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Kashmir: Freedom Fighters open fire on Army patrol party in Tral

The princely state of J&K had joined republic of India through the instrument of accession.

India's legal case is water tight as it followed the procedure laid down by the British for the partition of British India.

If instrument of Accession is the case then why india occupied the states that signed instrument of Accession with Pakistan such as Junagadh Manvadar or Hyderabad Deccan?

Indian leaders promised Kashmiris that a refrendum will take place shortly but 70 years have passed without fulfilling that promise. Indians are occupiers whether you like it or not.
If instrument of Accession is the case then why india occupied the states that signed instrument of Accession with Pakistan such as Junagadh Manvadar or Hyderabad Deccan?

Indian leaders promised Kashmiris that a refrendum will take place shortly but 70 years have passed without fulfilling that promise. Indians are occupiers whether you like it or not.

If you think you have a legal claim for the others that you mentioned then you should be fighting for them rather than on J&K. Pakistan has no legal claim in case of J&K.

I look forward to Pakistan to bring a legal claim for Junagarh or Hyderabad.
Amen to that, kill them all!
Azaad Kashmir zindabad!
LOL keyboard warrior with looser army kabi kudh be kuj kr lea kro always depend on brainwashed children or teenagers anyway wait just little time sure we make Kashmir azaad from Pakistan just like kargil, Bangladesh, sir creek or siachen, oh sory according to brainwashed all war win by Pakistani army

If instrument of Accession is the case then why india occupied the states that signed instrument of Accession with Pakistan such as Junagadh Manvadar or Hyderabad Deccan?

Indian leaders promised Kashmiris that a refrendum will take place shortly but 70 years have passed without fulfilling that promise. Indians are occupiers whether you like it or not.
LOL you even know what UN said in 1948 first Pakistani army free to Azad Kashmir then talk about referendum as you brainwashed people living in dream world first your army never free Azad Kashmir this never any referendum in J&K

Muslim bro love.....they all love each other like quarks inside an atom:(....
LOL Muslim muma that's why rich arab countries behave like a servant to other poor Muslim countries
Trust me i naturally hate to talk indian since when i was a kid and used to watch ptv and the fuk faces of Indian illegitimate army violence on Kashmiri.

Don't quote me again.

I will tell you whenever your people stop bathing and stop decay the ponds rivers beauty by bathing in it.

And i will tell you when after every 58 minute rape in india is completely stopped.

And for me now you are my worst enemy.
And consider me as your most dangerous enemy.

Don't quote me again
For me india is the same as mossad and cia. The illegitimate linking family.
Oh wow the hatred is in your blood, maybe you should travel to India for a blood transfusion..... cool as you wish...i will ignore you....8-), i never knew pakistanis hated us so much, Iam glad iam a hindustani :smitten:

LOL keyboard warrior with looser army kabi kudh be kuj kr lea kro always depend on brainwashed children or teenagers anyway wait just little time sure we make Kashmir azaad from Pakistan just like kargil, Bangladesh, sir creek or siachen, oh sory according to brainwashed all war win by Pakistani army

LOL you even know what UN said in 1948 first Pakistani army free to Azad Kashmir then talk about referendum as you brainwashed people living in dream world first your army never free Azad Kashmir this never any referendum in J&K

LOL Muslim muma that's why rich arab countries behave like a servant to other poor Muslim countries
Praaji aye hoyi na gall, they have no idea about what Arabs think about them, its same like we think about nepal, they too are hindu, but hamare Chowk ki rakhwali karte hai....thats fact

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes a truth in the eyes of fools. That's what happened in India.

India is an occupier state illegally occupying IOK by forces for the last 70 years despite promising Kashmiris of referendum. All the indian terrorist occupiers dying in IOK does not deserve an iota of respect because they are in UN designated occupied land killing kashmiris by brutal force.
Aye come on, you know you cant do shit.....just leave it or die trying it, after that you will still have nothing, and you are the next target for uncle sam.....¶.0./{ toh hum leke rahege....
From Dynasty Crooks (can't post the link since I am not allowed yet)

This is an evil post. It caters to my worst sentiments and possibly to your worst sentiments. I am not proud of what I am gonna say. But I am going to enjoy writing this.

Safe to say, I wasn’t thrilled when the BJP-PDP coalition government was formed in Jammu and Kashmir. Yes, I know…there was no other way. And well, this was the most democratic solution : BJP won Jammu, PDP won Kashmir. But still, I couldn’t shake off the suspicion that I was just being an apologist. If this was Congress allying with PDP, I would probably have jumped to criticize.

