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Karachi MetroBus NEXT! (should've been the first) Sez Chief Minister Punjab

For Karachi Metro - KCR and Karachi Metro Bus (KMB) - much more relevant discussion thread can be this one:


Feel free to continue the discussion there. I suppose I can handle an occasional tangent as well. But however it may be, you ought to drop this-against-that mind set. We are brothers and improvement in Pakistan is our goal.
good for lahore, what has it got to do with my post you quoted?

lahore MBS system causes 1 billion per year subsidy minus the maintainance, its a burden on lahore and the price of fare will keep increasing not the practical solution for the transport problem im afraid

karachi will keep using the private transport if MBS is applied in karachi, until unless karachi metro is made

also lahore doesnt have transport mafia which karachi has, karachi is a multi ethnic city and too complicated and not very simple like lahore
Sorry my reply was in response to
in lahore already the metro bus has not decreased the traffic problems, it has infact increased it
Furthermore it was reported by Tribune that even if the government removes subsidy from Metro, the price is expected to reach around 37Rs for 27 KM. Just compare this with the cost of alternatives like rickshaw or even the mileage of personal vehicle and motorcycle. So even if the government withdraws the subsidy (which I agree it should) it would still be beneficial and cost effective.
Sorry my reply was in response to

Furthermore it was reported by Tribune that even if the government removes subsidy from Metro, the price is expected to reach around 37Rs for 27 KM. Just compare this with the cost of alternatives like rickshaw or even the mileage of personal vehicle and motorcycle. So even if the government withdraws the subsidy (which I agree it should) it would still be beneficial and cost effective.

rickshaw in not a bus, obviously the fare for rickshaw will be higher, in any country the fare for taxi is much higher then bus fare, rickshaw can reach every where, bus cant

if the subsidy of billion rupees(paid to the turkish company) is taken out the metro bus will immediately flop, high fares mean less customers and it will run into a loss
i want bullet trains and end of load shedding in six months, or your tiny bubble will be burst dear

and also i would pretty much like to see karachi metro in these five years(if not completed then even the commencement will do the job, provided its PMLN planning and not that idiotic KCR and financed by federal directly and not previous PPP plans)

since many members like @cb4, @hasnain0099 criticised karachi transport it will be amusing to see how the federal deals with this transport problem, other wise their bubble will be burst

you are in the government now and no type of rants and bullshitt will do, its time to do some ground work and then boast about anything

if 18th amendment is a hindrance please by all means scrap 18th amendment which you have complete authority of and you already have clear majority and no type of 'coalition partners blackmailed us' will do

and deal with this problem, we want the things done now

your favourite party is not limited to lahore now, any law and order problems, any transport problems will directly relate to how federal handles the stuff because you are running this country with clear majority now with no one else to black you or into power sharing with you

please impose governor rule if you have to and get things done in entire pakistan not just lahore
Before considering the entire post. Please do enlighten me about few things
1-What major infrastructure project has been completed in karachi in MQM-PPP period. I remember reading every month that Projects like Layari Express way would be completed in "three to four months" but it Never happened. Likewise I have been hearing about the circular railways for more than four years but nothing has happened til now. When the coalition was ruling what did they do for Karachi?
2-Karachi was fed excess electricity out of the national grid for more than 5 years. Which one voice was raised from the whole city against it?
My friend do have a look at the performance of supposedly the government of "representatives of Karachi". What did they give to the city than pointing fingers at others. You can all vote for the party you like. But situation in karachi has just been like what zardari said yesterday,"You can't help those who don't want to help themselves." All the parties in the Government were more interested in playing power-game than doing something for the masses. A prosperous Karachi is necessary for prosperous Pakistan. But the development scorecard of the sakeholders of karachi has nothing to show.
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rickshaw in not a bus, obviously the fare for rickshaw will be higher, in any country the fare for taxi is much higher then bus fare, rickshaw can reach every where, bus cant

if the subsidy of billion rupees(paid to the turkish company) is taken out the metro bus will immediately flop, high fares mean less customers and it will run into a loss
I am talking about alternative. When you dont have efficient public transport, people tend to rush toward alternatives (private transports like own cars,vehicles,rickshaws etc). Traveler has to use something for travelling.
Why did I categorically quoted the example of Daewoo? Just to elaborate that the demand of quality transportation services is robust. Despite their almost double the fair than urban bus services. It continued to grow despite charging double the fare. If you think that fare is the most critical thing, that would be incorrect to assume. Even the local buses in Karachi charge 20-30 Rs for usual destination but how suffocated they are and how comforting this journey is perhaps you can yourself inform the members rather than me telling it.
Before considering the entire post. Please do enlighten me about few things
1-What major infrastructure project has been completed in karachi in MQM-PPP period. I remember reading every month that Projects like Layari Express way would be completed in "three to four months" but it Never happened. Likewise I have been hearing about the circular railways for more than four years but nothing has happened til now. When the coalition was ruling what did they do for Karachi?
2-Karachi was fed excess electricity out of the national grid for more than 5 years. Which one voice was raised from the whole city against it?
My friend do have a look at the performance of supposedly the government of "representatives of Karachi". What did they give to the city than pointing fingers at others. You can all vote for the party you like. But situation in karachi has just been like what zardari said yesterday,"You can't help those who don't want to help themselves." All the parties in the Government were more interested in playing power-game than doing something for the masses. A prosperous Karachi is necessary for prosperous Pakistan. But the development scorecard of the sakeholders of karachi has nothing to show.

