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Kashmir unrest: Sympathisers of radicals in Delhi are a bigger threat than Pakistan, Islamic State

You say Kashmiri and then you ask us to go to Valley!
Is Valley the only part of Kashmir?
Or only few Sunni's Kashmiri's?

Why not ask the Pandits kicked out of the valley?
What about the Shias of the jashmir?
Been to Ladakh lately? Or Kargil?
so many questions... :)
And yet you put all the blame on radicalization? Is that a fair assessment?

No, I do not put all the blame on radicalisation. I will reply at length, if you permit, after attending a small ceremony conducted by the building society.
it started more than a month ago.. the only timing bit is, it happens in summer usually...
there is latent anger burning underneath and we see seemingly normal state of affair, and suddenly a small incident escalates and we wonder what the hell happened.. even the most sane and friendly kashmiri, the guy who will give you chai and have a friendly conversation with you, do not consider himself Indian.. do go to valley and see for yourself.
If ppl only see the short term events it only speaks about their maturity. If some wani was some peace full protester who died during fast to death, they would have gained sympathy. But this is just ridiculous idea of protesting for days is not going to make govt move. govt never gives in when threatened. They are more behaving like a petulant child rather than ppl with progressive thinking. Anger and protests never solved any thing, dialogue does. As I said these protests lack legitimacy , mob cannot dictate to govt. If they want legitimacy let them get elected. Its more like students want to every one to be promoted without every writing the exam.

I have asked all people other than me to stop breathing too. No one give's a fart for it ... LOL
dont breathe in when you fart! :D
If ppl only see the short term events it only speaks about their maturity. If some wani was some peace full protester who died during fast to death, they would have gained sympathy. But this is just ridiculous idea of protesting for days is not going to make govt move. govt never gives in when threatened. They are more behaving like a petulant child rather than ppl with progressive thinking. Anger and protests never solved any thing, dialogue does. As I said these protests lack legitimacy , mob cannot dictate to govt. If they want legitimacy let them get elected. Its more like students want to every one to be promoted without every writing the exam.

dont breathe in when you fart! :D
you will call congress salt march some silly antics over nothing...
@hinduguy and all other sympathizers, please explain below



This was a protest on atrocities in Myanmar, a different country. This b@stard went and attacked one of the most sacred places in our country.

I would have felt angry if some one did this in a temple as they have done numerous times this year BUT looking at this makes my blood boil. Looking at this photo I realize the true nature of the enemy.

I keep this photo as a reminder of the true nature of our enemy. They want total and complete extermination of people who don't subscribe to their ideology. What they have done in Syria is not the first, they have done it in Kashmir on Pandits.

Every time I look at this photo, I wonder why we as a society did not have the guts to kill the b@stard on the spot as an example for his ilk. I can describe in detail what I would have preferred to be done to his dead body to make an example but I am afraid I will be banned for using my freedom of speech on an obvious terrorist.

Imagine for a second that these are the same set of zealots who have zero tolerance for anyone desecrating anything connected to their religion...

At this point, I am not even suspecting your agenda since I am convinced of it. Otherwise, it's not possible for one to be so myopic of what's staring him in his face. You know what you are and I too know what you are...

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