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Kashmir should become independent from India.

Kashmir is a muslim land , And every muslim countries are equal for every muslim country. As i said inter- relationship. It means , Muslims for Muslims. 1.8 billion muslims whole over the world is brother for each other . Even that is political or military issues.

Idiotic and ignorant approach of comparing Kashmir with France. Kashmiries want to be part of Pakistan while I never heard any such thing from French Muslims. Kashmir is a disputed territory and you should not be trolling here. Are you that daft that you cannot understand the basic difference.
The argument is that Kashmir should be part of Pakistan because there are a lot of Muslims there. The comment about France is intended to show how ridiculous that argument is.
Whether Kashmiris wants to be part of Pakistan or not is not known until a referendum is completed.
Whether to do a referendum or not is the internal affair of India.
The argument is that Kashmir should be part of Pakistan because there are a lot of Muslims there. The comment about France is intended to show how ridiculous that argument is.
Whether Kashmiris wants to be part of Pakistan or not is not known until a referendum is completed.
Whether to do a referendum or not is the internal affair of India.
Your pathetic logic is against the facts and over the course interactions with you I have found you anti-Pakistani element with utter disregard for facts. You never backup your arguments with facts and whenever an authentic source is demanded you start hiding behind babbling and shallow baby talk.
India has continually abused the wishes of the Kashmiri people to either become part of Pakistan or become independent. Admittedly, since Pakistan is unstable right now, it would be better for Kashmir to be independent, or at least an autonomous republic with Pakistan. My arguments for this are:

1. The majority of Ethnic Kashmiris are Muslim.
Even today, the only part of Kashmir that isn't of Muslim majority is Jammy. This is because India has promoted migration to Kashmir, as a way of saying, "Hey everyone, Kashmir isn't a Muslim land!".

2.Human Rights Violation by India against ethnic Kashmiris-

There is random disappearances of any person who dares to speak out against the Indian Government. Indian police force (most of whom aren't even from Kashmir), abuse their powers. Torture has even been used. There have been more than 93,000 innocent deaths in Indian Occupied Kashmir from 1989 to June, 2016.

3. Kashmiris do not want to be part of India

Most kashmiris want to be independent. Many less would like to be part of Pakistan. Even less for India.

When somebody posts and gets a fact or interpretation wrong, we can forgive it as a mistake. When he opens a thread and completely mistates the matter we have to doubt the intentions and sanity of the poster. That is teh case with this guy Major d1. because, very simply:
* being a muslim majority area has bearing on Kashmir being part of J&K being part of India. There are hundreds of such areas in India with muslim majority. This simply shows what a moronic brain this guy has,
* Human right violations are caused by Pakistani cross border terrorism as has been admitted by Pakistan and by its agencies such as Hafis Saeed. this shows this Major d1 is an ill informed ignoramus.
* Kashmiris have been voting in record numbers in election after election, a very clear evidence of them being part of the Indian system. Very very much in contradiction of the moronic claim by Major d1.

In summary, this OP is moronic, ill informed and opposite of truth.
The entire world knows Kashmir is non iussue.

THATS WHY DESPITE 70 years of begging pleading for outside support Pakistan has got zero support even from china.

This argument about wishing to help our brothers is nonsense.


Without water Pakistan is a desert


So please at least be honest about the truth .

Everyman and his dog knows the trouble in Kashmir is fuelled by Pakistani isi and army,,

INDIA IS NOW CAUSING SHIT STORM IN blaouchistan & Afghanistan. Something thsat has been pushed by Modi and Ajit Doval indian super spy now NSA of india
Your pathetic logic is against the facts and over the course interactions with you I have found you anti-Pakistani element with utter disregard for facts. You never backup your arguments with facts and whenever an authentic source is demanded you start hiding behind babbling and shallow baby talk.

Logical reasoning based on well established facts are enough.

There has been no referendum regarding independence in Kashmir.
There are some people living in Kashmir, that would like Kashmir to be independent.
There are Muslims in Kashmir
There are Muslims in France

No sane person will deny this.

The argument from the OP is that since Muslims have been living there for a long time
the area should be part of a muslim country = Pakistan.
His arguments are equally applicable to France.

The ridiculousness of that is obvious to everyone.

No more facts needed.

I am not anti Pakistan, i am anti stupid.
The argument from the OP is that since Muslims have been living there for a long time
the area should be part of a muslim country = Pakistan.
His arguments are equally applicable to France.

Sir, Pakistanis are well know to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds.
Extremist mullas threw out Hindus and now claim Kashmir is only for their kind. BUT when other countries want to do it, these same set of people will cry hoarse..

