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Kashmir: Freedom Fighters open fire on Army patrol party in Tral

Wish i could provide some heavy artillery to mujahideen there.
May Allah help them in the best way.(ameen)
Wish i could provide some heavy artillery to mujahideen there.
May Allah help them in the best way.(ameen)
Lol for that you need USA to back them, nothing even moves in middle east until Uncle sam wants it move, sorry but even gods help, who help themselves, donations dont count....
Wish i could provide some heavy artillery to mujahideen there.
May Allah help them in the best way.(ameen)

Well, you should try it. How many do you have? Indian army has acquired some artillery tracking radars which they are dying to test.
Lol for that you need USA to back them, nothing even moves in middle east until Uncle sam wants it move, sorry but even gods help, who help themselves, donations dont count....

Not even your dirty cows will save you hahaha lol.
Kashmiri Pundits got the brunt of it back in 1990. Unfortunately Pakistanis like to conveniently ignore the entire incident. And keep ignoring incidents all over the world. Your own Hindu population has been utterly wiped out to the point of irrelevancy. The same should be done to Jihadis in the valley.
early 90s few pundits were killed but until today after 25+ years you are killing innocent kashmiris and justifying it through 90s events. Shame.
Meanwhile,Zakir Musa left HM.
pak has golden chance to engage indian army in kashmir by supporting the mujahideen. the indian terrorism in kashmir will add fuel to the fire and more and more mujahideen will be join the freedom movement. the terrain of kashmir is ideal for guerilla warfare. if this movement stays for more years then psychologically indian troops will be afraid and demoralized. even the suicide rate in indian army will increase further.
pak has golden chance to engage indian army in kashmir by supporting the mujahideen. the indian terrorism in kashmir will add fuel to the fire and more and more mujahideen will be join the freedom movement. the terrain of kashmir is ideal for guerilla warfare. if this movement stays for more years then psychologically indian troops will be afraid and demoralized. even the suicide rate in indian army will increase further.

Are you a comedian? I am laughing so hard right now... :D :D
The freedom movement has never been this strong in Kashmir, even during the 90s it wasent this strong

Social media is the reason, Kashmiris are collectively joining and uniting against india like never before even the students are fully motivated

The message of Pakistan
The hindutva lurch of india
Cow gangs, Yogi raping corpses.
The hindu anti muslim messages on indian message boards

Its all available to Kashmiris now

Its why india is trying to ban so many sites
Lol for that you need USA to back them, nothing even moves in middle east until Uncle sam wants it move, sorry but even gods help, who help themselves, donations dont count....

Trust me i naturally hate to talk indian since when i was a kid and used to watch ptv and the fuk faces of Indian illegitimate army violence on Kashmiri.

Don't quote me again.

Well, you should try it. How many do you have? Indian army has acquired some artillery tracking radars which they are dying to test.

I will tell you whenever your people stop bathing and stop decay the ponds rivers beauty by bathing in it.

And i will tell you when after every 58 minute rape in india is completely stopped.

And for me now you are my worst enemy.
And consider me as your most dangerous enemy.

Don't quote me again
For me india is the same as mossad and cia. The illegitimate linking family.
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