You have a 'very' simplistic approach towards it, i don't buy it. If new provinces are to be made, lets make a 100 tiny ones. Creating more provinces without proper planning, will be a disaster.
The goal is to provide good governance, and to obliterate the Sardari nizam. That will be achieved only if the provincial govt is, weakened and new SAZs are more integrated with the federation.
My idea is to turn every zila into a province,each of whom must prove itself worthy of Federal funding. It must have a microeconomics model,an industrial zone in each and a robust tax system.
For the size of Karachi,we need to have 15 tiny provinces or special administration zones. That model should be applied to Punjab...make 50 SAZs out of it.Then the same should be done to other provinces.
Next thing you'll know is the unsustainable sardari system is on a decline and Federation is able to provide good governance more easily.