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Kashmir a flashpoint for another India-Pak war, Nawaz Sharif says

In India and Pakistan people are doing that out of complex in the west they are doing it as a hobby ;)

big difference in subcontinent black/darks are considered ugly

I think only people who call dark skinned people ugly are people like you. You could be beautiful from outside (I am just guessing), but deep down you know you are a racist.
our support to our kashmiri brothers cant be scarficed for a frndship
Brothers are known to screw each other over property disputes. Your so called 'Kashmiri brothers' could do the same to you. :P
:o:This man has gone mad...sometimes peace, sometimes war...Looks hangover on and off:undecided::alcoholic:
Winter has approached, Kashmir & Loc will remain peaceful, as Non stake actors cant sneak in until the snow melts. :o:

Miay Sharif, first fight your internal enemies and then think of wagging war with India. Apko internal enemy ko harane say jaldi fursat nahi meligee, wake up to realities. :crazy: :drag:
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No.. we will not fight. Status quo will remain as is & so does that 'monkey trap'!
thats what i'm trying to imply make loc international border theres no other solution to it.pakistan must move on now india is not just gonna gift wrap kashmir and give it to pakistan nor does they have the capability to take it back..its better to compromise and move on.
well we thank Jinnah for seperating us we humans from Indians.
Do you think a pakistan even in his dream would want to be called indian or lived among indians?

Pakistan and india never were 1 country.we always were stupid.this is the reason i hate mughal and urdu for 2 purpose

Because of mughal hundred years invasion we were forcely merge together and later believed as same country which is complete BS

THe other is urdu being spoken very much similar like hindi.Which makes us each other to understand more easily.the biggest disadvantage of urdu it is

lol,Indians were note even allowed to visit ancient Pakistan.

remember even ashoka had converted to buddhism as hindu were not even allowed into ancient Pakistan aka IVC

Are you completely fool from your birth or just turned foolish recently..hahahaha. Your posts are not less then a joke.
Pakistani call themself Indian when they give their fake identities to other races, they claim bollywood movie their own cinema and they call every Curry Take away or restaurant "Indian".
Maharaja Ranjit singh has ruled from parts of Afghanistan, pakistan and Indian Punjab. how comes Hindu or Sikh were not allowed into ancient pakistan? How you can claim that? Such a idiot you are!!
And i am sure it will happen in 2015-16.

A major war that will be either the kashmir in india hands or Pakistan hands.

Though i doubt the war will be b/w india and pak army but rather indian army and pak civilians.

Well Indian is ready is Pakistan ready for the war ? do you guys realize the disparity btw our armed forces ? before making such statements ?

Let there be peace man Kashmir is not worth the cost... lets just accept the LOC as the permanent border already too much has been lost for no reason.
You are not getting Kashmir on platter. Yes you have to fight war to get it. And those mujhahiden will not be enough, you need to fight real war and defeat us. So to give you some perspective, the war will cost you approx 25 billion dollars. Now please apply loan for the same.
Mate it's an initiative for people to realize skin colour doesn't matter, what matters in good heart. People will still use fairness cream (I used to in college days, but when I went to England I realized skin colour doesn't really matter). The key learning is from the author of the article as he realizes Pakistani's are obsessed with fair skin too and should realize their own natural skin. I can guarantee you he is not a RAW agent.

PS: please try to read the article before commenting.

i had read that blog much earlier when that appeared on ET.

The point is that the author had given a wrong example to follow since Indians are more obssessed with fair skin color than us.

And one actress there is trying hard to change that perception which is a good effort however, my question remains the same when will end ban numerous skin fairness creams ?
thats what i'm trying to imply make loc international border theres no other solution to it.pakistan must move on now india is not just gonna gift wrap kashmir and give it to pakistan nor does they have the capability to take it back..its better to compromise and move on.

Status quo suits India & it's quite happy to go with that. However they also know that Pakistan is overwhelmingly wasting it's resources on causes which is not in Pakistan's self interest & thereby weakening Pakistan internally. A politically & economically strong Pakistan will be in a stronger position to dictate terms with a powerful adversary like India. However it's only possible if Pakistan takes a break from it's usual day to day politics of gaining geo-strategic upper hand with its adversaries & concentrate on building a stronger & stable Pakistan, both economically & politically.
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join lashkar e taiba... you might also find some old friends in their training camps

why do i have to join them .. ill make my own group ..dnt like to live under some ones umberalla ...
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