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Kashmir should become independent from India.

In the thirteenth century, Islam became the dominant religion in Kashmir. The Muslims and Hindus of Kashmir lived in relative harmony, since the Sufi-Islamic way of life that ordinary Muslims followed in Kashmir complemented the Rishi tradition of Kashmiri Pandits. This led to a syncretic culture where Hindus and Muslims revered the same local saints and prayed at the same shrines. Famous Sufi saint Bulbul Shah was able to persuade the king of the time, Rinchan Shah, who was prince of Kashgar Ladakh, to adopt Islamic way of life and the foundation of Sufiana composite culture was laid when Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists were peacefully co-existing.

Some Kashmiri rulers, such as Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin, were tolerant of all religions. However, several Muslim rulers of Kashmir were intolerant. Sultan Sikandar Butshikan of Kashmir (1389-1413) is often considered the worst of these. The Tarikh-i-Firishta records that Sikandar persecuted the Hindus and issued orders proscribing the residence of any other than Muslims in Kashmir. He also ordered the breaking of all "golden and silver images."

But faced with Islamic conquest in the thirteenth century, Ladakh chose to seek and accept guidance in religious matters from Tibet. Lhachen Bhagan was a Basgo king who united Ladakh in 1470 by overthrowing the king of Leh. He took on the surname Namgyal (meaning victorious) and founded a new dynasty, which survives into the twenty-first century. For nearly two centuries, until about 1600, Ladakh was subject to raids and invasions from neighboring Muslim states, which led to weakening and fracturing of Ladakh, and partial conversion of Ladakhis to Islam.

The region is divided among three countries in a territorial dispute: Pakistan controls the northwest portion (Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir), India controls the central and southern portion (Jammu and Kashmir) and Ladakh, and China controls the northeastern portion (Aksai Chin and the Trans-Karakoram Tract). India controls the majority of the Siachen Glacier (higher peaks), whereas Pakistan controls the lower peaks. India controls 39,145 square miles (101,387 square kilometers of the disputed territory, Pakistan 33,145 square miles (85,846 km²) and China, the remaining 14,500 square miles (37,555 km²).

Like all the states of India, Jammu and Kashmir has a unicameral legislature with 87 seats and sends 10 members to the Indian national parliament—four to the Rajya Sabha (upper house) and six to the Lok Sabha (lower house). The main political parties include the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference, the Indian National Congress and the Jammu and Kashmir People's Democratic Party. The Constitution of India grants Jammu and Kashmir special autonomous status as a temporary provision. However, some Kashmiri political parties demand greater autonomy and sovereignty, while others would like to see the state fully integrated into India.

Pakistan administered Kashmir is nominally autonomous, with its own elected president, prime minister, legislature, and high court. The state is divided into two administrative divisions, which in turn are composed of eight districts.

The Northern Areas is divided into six districts in three divisions: the two Baltistan districts of Skardu and Ghanche, two Gilgit districts of Gilgit and Ghizer and two Diamir districts, districts of Astore and Diamir. The main political centers are the towns of Gilgit, Skardu, and Chilas.

Aksai Chin was, in 2007, under the administration of the People's Republic of China, with the majority of it as a part of Hotan County, in the primarily Muslim Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, to which it was transferred by China from Tibet.

Though these regions are in practice administered by their respective claimants, India has never formally recognized the accession of the areas claimed by Pakistan and China. India claims those areas, including the area "ceded" to China by Pakistan in the Trans-Karakoram Tract in 1963, are a part of its territory, while Pakistan claims the region, excluding Aksai Chin and Trans-Karakoram Tract.

Pakistan argues that Kashmir is culturally and religiously aligned with Pakistan (Kashmir is a Muslim region), while India bases its claim to Kashmir off Maharaja Hari Singh's decision to give Kashmir to India during the India-Pakistan split. Kashmir is considered one of the world's most dangerous territorial disputes due to the nuclear capabilities of India and Pakistan.

The two countries have fought several declared wars over the territory. The Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 established the rough boundaries of today, with Pakistan holding roughly one-third of Kashmir, and India two-thirds. The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 began with a Pakistani attempt to seize the rest of Kashmir, erroneously banking on support from then-ally the United States. Both resulted in stalemates and UN-negotiated ceasefires.

More recent conflicts have resulted in success for India; it gained control of the Siachen glacier after a low-intensity conflict that began in 1984, and Indian forces repulsed a Pakistani/Kashmiri guerrilla attempt to seize positions during the Kargil War of 1999. This led to the coup d'etat bringing Pervez Musharraf to power in Pakistan.

As You, yourself said, Muslims can live in non-Muslim areas.
The fact that both Pakistan and Kashmir has Muslims, have no bearing on International Law.
Why continue to argue when You admit that You are wrong?
As You, yourself said, Muslims can live in non-Muslim areas.
The fact that both Pakistan and Kashmir has Muslims, have no bearing on International Law.
Why continue to argue when You admit that You are wrong?

Who is wrong and who is r8 , Its a matter of pure justification. May be my statements isn't preferable 4 u , but may b it for others.
The fact that both Pakistan and Kashmir has Muslims, have no bearing on International Law.

Dude, the Pakistanis can't even take care of their own Muslims. The Shias, Barelvis and Ahmadis are always in terrorist cross hairs and the establishment even lets them do what they want.



As a minority group, the Shias are the safest in India, compared to any other country in the world.
How about giving bangladesh to pakistan ?
There has never been any such obsession in Pakistan and Pakistan recognised Bangladesh as a separate country.
They are our brothers and we only wish them the best.
Who is wrong and who is r8 , Its a matter of pure justification. May be my statements isn't preferable 4 u , but may b it for others.