dude its your ignorance that karachi was 'fed' excess electricity for five years how i can claim punjab and lahore was 'fed' excess of revenue for five years, MQM has the stake in karachi and not PPP, PPP couldnt never want to do anything in karachi because its not in their interest

MQM didnt have the KMC administrator, PPP had and it was MQM which made the lyari express in the first place so i dunno why are you bringing MQM here?

PPP didnt want to complete lyari expressway because their supporters occupied those land which was to be reclaimed from encroachment, and PPP did not let this do because it was not in their interest

similarly it was not in PPP interest to develop karachi at all

similarly its not in ganja's interest to develop karachi at all because their vote bank is in punjab, but they will still be accountable to what happens to karachi from now on because they reign entire country, what happens in any part of pakistan, they will be answerable

mustafa kamal was the admin till early 2010 and many projects were completed even though the budget wasnt released to him, and MQM made the famous food street, MQM had done many other projects if their hands werent tied
dude its your ignorance that karachi was 'fed' excess electricity for five years how i can claim punjab and lahore was 'fed' excess of revenue for five years, MQM has the stake in karachi and not PPP, PPP couldnt never want to do anything in karachi because its not in their interest
Power shortfall increases to 3,300 MW
KARACHI: `Wasteful` KESC incurs ire of shareholders | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia | DAWN.COM
If you have something for your claim. Please by all means post it here.

MQM didnt have the KMC administrator, PPP had and it was MQM which made the lyari express in the first place so i dunno why are you bringing MQM here?

PPP didnt want to complete lyari expressway because their supporters occupied those land which was to be reclaimed from encroachment, and PPP did not let this do because it was not in their interest
Aaah, thats really lame. They were in the GOVERNMENT or were they not? Whats the point of being in the government when you can't do something for your people? Except running lucrative ministry of Shipping and Ports

similarly it was not in PPP interest to develop karachi at all
But It was in MQM's interest wasn't it? So zardari's saying proves correct.

similarly its not in ganja's interest to develop karachi at all because their vote bank is in punjab, but they will still be accountable to what happens to karachi from now on because they reign entire country, what happens in any part of pakistan, they will be answerable
Okey lets assume for the moment that it is correct. How different is MQM from PML-N whose initial message en capsuled hatred and racism.

mustafa kamal was the admin till early 2010 and many projects were completed even though the budget wasnt released to him, and MQM made the famous food street, MQM had done many other projects if their hands werent tied
Wow what a mega project!
What's wrong with you guys? You never give credit to where it deserves. Instead, you guys give misinformation and lie per your own agenda. I have been following a lot of stuff in Pakistan for years, and I know that metro bus project is one of your national assets like the motorway. Who told you it takes a billion as subsidy to run?? Back it up by facts. Transparency int'l says the project ended before time with slightly cheaper than they thought. Why would you lie about anything??

First of all you need to shut up and stop lecturing us sitting in US. There have been occasions where metro service was suspended because of no diesel and interim government did not paid the required subsidy because government is functioning of borrowed money. Also I think Pakistan and Its people need electricity more than anything else. These 30Billion would have been more better utilised if were used to reduce the power crisis.
First of all you need to shut up and stop lecturing us sitting in US. There have been occasions where metro service was suspended because of no diesel and interim government did not paid the required subsidy because government is functioning of borrowed money. Also I think Pakistan and Its people need electricity more than anything else. These 30Billion would have been more better utilised if were used to reduce the power crisis.

