and the Muslims, all volunteering to speak of their crimes and violences and the atrocities done against them and all seeking forgiveness and willing to forgive. Don't you think such a thing will be so nice to have ? You yourself say that you are willing to talk to the leaders there.

2. Please read my thread for my solution for Kashmir and for the broader change in India and Pakistan ( and rest of South Asia too ) :

3. Pakistan's forces are fighting right-wing criminals for years but that sadly hasn't happened in India. :)
@PakAlp @Faqirze. It is only in benevolent India that a murderer like him can live to spew his venom.
How is speaking out for the rights of your people and against human rights violations akin to "spewing venom"? India is a democracy and a free country, he has the right to do that all he wants.
What would your country do to somebody who shot four air force men dead? Who constantly waged war against the state, and materially supported terrorists and separatists?
I agree that what he did was very wrong but they are digging this case back up in order to silence his activism and not because they actually want to serve justice to the poor officer and his family, they are just using that as a cover.
Who constantly waged war against the state, and materially supported terrorists and separatists?
Peaceful activism isn't akin to "waging war against the state", like I said earlier the man eventually reformed himself and denounced militancy
He is lucky to have been born in India - anywhere else, he would be quickly executed if he was lucky, or painfully tortured to death.
That's India's problem, but the man still has a right to a fair trial
@PakAlp and @Faqirze are from Pakistan, a country where in 1951, fours years after the country's formation, the progressive leftist poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his Socialist and Communist comrades in the military and civilian society launched an attempt to take over governance and enable a progressive, welfare-based society. The takeover attempt failed and it became called by its opponents as the Rawalpindi Conspiracy. The Indian military OTOH unfortunately hasn't attempted a single time to enable progressive individuals and movements to bring progress, rationality and harmony to India even when there have been so many political, social and socio-economic oppressions and atrocities in the 75 years that India has existed, whether it be the suicides by 350,000+ farmers just between 1995 and 2015 or the atrocities against Dalits and the females or the war calls by Hindutvadis in a Dharam Sansad just last December to genocide two million Muslims at the earliest opportunity which led to the lynching of an elderly and confused Hindu man in MP just four days ago on suspicion of being a Muslim. I can list many atrocities that happen daily in india but sadly the Indian military watches on. Additionally you express anger over Yasin Malik having killed some Indian air force officers 30 years ago but you don't consider that the same Indian air force has been for last many years been conducting armed operation against the Indian Communist guerrillas, the Naxals, including killing them and why ? Just because the Naxals want a progressive, Communist society free of political, social and socio-economic oppression ? And it won't be surprising if the Indian air force will start bombing Kashmir. What is the Indian air force saying its ideology is then ? Ambani'ology, Adani'ology and Hindutvad'ology ? Why are you not angry about this ?
You know I really like some of your ideas and your posts, but I wish you would speak out against (extremist) Islamism and Islamist atrocities as much as you do against Hindu extremists. They really are not all poor innocent victims like you make them out to be
@PakAlp and @Faqirze are from Pakistan, a country where in 1951, fours years after the country's formation, the progressive leftist poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his Socialist and Communist comrades in the military and civilian society launched an attempt to take over governance and enable a progressive, welfare-based society. The takeover attempt failed and it became called by its opponents as the Rawalpindi Conspiracy. The Indian military OTOH unfortunately hasn't attempted a single time to enable progressive individuals and movements to bring progress, rationality and harmony to India even when there have been so many political, social and socio-economic oppressions and atrocities in the 75 years that India has existed, whether it be the suicides by 350,000+ farmers just between 1995 and 2015 or the atrocities against Dalits and the females or the war calls by Hindutvadis in a Dharam Sansad just last December to genocide two million Muslims at the earliest opportunity which led to the lynching of an elderly and confused Hindu man in MP just four days ago on suspicion of being a Muslim. I can list many atrocities that happen daily in india but sadly the Indian military watches on. Additionally you express anger over Yasin Malik having killed some Indian air force officers 30 years ago but you don't consider that the same Indian air force has been for last many years been conducting armed operation against the Indian Communist guerrillas, the Naxals, including killing them and why ? Just because the Naxals want a progressive, Communist society free of political, social and socio-economic oppression ? And it won't be surprising if the Indian air force will start bombing Kashmir. What is the Indian air force saying its ideology is then ? Ambani'ology, Adani'ology and Hindutvad'ology ? Why are you not angry about this ?

India has used the Air Force only once in its own controlled territory. In the North East under Indira Gandhi - sometime in the 1960s. And that too the Ayub Khan regime was arming the separatists from East Pakistan.

