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Kashmir unrest: Sympathisers of radicals in Delhi are a bigger threat than Pakistan, Islamic State

Yup. Read up Ahl-e-hadith + intelligence + wahab funding. Then read up about killing in run up to panchayat elections, you may have to search material. Then we will discuss more.
i dont trust that... wahabi funding increased radically since 2010?
its possible that radicalism among muslim youth is on the rise as part of global trend(i wont be surprised), however there is no causal relation with spontaneous protests of ordinary people which is on the rise.
I know it helps us in global stage to discredit the movement but lets not lie to ourselves at least. half of the time we also fool ourselves thinking its the joblessness or poverty.... that might be contributing factor but not the main factor.
this is a political issue that needs political resolution.
i dont trust that... wahabi funding increased radically since 2010?
its possible that radicalism among muslim youth is on the rise as part of global trend(i wont be surprised), however there is no causal relation with spontaneous protests of ordinary people which is on the rise.
I know it helps us in global stage to discredit the movement but lets not lie to ourselves at least. half of the time we also fool ourselves thinking its the joblessness or poverty.... that might be contributing factor but not the main factor.
this is a political issue that needs political resolution.

Did you do your research? Yes or No would suffice.
I am saying the struggle has nothing to do with wahabism or radical islamism.... it has much wider support among ordinary people in the valley.. majority people of valley are not radicals...
some people have turned to radicalism, but we cant dismiss the whole struggle by painting them as part of global jihad... although its exactly what we are doing to discredit them.

If you want to know the details .. kindly go through the link.

The Wahhabi Invasion

Wahhabism, an austere, puritanical interpretation of Islam promoted by Saudi Arabia, is making deep inroads into Kashmir due to the efforts of the Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith, which calls itself a religious and welfare organisation.

Swelling congregations flock to about 700 mosques that the organisation, which registered itself way back in 1958, has built across the Valley. Practically every village along the picturesque, poplar-lined, 60-km stretch northwest of Srinagar towards Gulmarg has one or more Ahl-e-Hadith-funded mosques.

If you want to know the details .. kindly go through the link.

The Wahhabi Invasion

Wahhabism, an austere, puritanical interpretation of Islam promoted by Saudi Arabia, is making deep inroads into Kashmir due to the efforts of the Jamiat Ahl-e-Hadith, which calls itself a religious and welfare organisation.

Swelling congregations flock to about 700 mosques that the organisation, which registered itself way back in 1958, has built across the Valley. Practically every village along the picturesque, poplar-lined, 60-km stretch northwest of Srinagar towards Gulmarg has one or more Ahl-e-Hadith-funded mosques.

am asking why do you think one has led to other.... and has it accelerated since 2010? terror incidents are all time low now, compared to 90s...
where are the indicators that desire for freedom is led by fanaticism?
The very fact that the so called Azadi gang is limited to a small part of Kashmir where only Sunni Muslims lives reveals that Azadi virus is driven by religious fanaticism.
In your previous post you dismissed that the driving out of Pandits happened long back but that still does not discount the fact that activity was another text book example of fanaticism.
The below are other such examples:
1. Kashmir-all-girl-rock-band-forced-to-disband.html (Telegraphs news)
2.posters-issued-in-kashmir-threaten-girls-on-scooties-reports-say (Quint)
3. ikashmir. net/kavitasuri/52. html
Like you said earlier, we should not lie to ourselves, likewise lets not kid ourselves and hide under the garb of liberal intellectualism. Lets call spade a spade (in this case Islamic terrorism).
Yup. Read up Ahl-e-hadith + intelligence + wahab funding. Then read up about killing in run up to panchayat elections, you may have to search material. Then we will discuss more.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/kashmir-...tan-islamic-state.444171/page-2#ixzz4HKFr4Dgf

@hinduguy read all you can find. you will have to search. Then we discuss.

@ranjeet add to it intelligence agencies + activities of the said organisation in valley
kashmir is peaceful than ever before... most mainland Indians return from there unmolested... if radicalism were on the rise it would have opposite effect...
yeah militancy was never completely dead, but fewer people are picking guns compared to earlier years...
a radical cadre of people would have threatened pdp not to join bjp(happened during height of militancy, they could dictate terms).. that never happened...
so where are your indicators which suggests radicalism is the primary factor behind wish for separation...

