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Kashmir: Freedom Fighters open fire on Army patrol party in Tral

And for me now you are my worst enemy.
And consider me as your most dangerous enemy.

You are a nobody. Probably some dumb teenager who does not understand what he is talking about. I don't blame you. I was like that in my teens. All my time consumed by wars in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq. Reading Islamic history and thinking I am some kind of a mujahid and will free Palestine. :D I know how stupid teenage minds are. Living in a dreamland.

I hope you grow out of it one day. This hate does not serve anybody. If you are so worried about Kashmir, develop your country and your side of Kashmir. India will take care of its own side of Kashmir.

India will never be partitioned again. 1947 will never be repeated. As an Indian Muslim, I promise you I will defend my motherland from all terrorism.
You are a nobody. Probably some dumb teenager who does not understand what he is talking about. I don't blame you. I was like that in my teens. All my time consumed by wars in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq. Reading Islamic history and thinking I am some kind of a mujahid and will free Palestine. :D I know how stupid teenage minds are. Living in a dreamland.

I hope you grow out of it one day. This hate does not serve anybody. If you are so worried about Kashmir, develop your country and your side of Kashmir. India will take care of its own side of Kashmir.

India will never be partitioned again. 1947 will never be repeated. As an Indian Muslim, I promise you I will defend my motherland from all terrorism.

Let suppose I'm nobody as we all will go the grave one day but
Who the fk are you i told you don't quote me again.

We will see who defend who win.
And i don't even trust on any indian
Stop this kidding with me that I'm an indian muslim there are many raw agents on fb twitter in the name of afghanis and muslims.
Even we have catches some mullas which were the imams of some masajids but they were infact raw agents when caught.

Jab quran ni keh diya ki kafar kabi bi musalman ki dost nahe ban sakti bat khatam aur jo quran si inkar karega wahe musalmanu ka dushman hai.

Kashmir bi lynge aur cheeryng bi.
Death to 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches.

Here comes the broken record propaganda.

How can you call them freedom fighters ??

You just suffered from 3 attacks last week,
blood of your fellow country men/ soldiers is not enough to make you understand that there are no good terrorists (Freedom Fighters) ??? Kuch to sharam kar lo

Sad but true unfortunately few people are thick.
Kashmiris are facing a Hindu army of over 500,000 and the full force of the Hidutva govt. Cowards do not fight against such odds. Only heroes do that. It is the Indian State that is a coward. Lets see how long the Indians hold out. Kashmiris are in no mood for Indian bullshit anymore.
I think you don't have mind.are you fool. 5 lakh army is not deployed for kashmiri people. They are not there to shoot our own people. They are there for a speedy reply to pakistan in case of war situation.
They are deployed their due to disturbance in LOC and to nutrilise militant. If even our 100 army open small arm fire few hour is enough to finish the game.
Freedom fighters inside Pakistan are also showing occupying forces their worth.
Couple of days back, Balouch Brave hearts almost took down the govt.

Keep it up brave freedom fighters of Balouch. Throw the occupying forces by any means. You have our complete support.
Kashmir is in blood of Pakistan. No matter how many Pakistanis die Kashmir banay ga Pakistan. The Kashmiris are struggling for their freedom for last 70 years and an incident of yesterday cannot classify them as terrorist. They were they are and they will remain freedom fighters.

Just replace few words here and there (region/country names) and you will sound same as TTP, BLA terrorists.

There is no difference between how you think and how people creating trouble in Pakistan think if you take an independent frame of view

I will respect indian soldiers defending their legal territory not illegal ones.

Its not about Indian soldiers, It about the mentality of supporting non state actors/ terrorists (freedom figters)

Pakistan is also suffering , and if the blood of your fellow country mates/ soldiers is not enough to make you understand that there are no good terrorists (freedom fighters), then no one can help you.
Its not about Indian soldiers, It about the mentality of supporting non state actors/ terrorists (freedom figters)

Pakistan is also suffering , and if the blood of your fellow country mates/ soldiers is not enough to make you understand that there are no good terrorists (freedom fighters), then no one can help you.

What's tragic is one can understand if these types of statement come out of uneducated and desperate people living in some remote areas of Pakistan but here you have person in @American Pakistani who is educated and living a happy life in US spewing such venom.

No wonder 911 terrorists were are well educated.

Seems like the more educated they are the more rabid they become.
Seems like the more educated they are the more rabid they become.

Yes some examples are Modi, the rapid butcher of gujarat.
up minister & the 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists who are rabidly thirsty for the blood of innocent Kashmiris.

Any indians killed in IOK does not deserve respect because that is an occupied region holder by 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists by force. Any indian fighting for its legal boundaries is well respected by me.
Its not about Indian soldiers, It about the mentality of supporting non state actors/ terrorists (freedom figters)

Pakistan is also suffering , and if the blood of your fellow country mates/ soldiers is not enough to make you understand that there are no good terrorists (freedom fighters), then no one can help you.

Kashmiris are not terrorists. They are recognized by UN as people of disputed region and they are fighting for their land long before anything else.

How about if we call bhagat and Udham sing terrorists, as they bombed the British officials before independence of india?

Here comes the broken record propaganda.

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Then don't repeat a thousand times that IOK is an indian state of J&K, because that's a 70 year old lie.
Yes some examples are Modi, the rapid butcher of gujarat.
up minister & the 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists who are rabidly thirsty for the blood of innocent Kashmiris.

Any indians killed in IOK does not deserve respect because that is an occupied region holder by 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists by force. Any indian fighting for its legal boundaries is well respected by me.

Entire state of J&K is considered as part of India as per the constitution of India. So it is a legal border for our leaders and the military forces.

Then don't repeat a thousand times that IOK is an indian state of J&K, because that's a 70 year old lie.

Entire state of J&K is considered as part of India as per the constitution of India. So it is not a lie.
Entire state of J&K is considered as part of India as per the constitution of India. So it is a legal border for our leaders and the military forces.

Entire state of J&K is considered as part of India as per the constitution of India. So it is not a lie.

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes a truth in the eyes of fools. That's what happened in India.

India is an occupier state illegally occupying IOK by forces for the last 70 years despite promising Kashmiris of referendum. All the indian terrorist occupiers dying in IOK does not deserve an iota of respect because they are in UN designated occupied land killing kashmiris by brutal force.
A lie repeated a thousand times becomes a truth in the eyes of fools. That's what happened in India.

India is an occupier state illegally occupying IOK by forces for the last 70 years despite promising Kashmiris of referendum. All the indian terrorist occupiers dying in IOK does not deserve an iota of respect because they are in UN designated occupied land killing kashmiris by brutal force.

The princely state of J&K had joined republic of India through the instrument of accession.

India's legal case is water tight as it followed the procedure laid down by the British for the partition of British India.
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