Yasin Malik refused to build a defence. That's just stupid.
1. South Africa for a long time had the White-rule Apartheid government against which the aware Black and Brown South Africaners and the progressive White Africaners were fighting against. One of the leaders of these fighters and agitators was Nelson Mandela. When White rule ended and Nelson Mandela became the leader of new, unified South Africa he set up not a court to hunt down the Whites who committed crimes against the others but instead set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1995 for the Whites and others to recount their crimes and violences and for the victims of these violences and crimes to give their testimonies and for the violence doing people on all sides to seek forgiveness, compromise and wish for a unified South Africa where the previous anger and violent events are forgiven and the country is healed. Such a Truth and Reconciliation Commission should be done in India in Kashmir, the participants being the Indian government forces, the Kashmiri militants, the Kashmiri Pandits, the Sikhs and the Muslims, all volunteering to speak of their crimes and violences and the atrocities done against them and all seeking forgiveness and willing to forgive. Don't you think such a thing will be so nice to have ? You yourself say that you are willing to talk to the leaders there.

2. Please read my thread for my solution for Kashmir and for the broader change in India and Pakistan ( and rest of South Asia too ) :

3. Pakistan's forces are fighting right-wing criminals for years but that sadly hasn't happened in India. :)

Point 1
Yes that is possible and i believed previous indian government done the same and ehe was involved in the criminal activity and killing the security people.... However, He allowed to be part of Indian main stream politics.

All the years, what he did? Did he was supportive to indian governments? Your are comparing orange with the apple.

Point 2.
I am okay with that.... Kashmiri are suffering due to indian and pakistani governments... Without compromising by both the countries - they can give some relief to kashmiri people.

Point 3 -
If fighting with the right-wing is a good for you then I would want to discuss further... You need to grow-up.

Not all muslims are innocent and not hindus are innocent.... You should never generalized it..

I hope that he will be punished for his sins as soon as posdible.
@PakAlp and @Faqirze are from Pakistan, a country where in 1951, fours years after the country's formation, the progressive leftist poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz and his Socialist and Communist comrades in the military and civilian society launched an attempt to take over governance and enable a progressive, welfare-based society. The takeover attempt failed and it became called by its opponents as the Rawalpindi Conspiracy. The Indian military OTOH unfortunately hasn't attempted a single time to enable progressive individuals and movements to bring progress, rationality and harmony to India even when there have been so many political, social and socio-economic oppressions and atrocities in the 75 years that India has existed, whether it be the suicides by 350,000+ farmers just between 1995 and 2015 or the atrocities against Dalits and the females or the war calls by Hindutvadis in a Dharam Sansad just last December to genocide two million Muslims at the earliest opportunity which led to the lynching of an elderly and confused Hindu man in MP just four days ago on suspicion of being a Muslim. I can list many atrocities that happen daily in india but sadly the Indian military watches on. Additionally you express anger over Yasin Malik having killed some Indian air force officers 30 years ago but you don't consider that the same Indian air force has been for last many years been conducting armed operation against the Indian Communist guerrillas, the Naxals, including killing them and why ? Just because the Naxals want a progressive, Communist society free of political, social and socio-economic oppression ? And it won't be surprising if the Indian air force will start bombing Kashmir. What is the Indian air force saying its ideology is then ? Ambani'ology, Adani'ology and Hindutvad'ology ? Why are you not angry about this ?

I am baffled by your logic. You keep talking of Military having an ideology. The only time a Military grows any ideology is when it wants to rule the country. In case that is what you are hinting at, then remember, if the Military takes over the country, the first casualty will be the Naxalites. You think they are going to overthrow a government to usher in Communist rule? Wake up. I don't know if you have any family members in the Military or know any one well. My own family is filled with Military officers and trust me, they are not going to let your communist dreams materialize. You should thank the heavens that we are still a functioning democracy and Military is not what it is in Pakistan. It is very unfortunate that you are hyphenating them with crony capitalism. They have always served the elected governments and country, like they should. So be careful what you wish for.
You know I really like some of your ideas and your posts

Thank you. :)

but I wish you would speak out against (extremist) Islamism and Islamist atrocities as much as you do against Hindu extremists. They really are not all poor innocent victims like you make them out to be

Thousands of my posts are about me speaking against the irrational and regressive mullahs who use a fake garb of Islam to spread oppression and regressiveness. My member name Jamahir comes from Jamahiriya the political system devised in Libya by Muammar Gaddafi who was a Socialist-Communist philosopher and revolutionary who always acted firmly against the "Muslim" Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. We should not call the "M"B and AQ as Islamists because they represent positions opposite of real Islam. I have before posted the below wonderful, inspiring and educating short speech from 1982 by former Syrian president Hafiz al Assad talking after Syrians defeated the NATO-supported "M"B in a six-year war within Syria :

India has used the Air Force only once in its own controlled territory. In the North East under Indira Gandhi - sometime in the 1960s. And that too the Ayub Khan regime was arming the separatists from East Pakistan.