This Manoj Kureel cartoon perfectly captures the mood in the RW when the coalition government began.


Even now, the BJP-PDP alliance is routinely touted in TV debates as a way to put the BJP on the defensive.

But can I just say that the right wing should now stop being defensive about the so called “alliance” and go on the offensive?

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE the BJP PDP “alliance” right now.

Let me see. What were we afraid of when the “alliance” began? That the BJP would make humiliating compromises, right?

It’s been two years. Honestly, I don’t see what the BJP has compromised. Instead, I can see that the PDP has surrendered all its dignity.


Ha ha, give Mehbooba a few months more and she will be singing Vande Mataram in full and ending with slogans of Bharat Mata ki jai!

When Modi went to inaugurate the new tunnel on NH-1, Kashmiris could barely see a glimpse of their own Chief Minister at the grand ceremony. She was totally blocked from view by Modi and Governor Vohra.


Hmmm…this is almost like one of those games for kids. What if I told you that Mehbooba Mufti is visible in this photograph?

What? Where?

Hmm… look carefully. Modi and Vohra are clearly visible. In the second jeep… you know it’s Nitin Gadkari. I recognize him by the blue jacket. I don’t know who are the people with him. But they are all men.

Where is Mehbooba Mufti?

LOL! Look carefully. Do you see Modi’s left collar? Good. Now look carefully behind his left collar. Do you see a slight arc? Yes, that’s Mehbooba Mufti over there

Folks, if there is one thing we know about Modi, it is that he understands the power of messaging. There’s no way Mehbooba Mufti got hidden from view “by mistake”. Of course it was intentional.


And yes, you can see that pro-Pakistan elements in the mainstream media noticed this and they wrote angry articles complaining about it


This is really what is at the root of the extreme unrest we are seeing in Kashmir right now. Kashmiris have gotten the message that there is a “Hindu Emperor” in Delhi and their Kashmiri Chief Minister is his vassal.

For a violent Indian Muslim psyche driven by the memory of ruling the “weak Kafir Hindus” for 800 years, this is quite simply unbearable.

And obviously, I am loving this role reversal. A Hindu Emperor in Delhi with a Muslim vassal in Srinagar. You know, this is an even better feeling than having an actual BJP Chief Minister in Srinagar.

Again, I can tell you for sure that Kashmiris are seeing it the same way. Their masculine pride has been neutered.

This, from last year, was even more awesome!


I’ll tell you exactly what Kashmiris saw. Rajnath Singh was the general sent by the Hindu Emperor. He sat there smiling and talking diplomatically. Meanwhile, Mehbooba Mufti jumped in and launched a tirade against the sentiments of her own Kashmiri people!

Ha ha!

You know, the British rarely ever lost their temper at Indians. Their position always was that Britain was holding India “in trust”, dedicated to the welfare of our people. While the British masters held on to their diplomatic smiles, the brutality was generally unleashed by their Indian minions against their fellow Indians.

That was real humiliation.

That’s how empires work. And for the first time in nearly 1000 years, we have a secular vassal submitting to a Hindu emperor. You know, since the battles of Tarain and Prithviraj Chauhan, we Hindus have become too nervous and insecure. This was the mentality when I was worried about the BJP PDP “alliance”. I thought they would prevail over us. Not so! It is us who prevailed over them.


Modi is lording over these mullas and they are hopping mad due to that :D
Kashmiris are not terrorists. They are recognized by UN as people of disputed region and they are fighting for their land long before anything else.
I am not saying Kashmirs are terrorists, But yes there are some misguided people and some blood thirsty terrorists. So those acting against state are terrorists.

Just replace few words here and there (region/country names) and you will sound same as TTP, BLA terrorists.
There is no difference between how you think and how people creating trouble in Pakistan think if you take an independent frame of view.
If you think you have a legal claim for the others that you mentioned then you should be fighting for them rather than on J&K. Pakistan has no legal claim in case of J&K.

I look forward to Pakistan to bring a legal claim for Junagarh or Hyderabad.
The majority of those areas wanted to join india so Pakistan backed off. Similar is the case with IOK, where Kashmiris don't wanna bepart of India.