The very fact that the so called Azadi gang is limited to a small part of Kashmir where only Sunni Muslims lives reveals that Azadi virus is driven by religious fanaticism.
In your previous post you dismissed that the driving out of Pandits happened long back but that still does not discount the fact that activity was another text book example of fanaticism.
The below are other such examples:
1. Kashmir-all-girl-rock-band-forced-to-disband.html (Telegraphs news)
2.posters-issued-in-kashmir-threaten-girls-on-scooties-reports-say (Quint)
3. ikashmir. net/kavitasuri/52. html
Like you said earlier, we should not lie to ourselves, likewise lets not kid ourselves and hide under the garb of liberal intellectualism. Lets call spade a spade (in this case Islamic terrorism).
radicalism is rising everywhere.. you wont think somebody will kill another person for eating beef 10 years ago... the trend in kashmir is downward not upward.
sunni muslims are asking for separation from beginning.. it has not changed... are you suggesting those who wanted separate homeland for muslims(muslim league) are radicals? why?
kashmir is peaceful than ever before... most mainland Indians return from there unmolested... if radicalism were on the rise it would have opposite effect...
yeah militancy was never completely dead, but fewer people are picking guns compared to earlier years...
a radical cadre of people would have threatened pdp not to join bjp(happened during height of militancy, they could dictate terms).. that never happened...
so where are your indicators which suggests radicalism is the primary factor behind wish for separation...

Track back to my posts. It is irritating to repeat things. They have nothing against Indians. They have every grouse against Government. You maybe a fauji but if in civil dress, you are their guests, They will protect you with their lives. And next day in your uniform they may try and kill you. They are not against Indians!!!!

Read and come.
radicalism is rising everywhere.. you wont think somebody will kill another person for eating beef 10 years ago... the trend in kashmir is downward not upward.
sunni muslims are asking for separation from beginning.. it has not changed... are you suggesting those who wanted separate homeland for muslims(muslim league) are radicals? why?

Radicalism is not increasing everywhere. Radicalism is primarily rising in Islamic societies. The others are merely tweaking there actions to match the challenge coming from the Islamists.
Is this phenomena of killing someone for eating beef happening at all the places where Hindus have sizeable population ?
Do not equate an outlier with the majority but I guess that was intentional.
"sunni muslims are asking for separation from beginning"
The Sunni muslims are only asking for independence since they feel that they cannot live under Hindu India. This aspect of them is quite universal in nature i.e wherever they are in majority, they need a separate homeland.

" are you suggesting those who wanted separate homeland for muslims(muslim league) are radicals?"
Yes I am because it is too apparent. Out of three pieces carved out of Indian subcontinent, the two have ceased to remain multicultural, multi religious and only cater to a particular theology. Was it like that from the beginning ?
The Muslims are thriving in each of the three land mass (the population census supports that) but can you say the same about the Dharmics ?
am asking why do you think one has led to other.... and has it accelerated since 2010? terror incidents are all time low now, compared to 90s...

Do you see terror incidents in Kerala? but arabization of muslim society is there for everyone to see. You are overlooking such changes in Kashmir as you are comparing the situation with period of insurgency.
Track back to my posts. It is irritating to repeat things. They have nothing against Indians. They have every grouse against Government. You maybe a fauji but if in civil dress, you are their guests, They will protect you with their lives. And next day in your uniform they may try and kill you. They are not against Indians!!!!

Read and come.
exactly... that shows they got some morals and not some jihadi rats that people depict them as..
As I had argued once on this platform, the current unrest in Kashmir is not necessarily due to the so-called alienation of the people because of poor governance, lack of development, and violation of human rights. In fact, Kashmir is one of the “prosperous” states of the country in terms of per capita income. The conditions of the people in Indian hinterlands are more sickening than what one sees in Kashmir.
This is the crux of the entire article perhaps that the unrest in the valley is not necessarily due to the factors political liberals have so far attributed with. Not denying for a moment at all that for the last decade or so the traditional anti-India sentiment and the religious radicalization are both feeding each other, is it not being a too self-satisfying thought that the unrest has nothing to do with the factors like rampart corruption, gross human right violations by both the state and the security forces with the help of draconian laws like PSA and AFSPA? Unfortunately brushing off the root causes of the traditional anti-Indian sentiments without correcting our wrongs is just giving leeway to continue the same blunders again.
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