You must be referring to Mizoram in 1967 and I believe the Indian air force bombing was less about acting against Pakistan but more about forcibly keeping that region under the Indian state without attempting to converse with the rebels. I quote this article from 2013 :
One month and four days after becoming prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi was faced with a problem familiar to her father, Jawaharlal Nehru: an insurgency in the north east. On February 28, 1966, the Mizo National Army (MNA) revolted against India and fighting broke out across the region. In response, the Indian state did two unprecedented things.

By March 2, the MNA had overrun the Aizawl treasury and armoury and was at the headquarters of the Assam Rifles. It had also captured several smaller towns south of Aizawl. The military tried to ferry troops and weapons by helicopter, but was driven away by MNA snipers.

So, at 11:30 am on March 5, the air force attacked Aizawl with heavy machine gun fire. On March 6, the attack intensified, and incendiary bombs were dropped. This killed innocents and completely destroyed the four largest areas of the city: Republic Veng, Hmeichche Veng, Dawrpui Veng and Chhinga Veng.

Locals left their homes and fled into the hills in panic. The MNA melted away into surrounding gorges, forests and hills, to camps in Burma and the then East Pakistan. The air force strafed Aizawl and other areas till March 13. One local told a human rights committee set up by Khasi legislators GG Swell and Rev Nichols Roy that, “There were two types of planes which flew over Aizawl — good planes and angry planes. The good planes were those which flew comparatively slowly and did not spit out fire or smoke; the angry planes were those which escaped to a distance before the sound of their coming could be heard and who spat out smoke and fire.”

This was the first— and only — time that the air force has been used to attack Indians in India. It cleared Aizawl and other cities of the MNA, but did not finish off the insurgency, which would last for another 20 years. Till the 1980s, the Indian military stoutly denied the use of air attacks in Mizoram in 1966.

By 1967, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act was in force in the area that is now Mizoram. That year, the eastern military brass, led by the then Lt General Maneckshaw, and government decided to implement the second terrible thing it did in Mizoram. This was called ‘regrouping of villages.’

At the that time, there was one road coming south from Silchar in Assam, that traveled all the way down to where the state’s limits ended. To the east and west of this road were vast tracts of forests, hills and ravines, dotted with hundreds of villages.The military plan was to gather villagers from all over, and cluster them along the side of this road. These new, so-called Protected and Progressive Villages (PPVs), were nothing but concentration camps, minus gas chambers. The movement was supposed to be voluntary — people in some far off hamlet were supposed to jump with joy when told to give up their land, crops and homes to trek hundreds of miles and live behind barbed wire. Actually, the military told villagers to take what they could carry on their backs, and burn everything else down. Elders signed ‘consent’ papers at gunpoint.

In every case, villagers refused to move. When they were coerced to march, they would refuse to burn down their properties. Then, the military officer and his men would torch the whole place down. They would march in a column guarded by the military, to their designated PPV.

Life here was tough: each resident was numbered and tagged, going and coming was strictly regulated and rations were meagre. In the PPVs’ confines, tribal conventions broke down. In the scramble for scarce resources, theft, murder and alcoholism became widespread.

The regrouping destroyed the Mizos’ practice of jhum, or shifting cultivation. There was little land inside the PPVs and their original jhum areas had been left far behind in the interiors. Farm output fell off a cliff. Mizoram suffered from near-famine conditions, supplemented by what little the military could provide, for the next three years.

Why were the villagers herded into the PPVs? The military reckoned that keeping villagers under their eyes would keep them from sheltering insurgents or joining the MNA. The original villages, crops and granaries were destroyed to deny wandering insurgents shelter and food.

These ideas were picked up by our officers from the colonial British playbook. The British had regrouped villages during the Boer war in the early 20th century, in Malaya, where they interned Chinese in special camps and in Kenya where villages were uprooted to crush the Mau Mau revolt.

The British could get away with all this because they were inflicting pain on a subject population. The Indian establishment had no such fig leaf: it was giving grief to its own citizens.

The scale of the Mizoram regrouping was awesome. Out of 764 villages, 516 were evacuated and squeezed into 110 PPVs. Only 138 villages were left untouched. In the Aizawl area, about 95% of the rural population was herded into PPVs. No Russian gulag or German concentration camp had hosted such a large chunk of the local population.

The first PPVs were dismantled in 1971, but the last ones continued for another eight years. The MNA revolt ended in 1986. No government has expressed regret for the bombing and regrouping.
Please read the comments on the article page. The locals are still not forgiving. And elsewhere I read, perhaps The Wire, that the indian air force claimed that the jet fighters / bombers were not bombing and strafing but carrying soldiers and supplies. The statements that one could get away with even then, LOL.