LOL you even know what UN said in 1948 first Pakistani army free to Azad Kashmir then talk about referendum as you brainwashed people living in dream world first your army never free Azad Kashmir this never any referendum in J&K countries

The troops will be out once Pakistan see sincerity of indian occupiers. And that was the condition when there were less indian occupier presence not 7 lakh. Out of those little presence india has to cut more and keep very minimum amount of occupiers until the refrendum.

Aye come on, you know you cant do shit.....just leave it or die trying it, after that you will still have nothing, and you are the next target for uncle sam.....¶.0./{ toh hum leke rahege....

Pakistan doesn't need to do anything. For now the status quo suits Pakistan. IOK can keep draining indian resources till Pakistan get to a point where it can increase the defense budget significantly. Furthermore IOK can keep exposing world largest hypocrisy. Not to mention that it will keep Muslim figure high in india until india occupies it and therefore will help indian muslims which have already crossed 200M mark. So why would Pakistan do anything if the strategy is something else?

¶.0./{ toh hum leke rahege....

Agar 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists k pass marbles hoti tou mudhi k aanay k baad le Liya hota. Abhi Kitna sar phoro Kashmir nahi milayga.

I am not saying Kashmirs are terrorists, But yes there are some misguided people and some blood thirsty terrorists. So those acting against state are terrorists.

Just replace few words here and there (region/country names) and you will sound same as TTP, BLA terrorists.
There is no difference between how you think and how people creating trouble in Pakistan think if you take an independent frame of view.

Kashmiris are fighting for their land since 47 after illegal occupation of india. UN disputed the region. It is same as calling your freedom fight ers terrorists because they fought British.

BLA/TTP are designated as terrorist organizations as there primary focus is to kill civilians. TTP also want to take over entire Pakistan and impose it's own laws. Nothing in Pakistan is disputed. The issues of Pakistan is somewhat like maoists or tamils.
BLA/TTP are designated as terrorist organizations as there primary focus is to kill civilians. TTP also want to take over entire Pakistan and impose it's own laws. Nothing in Pakistan is disputed. The issues of Pakistan is somewhat like maoists or tamils.

Its just frame of reference

For example Kashmir is not disputed for India (integral part) but disputed for Pakistan

Similarly, For BLA/ TTP some region is disputed but not for Pakistan

For Pakistan areas around durrand line is not disputed but it is for Afganistan
Its just frame of reference

For example Kashmir is not disputed for India (integral part) but disputed for Pakistan

Similarly, For BLA/ TTP some region is disputed but not for Pakistan

For Pakistan areas around durrand line is not disputed but it is for Afganistan

For Kashmir, India doesn't matter because it is UN designated disputed region. Indians believe that a lie repeated a thousand times will become a truth which is not the case.

Who the fk are ttp/bla? Just because they are your proxy doesn't mean their dispute matters. No one in the world including Pakistanis living in those areas recognize them.

Durand line is not a disputed area by UN. Afghanistan is just making it an issue so that the border remains untouched and afghans and their terrorists can sneak into pakistan freely just like what they have been doing for last 70 years.
The majority of those areas wanted to join india so Pakistan backed off. Similar is the case with IOK, where Kashmiris don't wanna bepart of India.

Majority of Indians did not want partition but the country was still partitioned as British who were the rulers came with this procedure. You cannot apply different rules as it suits you.

The laid down procedure by British was that princely states would join India or Pakistan through the instrument of accession and the princely state of J&K joined India using the same laid down procedure.

There is no option to consider the opinions of the people in the laid down procedure.
Majority of Indians did not want partition but the country was still partitioned as British who were the rulers came with this procedure. You cannot apply different rules as it suits you.

The laid down procedure by British was that princely states would join India or Pakistan through the instrument of accession and the princely state of J&K joined India using the same laid down procedure.

There is no option to consider the opinions of the people in the laid down procedure.

So why india show hypocrisy and annexed junagadh Manvadar and Hyderabad deccan citing people's choice? Those were princely states too. Anyways you can keep repeating yourself like a parrot I explained you all the Indian hypocrisy and for that reason and indian occupier terrorist that die in IOK is not respected. Death to all those 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches in IOK.
The majority of those areas wanted to join india so Pakistan backed off. Similar is the case with IOK, where Kashmiris don't wanna bepart of India.

The troops will be out once Pakistan see sincerity of indian occupiers. And that was the condition when there were less indian occupier presence not 7 lakh. Out of those little presence india has to cut more and keep very minimum amount of occupiers until the refrendum.