Well, I think rest of the western world should do to these guys what these guys did to Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley...probably then they will understand what they have done for centuries.
How are kashmiris demanding their freedom when they dont allow Ethnic kashmiris buy land in kashmir ? Throwing Stones, Genocide of Hindus, Stopping Christians from preaching, is this asking for freedom ?

kashmiri freedom demands on the basis of their geo-political purpose. They are not buying their own land or not that is not the major point. Infront of a tank u need a tank. in front of ak-47 u need another ak-47. Militants are minimum in kashmir. But Normal generation is always throwing stone infront of hindus tank and nutter thugs.

How are kashmiris demanding their freedom when they dont allow Ethnic kashmiris buy land in kashmir ? Throwing Stones, Genocide of Hindus, Stopping Christians from preaching, is this asking for freedom ?

kashmiri freedom demands on the basis of their geo-political purpose. They are not buying their own land or not that is not the major point. Infront of a tank u need a tank. in front of ak-47 u need another ak-47. Militants are minimum in kashmir. But Normal generation is always throwing stone infront of hindus tank and nutter thugs.

There are a lot of Muslims in France.
Why should not part of France be transferred to Pakistan?

Lol. Why French should transferred to Pakistan? If French Govt. Wants to change their name. Then we have no problem about that . Then that will be Frenchistan.

Another thread....this is really getting boring.

Okay, why don't you come and fight for Kashmir...

I support The freedom movement of Kashmir.
Pretty much every attack they blame Pakistan for is actually India, U.S.A has the candle stick right up India, kashmir is a muslim state willing to become apart of Pakistan again.
You mean to kill the disease of multiculturalism, eliminate the minority. Use Automatics to signal religious victory after ethnic genocide of those who didnt conform. By that standard of morality, kashmir police should also be convinced, stone throwing sunnis making the runs to qualify for grenade lauchers and Automatics, and with that conviction they reserve to right for self defence

No brother- U didn't get my point . U r talking in my tone. Kashmiri people has the right to defend their land and life an any how. That is why we see unrest. India never wants to cut her tight from there. But they always forget the main thing is- Defending land is not so easy to conquer.
In case you have a comprehension issue, he was trying to say, its not the stone age of swords and jihad, and occupying foreign lands, u people trying to destroy bangladesh with similar faith based segregation,

ohho. But he is not correct . Tools and means has been changed. But not the method :) That is applicable for all the time.
Your now mixing up the choronology of the discussion. Your saying Ghaznavid reserved the right to attack buddhist kashmir because he belong to your religion, but If Hindus are living in kashmir, means they are illegally occupying it. Who defines who is occupying here? I can say Sunnis are occupying hindu land. The gravity of your rationale isnt based on rights I see, its more about my god is bigger then your god, so I have right to steal not you

Point one- It is geo-political issue
point two- Then it came in Local political issue. However it is linked wid geo-politics. I am talking about INDO_PK conflict lines.
point three- It is of course a religious matter . Majority and minority depends on tht issue.
point four- Who is occupying over their that is open secrete . no need to further conversation. Of course India.

Your going round the same point, you mean your religion is a border defining force, by that logic, algeria should be greater france

My religion has no border :)
No brother- U didn't get my point . U r talking in my tone. Kashmiri people has the right to defend their land and life an any how. That is why we see unrest. India never wants to cut her tight from there. But they always forget the main thing is- Defending land is not so easy to conquer.

It is actually impossible to conquer Your own land.
The mountains and river doesnt sign a contract saying we belong to muslims, anybody can become a citizen of kashmir and reserved right to call himself kashmiri if he or she lives long enough. I dont think anyone can discount the ethnicity of those who arent living there.

Just now you said they are muslims, so they deserve a separate kashmir, now your saying its a geo political issue, next u will say ecological issue, When your going in a loop try to hold onto something. Just because they belong to one religion, doesnt mean the religion is indegenous of that land. If borders will depends on religion, why would Saudi and Qatar be two different countries, Borders are defined by migration, and kashmiris are migrated aryans, same dna as rest of north india. More in common with India then Saudi Arab.

U mean your religion is divide and rule

Yes in the term of clash of Ideologies my religion on the favor of my religious people. As like other is for others. My all points are in a row. Why i gave u all 4 points , minimum thought is enough for that . By the way British divide and rules policy is also the main prob for kashmiri issue.

My religion has no border :)

Well islam wasnt discovered in kashmir, so islam is the psychological occupier of kashmir,[/QUOTE]

Requested to read my earlier post . In section 1 and 2.
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