Thanks for asking me to 'shut up'. That shows your emotional instability and your maturity level in life in general. Yet....you couldn't come up with anything concrete but have silly questions that I'll waste my time answering:
Metro service being suspended for Diesel.....DOESN'T make it a 'useless' project, if that ACTUALLY happened. Point me to a source. This would have been a huge news if it actually happened.
Also, if you are right and the service did get interrupted.....that happens. It STILL DOESN'T make it a useless project or injects a Billion dollar as subsidy. I'd like for you to establish proofs or get off of the childish stubborn argumentative B.S. you are putting all the readers through. Next. this wasn't ' BORROWED' money. This was INVESTMENT made by Turkey, the World Bank, the Punjab Gov't (very little share). And it is a massive and awesome project. Go talk to 1 out of the 150,000 people that take this bus to get to their work. You'll find out about the importance of it.
Last, the cost of this wasn't 30 Billion Dollars. You are INSANE to think that. Go check real numbers. It was MUCH lower. You are running buses. Not supersonic jets that you spent 30 billion dollars. The electricity, a provincial government can't control those in cases of countries like Pakistan. These policies come from the Federal gov't. In this case, Punjab was actually deprived of the electricity (it's share) due to PPP being a political rival of the PMLN. The industry in Punjab got destroyed due to the unavailability of the electricity and gas. Which Karachi rarely saw energy outage, may be 2-5 hours but NOTHING like what happened in Punjab for years...18-22 hours and some 24!!! Go bring me the fact or quit responding to this post like a stubborn child.
Power shortfall increases to 3,300 MW
KARACHI: `Wasteful` KESC incurs ire of shareholders | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia | DAWN.COM
If you have something for your claim. Please by all means post it here.

Aaah, thats really lame. They were in the GOVERNMENT or were they not? Whats the point of being in the government when you can't do something for your people? Except running lucrative ministry of Shipping and Ports

But It was in MQM's interest wasn't it? So zardari's saying proves correct.

Okey lets assume for the moment that it is correct. How different is MQM from PML-N whose initial message en capsuled hatred and racism.

Wow what a mega project!

1) lol, loads of BS, how did karachi get electricity, it was because of KESC which was a private firm and not governmental firm, and because of 18th amendment, if karachi got electricity so did punjab get the revenues, if you claim karachi was 'fed
' so was punjab, 70% revenue generated by karachi and where did all the developments happen? not in karachi, not at all

2) MQM get the shares in government, the so called lucrative ports and shipping minitry showed improvement in performance when it was in MQM's hold, other ministries were not in MQM control, if MQM had such a strong influence it had easily achieve local bodies in karachi but it didnt

3) how can an ignorant person compare MQM with PMLN? i mean do you have a pea sized brain, how can you compare MQM which had 25 seats to PMLN who has 188 seats? PPP alone had 135 or something seats as compared to MQM

4) it was in MQM's interest so it developed karachi from 2002-2008, but its not in PMLN interest to develop karachi at all, we will see if PMLN makes karachi metro rail and bullet trains as nawaz has promised
Thanks for asking me to 'shut up'. That shows your emotional instability and your maturity level in life in general. Yet....you couldn't come up with anything concrete but have silly questions that I'll waste my time answering:
Metro service being suspended for Diesel.....DOESN'T make it a 'useless' project, if that ACTUALLY happened. Point me to a source. This would have been a huge news if it actually happened.
Also, if you are right and the service did get interrupted.....that happens. It STILL DOESN'T make it a useless project or injects a Billion dollar as subsidy. I'd like for you to establish proofs or get off of the childish stubborn argumentative B.S. you are putting all the readers through. Next. this wasn't ' BORROWED' money. This was INVESTMENT made by Turkey, the World Bank, the Punjab Gov't (very little share). And it is a massive and awesome project. Go talk to 1 out of the 150,000 people that take this bus to get to their work. You'll find out about the importance of it.
Last, the cost of this wasn't 30 Billion Dollars. You are INSANE to think that. Go check real numbers. It was MUCH lower. You are running buses. Not supersonic jets that you spent 30 billion dollars. The electricity, a provincial government can't control those in cases of countries like Pakistan. These policies come from the Federal gov't. In this case, Punjab was actually deprived of the electricity (it's share) due to PPP being a political rival of the PMLN. The industry in Punjab got destroyed due to the unavailability of the electricity and gas. Which Karachi rarely saw energy outage, may be 2-5 hours but NOTHING like what happened in Punjab for years...18-22 hours and some 24!!! Go bring me the fact or quit responding to this post like a stubborn child.

My bro, What ever you will say they will not believe because these are ignorant and blinded people who just understand truth which came from there bloody politician mouths. from decades we are listening Karachi is giving revenue to Punjab.

Punjab is taking all water
punjab is taking all gas
Punjab is taking all electricity

and in fact in reality if you read the recovery from Punjab is 98.5%. the average load shedding is more than 12 hours where in Karachi its around 5,6 hours. but you know what ever links you will provide to them they will not believe bec who the hell are you how come another person can say truth bec only saints in this country are the leaders of every part and their blind follower.

these are present in every party


all blaming on eath other you do thsi you done this. this is not priority. you took our idea. How come you cans ay about my leader.