Pakistan doesn't need to do anything. For now the status quo suits Pakistan. IOK can keep draining indian resources till Pakistan get to a point where it can increase the defense budget significantly. Furthermore IOK can keep exposing world largest hypocrisy. Not to mention that it will keep Muslim figure high in india until india occupies it and therefore will help indian muslims which have already crossed 200M mark. So why would Pakistan do anything if the strategy is something else?

Agar 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists k pass marbles hoti tou mudhi k aanay k baad le Liya hota. Abhi Kitna sar phoro Kashmir nahi milayga.

Kashmiris are fighting for their land since 47 after illegal occupation of india. UN disputed the region. It is same as calling your freedom fight ers terrorists because they fought British.

BLA/TTP are designated as terrorist organizations as there primary focus is to kill civilians. TTP also want to take over entire Pakistan and impose it's own laws. Nothing in Pakistan is disputed. The issues of Pakistan is somewhat like maoists or tamils.
Sapne dekho beta tum, and believe what garnail saab tells you to believe..... and my physics sir used to say this line when we had nothing to say for what he asked and i quote, " DHOL BAJAO BETA DHOL, TUM SE AUR KUCH NAHI HOGA".....and thats what pakistan can do....¶.0.|< toh hum waqt aane par lelenge, and rahi baat Indian army ki, status quo suits better to India, sit quite and let the gap widen.....

So why india show hypocrisy and annexed junagadh Manvadar and Hyderabad deccan citing people's choice? Those were princely states too. Anyways you can keep repeating yourself like a parrot I explained you all the Indian hypocrisy and for that reason and indian occupier terrorist that die in IOK is not respected. Death to all those 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches in IOK.
You never fought for junagadh and hyderabad.... did you? Why fighting for kashmir then, and yes India will open the Pandora box soon, you soon see ¶.0.|{ slipping from your hands....you think only Pakistani generals are graduated from war college USA?
So why india show hypocrisy and annexed junagadh Manvadar and Hyderabad deccan citing people's choice? Those were princely states too. Anyways you can keep repeating yourself like a parrot I explained you all the Indian hypocrisy and for that reason and indian occupier terrorist that die in IOK is not respected. Death to all those 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches in IOK.

As I said earlier I encourage Pakistan to make a case to claim Junagadh and Hyderabad deccan but Pakistan has no legal case with regards to J&K.
So why india show hypocrisy and annexed junagadh Manvadar and Hyderabad deccan citing people's choice? Those were princely states too. Anyways you can keep repeating yourself like a parrot I explained you all the Indian hypocrisy and for that reason and indian occupier terrorist that die in IOK is not respected. Death to all those 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches in IOK.

Time has come to heat things up in occupied Kashmir and return the favor. Like an eye for an eye.
As I said earlier I encourage Pakistan to make a case to claim Junagadh and Hyderabad deccan but Pakistan has no legal case with regards to J&K.

Pakistan talks logic, if people of those areas choose india then it has to be respected. Unfortunately world's largest hypocrisy does not value human logic and suffering.

As I said earlier I encourage Pakistan to make a case to claim Junagadh and Hyderabad deccan but Pakistan has no legal case with regards to J&K.
Pakistan talks logic, if people of those areas choose india then it has to be respected. Unfortunately world's largest hypocrisy does not value human logic and suffering.

Sapne dekho beta tum, and believe what garnail saab tells you to believe..... and my physics sir used to say this line when we had nothing to say for what he asked and i quote, " DHOL BAJAO BETA DHOL, TUM SE AUR KUCH NAHI HOGA".....and thats what pakistan can do....¶.0.|< toh hum waqt aane par lelenge, and rahi baat Indian army ki, status quo suits better to India, sit quite and let the gap widen.....

You never fought for junagadh and hyderabad.... did you? Why fighting for kashmir then, and yes India will open the Pandora box soon, you soon see ¶.0.|{ slipping from your hands....you think only Pakistani generals are graduated from war college USA?

Aap bhi army ko 56 inch bra pehnao. Just like Tamil lady send 56inchi bra to mudhi. After 2002 only barking but no balls to attack, same 2008, same uri. Abay listen, Russian master's don't sell balls to use those weapons you buy from them.

Pakistan didn't fight for junagadh, hyderabad because pakistan respected the human choice over the ruler's. The world largest hypocrisy should learn from Pakistan.

Kashmir slipping from Pakistan hands? More like it has become a graveyard for ballless 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists.
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