But as of a few years now the Indian air force has been operating armed helicopters, troop-carrying helicopters and all kinds of drones against the Naxals - against Indians. :)

Yasin Malik refused to build a defence. That's just stupid.

I see. I will read more on that. Thank you for notifying.

Point 3 -
If fighting with the right-wing is a good for you then I would want to discuss further... You need to grow-up.

Not all muslims are innocent and not hindus are innocent.... You should never generalized it..

I agree with the underlined and by "right-wing" I include those among the Indian Muslims too in our local context. For a global context please see my reply to Faqirze above. So in India I am against Owaisi who didn't say a word let alone shed a tear for the Dalit boy honor killed by the brothers of his Muslim wife. Owaisi is an embarrassment to Islam who is all about chanting masjids and pasting "Pehle hijab, phir kitaab" banners instead of speaking of the many atrocities in India against the oppressed of every community. He didn't participate in the farmers protests of 2021 in his region and despite the farmers protesting in Delhi for one whole year. But he eagerly sent money rewards and support to Muskan bibi who wasn't a n intellectual or a revolutionary but was just a misinformed and misguided Angry indian Burqa Girl and from that you will see that I am against Muskan too. Please read this thread of mine where I mention her hypocrisy :

India should neither have a Hindu party nor a Muslim party, neither RSS nor PFI. You see my point. :)

Point 2.
I am okay with that.... Kashmiri are suffering due to indian and pakistani governments... Without compromising by both the countries - they can give some relief to kashmiri people.

Yes indeed. Thank you for understanding.

Point 1
Yes that is possible and i believed previous indian government done the same and ehe was involved in the criminal activity and killing the security people.... However, He allowed to be part of Indian main stream politics.

All the years, what he did? Did he was supportive to indian governments? Your are comparing orange with the apple.

Well, he became a peace-seeking person but yes I agree with you that he should have proposed big scale, intermediate and long-term solutions for Kashmir like champion Musharraf's solution.

I am baffled by your logic. You keep talking of Military having an ideology. The only time a Military grows any ideology is when it wants to rule the country. In case that is what you are hinting at, then remember, if the Military takes over the country, the first casualty will be the Naxalites. You think they are going to overthrow a government to usher in Communist rule? Wake up. I don't know if you have any family members in the Military or know any one well. My own family is filled with Military officers and trust me, they are not going to let your communist dreams materialize. You should thank the heavens that we are still a functioning democracy and Military is not what it is in Pakistan. It is very unfortunate that you are hyphenating them with crony capitalism. They have always served the elected governments and country, like they should. So be careful what you wish for.

Firstly, I have a relative younger to me who is an officer in the Indian navy. He lived in Russia for quite some time as part of naval training and his boy was born there. I haven't had a political and ideological conversation with him but if I have a suitable chance with him alone I will make my thoughts known. He once mentioned to me installation of the Israeli Barak missile on his ship so he doesn't yet understand the political significance of that, not that I am someone who wants to throw the Israeli Jews into the Red Sea. :)

Now you have misunderstood my post. I was lamenting the lack of leftist cadre in the Indian military which makes it distant and disconnected with the political, social and socio-economic realities of India. Oh yes there recently were some sensible former senior Indian military officers who wrote an open letter to the government condemning the recent entry of Hindutvadi elements in various ceremonies in the military and the general new environment there gone that way. And yes IIRC there was either a Sikh soldier himself or his brother who participated against the government in the Delhi farmers protests of 2021. But my lament is that we don't have progressive moral ideological stand in the Indian military. It is an elite club disconnected from India unlike the former Pakistani soldier Faiz Ahmed Faiz, a leftist, and his serving Communist comrades like Major General Akbar. :) Instead we have the military acting as the arm of the successive governments even in their wrong policies, whether in Kashmir or in the Northeast or indeed as you said against the Naxals. Sad.
Yasin Malik refused to build a defence. That's just stupid.

If you look beyond the chest-thumping, I suspect there was an ulterior motive behind this. We'll probably find out decades later in some memoir.

The Kashmir war has long become dirty war with all players involved (and here I mean the Indian establishment/security and the Kashmiri politicians and pro-freedom parties) having a symbiotic relationship with each other, using each other, and competing with each other.

At the end of the day, war is a business, and Kashmir is no exception. If you look at the terror funding case, it becomes clear that India (or its agents in Kashmir) knew of the movement of money, and turned a blind eye against it.
Yaseen Malik is a hero and will die a martyr to the cause of the freedom of Kashmir.

Indians are just laagar baagar hyenas that are getting their 3 inch dick hard ons over the sentencing of one man.

Don’t worry bhartis, there are plenty of more Yaseen Maliks to come. I only wish he had killed more of your soldiers.

Tank u. Come again!

@Faqirze you sound like a gandu
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