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Kashmir unrest: Sympathisers of radicals in Delhi are a bigger threat than Pakistan, Islamic State

No not alone, but with family. And yes, Kashmir some other time. Just waiting for the airline to call and ask us to cancel the ticket, so that we can get back full amount. But from delhi, I am thinking of Rajasthan,,,,places which we have not seen.
yeah.. rajasthan is pretty good alternative... sri nagar was meh for me... ladakh is different .. go there if you can...
am asking why do you think one has led to other.... and has it accelerated since 2010? terror incidents are all time low now, compared to 90s...

terror incidents are at all time low, thanks to army and intelligence of India, not bcz kashmiris started having an open mind.
Stephen, the person who said this was brutally murdered by a handicapped.

That was A film where the villain has to die

But if Our ancestors had been SO COWARD ; then ALL of India would have been A Muslim country

And let me add one thing VERY straight

The people who are very sympathetic to Kashmirs are basically Leftists

Leftists have NEVER been fully patriotic

They are just opportunistic leeches ; who are looking to increase their vote share some how
That was A film where the villain has to die

But if Our ancestors had been SO COWARD ; then ALL of India would have been A Muslim country

Read Eaton, simple.

The people who are very sympathetic to Kashmirs are basically Leftists

Leftists have NEVER been fully patriotic

They are just opportunistic leeches ; who are looking to increase their vote share some how

So basically you are saying Right wingers are not sympathetic towards Kashmiris? And what is your way of patriotism? Bleeding a region to death that you claim to be your own?
Read Eaton, simple.

What is that

So basically you are saying Right wingers are not sympathetic towards Kashmiris? And what is your way of patriotism? Bleeding a region that you claim to be your own?

If the kashmiris want to live peacefully they are welcome

Otherwise they can go to hell

By the way HOW MANY Pro Kashmir demonstrations have you seen in the last one Month
In mainland India

There was One small gathering in Kolkatta ; bloody leftists calling for peace
yes.. in 2010.. has it changed dramatically since then?

Not dramatically; progressively. It's the new preachers, breaking down the old social structures, building new mosques, preaching their rabble-rousing ....they wouldn't say anything a tenth as aggressive in Deoband.
What is that

If the kashmiris want to live peacefully they are welcome

Otherwise they can go to hell

By the way HOW MANY Pro Kashmir demonstrations have you seen in the last one Month
In mainland India

There was One small gathering in Kolkatta ; bloody leftists calling for peace
This has been one of the main problems of right wing nationalists. Treating men those you claim to be your own like cattle herds with scant regard for their basic demands and human rights. Spare me from this useless debate and good night.
This has been one of the main problem of right wing nationalists. Treating men that you claim to be your own like cattle herds with scant regard for their basic demands and human rights. Spare me from this useless debate and good night.

I also dont like to debate with ANTI nationals
Not dramatically; progressively. It's the new preachers, breaking down the old social structures, building new mosques, preaching their rabble-rousing ....they wouldn't say anything a tenth as aggressive in Deoband.
its impossible to change the society radically within a span of 5 years... the angry teens on street are more likely to be children of 90s violence.... the radicalization would mean increased violence against civilians and police/army... that has not happened...
if the new religion forces people to pick up stones instead of guns, its surely a tenth aggressive of what it replaced.
its impossible to change the society radically within a span of 5 years... the angry teens on street are more likely to be children of 90s violence.... the radicalization would mean increased violence against civilians and police/army... that has not happened...
if the new religion forces people to pick up stones instead of guns, its surely a tenth aggressive of what it replaced.

They dont want to be shot ; hence the stones

Plus they want to create an image of being martyrs like Palestinians
terror incidents are at all time low, thanks to army and intelligence of India, not bcz kashmiris started having an open mind.
wow... heads you win.. tails I lose...
its very easy to pick up guns or at least make ieds, if the society is radicalized... no amount of intelligence can bust all of them....
wow... heads you win.. tails I lose...
its very easy to pick up guns or at least make ieds, if the society is radicalized... no amount of intelligence can bust all of them....

Why dont you go to Kashmir and get a first hand assessment

They are cowards ; the moment they pick up guns they are " Marked " as a target
by Rashtriya rifles ; hence the stones

They want to win Azadi by Creating INTERNATIONAL pressure on India
which is not happening

And if they could really FIGHT ; what prevents Pakistan Army from coming to their AID
I have only option : North India. Because my ticket to delhi is not going to be cancelled as I will lose more. Have completed kullu manali shimala. Completed Jaipur, Udayapur and Ajmer. Also Nainital, Haridwar, Dheradun etc. Have got 6 days time. So I have thought of Mt Abu, jaisalmer/jodhpur or other places of Rajasthan. One day for Golden temple/wagha border. All by road from delhi.

Plan A - J&K if its peaceful
Plan B - Rajasthan solid option and Amritsar/Wagah
Plan C - Himachal and Ladakh
Plan D: Check out Nepal fares from New Delhi.. If you get a good deal cover it once and for all.. Its a nice place

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