BUT no one think what poor people of Pakistan needs. What OUR country needs.

I wish they will understand it one day. i Hope as Early they will understand its good for our country.

We should think wisely what we are doing is it helping Pakistan or it is helping our leaders for shining their politics?

I wish One Day. One day they will think!
1) lol, loads of BS, how did karachi get electricity, it was because of KESC which was a private firm and not governmental firm, and because of 18th amendment, if karachi got electricity so did punjab get the revenues, if you claim karachi was 'fed ' so was punjab, 70% revenue generated by karachi and where did all the developments happen? not in karachi, not at all
1- The developments did not happen in Karachi because bahi-sain and khan sahib everybody was busy in looting,killing and grabbing.
2-How can karachi generate 70% of the revenue when it has merely 10% of the national population. Tax is paid by a Punjabi,Pathan, Sindhi or Balochi in Lahore,Peshawar,Hyderabad is collected by a public limited company's (that too is owned by Sindhi,Balochi,Punjabi,Pathan and Mohajir investors) and paid through its Head office in Karachi. Does the company pay the tax for herself? Do these company create all their income from Karachi? Had they been Companies Selling Pan and Gutka I would have happily accepted the point but they are not.

2) MQM get the shares in government, the so called lucrative ports and shipping minitry showed improvement in performance when it was in MQM's hold, other ministries were not in MQM control, if MQM had such a strong influence it had easily achieve local bodies in karachi but it didnt
What improvement? 10000 Bhatta per container? Is that an improvement?

3) how can an ignorant person compare MQM with PMLN? i mean do you have a pea sized brain, how can you compare MQM which had 25 seats to PMLN who has 188 seats? PPP alone had 135 or something seats as compared to MQM
You are absolutely correct!N does have a track record of killing, extortion, china cutting etc etc etc etc etc.

) it was in MQM's interest so it developed karachi from 2002-2008, but its not in PMLN interest to develop karachi at all, we will see if PMLN makes karachi metro rail and bullet trains as nawaz has promised
So it was not in the interest of MQM to develop Karachi from 2008-2013 since it lost its political godfather aka Mushi? Again Like zardari said, "We can't help those who are not willing to help themselves."
You are absolutely correct!N does have a track record of killing, extortion, china cutting etc etc etc etc etc.

:omghaha: haad hoti he yaar, lashkar e jhanvi, talibans, sunni tehrik, SSP, MQM haqiqi, BLA etc, the brain child of PMLN

100 terrorists released in punjab, the shia killings in quetta linked to rahim yaar khan, abhi bhi itni akad

do you know the secret meetings between osama bin laden and nawaz shareef?

and how many PTI workers were killed in punjab during election compaign? how many were killed in karachi during election campaign? NONE!!

you guys are reknowned terror exporters of not only pakistan, but the WORLD!!

who is in bed with wahabis, again nawaz, who is excepting 15 billion dollars of aid money from his masters? no wonder

lashkar e jhanvi man arrested for MQM target killing

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Thanks for asking me to 'shut up'. That shows your emotional instability and your maturity level in life in general. Yet....you couldn't come up with anything concrete but have silly questions that I'll waste my time answering:
Metro service being suspended for Diesel.....DOESN'T make it a 'useless' project, if that ACTUALLY happened. Point me to a source. This would have been a huge news if it actually happened.
Also, if you are right and the service did get interrupted.....that happens. It STILL DOESN'T make it a useless project or injects a Billion dollar as subsidy. I'd like for you to establish proofs or get off of the childish stubborn argumentative B.S. you are putting all the readers through. Next. this wasn't ' BORROWED' money. This was INVESTMENT made by Turkey, the World Bank, the Punjab Gov't (very little share). And it is a massive and awesome project. Go talk to 1 out of the 150,000 people that take this bus to get to their work. You'll find out about the importance of it.
Last, the cost of this wasn't 30 Billion Dollars. You are INSANE to think that. Go check real numbers. It was MUCH lower. You are running buses. Not supersonic jets that you spent 30 billion dollars. The electricity, a provincial government can't control those in cases of countries like Pakistan. These policies come from the Federal gov't. In this case, Punjab was actually deprived of the electricity (it's share) due to PPP being a political rival of the PMLN. The industry in Punjab got destroyed due to the unavailability of the electricity and gas. Which Karachi rarely saw energy outage, may be 2-5 hours but NOTHING like what happened in Punjab for years...18-22 hours and some 24!!! Go bring me the fact or quit responding to this post like a stubborn child.
Leave it!, these kids dont know a jack and live the most part of the day fascinating Imran and spreading propaganda on Facebook/Twitter. There is no helping these guys. We dont mind their cute comments neither should you.
PMLN and PTI land mafia fight each other of illegal encroachment in karachi

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