There are a lot of Muslims in France.
Why should not part of France be transferred to Pakistan?
There are a lot of Muslims in France.
Why should not part of France be transferred to Pakistan?
Idiotic and ignorant approach of comparing Kashmir with France. Kashmiries want to be part of Pakistan while I never heard any such thing from French Muslims. Kashmir is a disputed territory and you should not be trolling here. Are you that daft that you cannot understand the basic difference.
What is right and wrong doesnt suit where you find convenient. Kashmir is asking freedom today post islamic conquest, if you can accept that conquest, there is nothing morally wrong in the indian conquest. Your logic is, muslim majority = freedom to divide and rule. by that logic, lets say the school of thought in Bangladesh changes to Extremist Wahabi, then even they have right to divide bangladesh on faith based dogma. Thats why you dont bring religion into politics. If Kashmir wants freedom based on religious hatred, then its only because other religions arent permitted to live and preach in Kashmir valley without feeling threatened. Ur saying the solution is division without seeing the result of more hindus migrating to kashmir, and what that will yield. So be sensitive in your judgement

Your concluding Islam Became a Dominant Religion in kashmir..when Dr. Koenraad Elst the historian says...The name of ‘Kashmir’ valley is derived from the name of Rishi Kashyapa, the progenitor of all those living in Bharatvarsha. Kashmiris have played an integral role in Hindu civilization – Kalhana authored ‘Rajatarangini’, the first written history of Kashmir and contemporary Bharat; Sarangadeva helped evolve Carnatic music; scholars like Nagarjuna taught Buddhism...Muslim scholar Al-Beruni says, Kashmir and Varanasi were the main centers of Hindu learning

Your conclusion is since kashmir became majority muslim, Im also a muslim, it feels good to support their shariah compliant independence. By that rationale, Kashmir was under Sikh Rule, sikhs should have equal share to claim kashmir as their own, Hindus ruled kashmir for thousands of years, By that line of thought, again, Dont bring religion into politics, find other reasons to justify right divide and rule

Cant graudate before passing school, They need education regarding the extent of support ISI gave in starting riots, or how Dawood Ibrahim the golden boy of pakistan, ordered Ak-47 and grenade from the Pakistan Army to Attack Hindu Temples in 1993 and hope for large scale genocide of Muslims, mastermind plan to Justify Kashmir freedom movement.
Recently we`ve been catching many ISI pakistani spied in Bangladesh, trying to topple the government, recruit terrorists, Push civil war. But you have to give it to the ISI, they did tear the soul of Bangladesh once, and were very successful
My dear chap you over amplify the Pakistani interest in your nation, the truth is their is zero interest, the only thing we can cooperate on is how we can send back all those illegal banglas residing in my country back to their own ancestral land, trust me we do not want them here, perhaps your bharati friends will take them in, Hasina does have good ties to delhi/mumbia perhaps she can persuade Modi, but from what i hear the biharis absolutely detest Banglas.
Another thread....this is really getting boring.

Kashmir is a muslim land , And every muslim countries are equal for every muslim country. As i said inter- relationship. It means , Muslims for Muslims. 1.8 billion muslims whole over the world is brother for each other . Even that is political or military issues.

Okay, why don't you come and fight for Kashmir...
What is right and wrong doesnt suit where you find convenient. Kashmir is asking freedom today post islamic conquest, if you can accept that conquest, there is nothing morally wrong in the indian conquest. Your logic is, muslim majority = freedom to divide and rule. by that logic, lets say the school of thought in Bangladesh changes to Extremist Wahabi, then even they have right to divide bangladesh on faith based dogma. Thats why you dont bring religion into politics. If Kashmir wants freedom based on religious hatred, then its only because other religions arent permitted to live and preach in Kashmir valley without feeling threatened. Ur saying the solution is division without seeing the result of more hindus migrating to kashmir, and what that will yield. So be sensitive in your judgement

Your concluding Islam Became a Dominant Religion in kashmir..when Dr. Koenraad Elst the historian says...The name of ‘Kashmir’ valley is derived from the name of Rishi Kashyapa, the progenitor of all those living in Bharatvarsha. Kashmiris have played an integral role in Hindu civilization – Kalhana authored ‘Rajatarangini’, the first written history of Kashmir and contemporary Bharat; Sarangadeva helped evolve Carnatic music; scholars like Nagarjuna taught Buddhism...Muslim scholar Al-Beruni says, Kashmir and Varanasi were the main centers of Hindu learning

Your conclusion is since kashmir became majority muslim, Im also a muslim, it feels good to support their shariah compliant independence. By that rationale, Kashmir was under Sikh Rule, sikhs should have equal share to claim kashmir as their own, Hindus ruled kashmir for thousands of years, By that line of thought, again, Dont bring religion into politics, find other reasons to justify right divide and rule

Cant graudate before passing school, They need education regarding the extent of support ISI gave in starting riots, or how Dawood Ibrahim the golden boy of pakistan, ordered Ak-47 and grenade from the Pakistan Army to Attack Hindu Temples in 1993 and hope for large scale genocide of Muslims, mastermind plan to Justify Kashmir freedom movement.
Recently we`ve been catching many ISI pakistani spied in Bangladesh, trying to topple the government, recruit terrorists, Push civil war. But you have to give it to the ISI, they did tear the soul of Bangladesh once, and were very successful

Good one, unfortunately logic is not the forte of most members here. :tup:
Dont forget Pakistani and Chinese occupied Kashmir.
kashmiri people in Indian occupied kashmir wanted independent, India has deployed a large number of soldiers to silent them but they are still struggling for Independence and In other side Azad Jammu & Kashmir people are happy take a look of new mirpur city you will find happiness and richness not like J&K in India where from last ten days internet is cut, Phone bell is silent, Cell is off and Indian Army killing unarmed protesters
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