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Is the Lahore Metrobus a folly or far-sighted?

The Incompetent leadership of PML N was aware of draw backs of 18th amendment but they let it happend and didnt made a single power plant of electricity and played politics on the name of loadshedding against zardari and made stunts like setting up camps at minar e pakistan but khan factor bangged their A$$ on 30 oct 2011 and now patwaris crying around

So now you are going to believe what PPP says ? The 18th ammendment is nothing but B.S. If that was the case, Baluchistan, being rich in resources would have been the first province to get power surplus. Baluchis have been fighting for the right of their resources ever since Pakistan was made. Musharaf ba**** sold copper mines to China and Zardari was thinking to do the same for Gold to a Canadian company. Its a sad reality eh ?
So now you are going to believe what PPP says ? The 18th ammendment is nothing but B.S. If that was the case, Baluchistan, being rich in resources would have been the first province to get power surplus. Baluchis have been fighting for the right of their resources ever since Pakistan was made. Musharaf ba**** sold copper mines to China and Zardari was thinking to do the same for Gold to a Canadian company. Its a sad reality eh ?

This is not the answer of my Question my Canadian Friend i have given you with proofs provinces were having rights to produce electricity but PML N didnt produced a single unit :D you accept the incompetency of PML N or not ???
as many of PML N supporters says even their leadership says Provinces need fedral's gurantee on making power plants :D but i saw some promotion on PML N pages they were showing their fans that we started making power plants of few few mega watts for some industrial estates and at some barrages and heads of rivers and canals ... my question is on one hand they says fedral govt not giving them permission on other hand they are promoting they were making power plants which i highly doubt ,, are they making ppl Phuddu again like PPP ??
no but the tariff of electricity is determined by federal govt and proper transportation system plays a vital role in development of a country that is why india is building new metro rails brts new airports flyovers and all ... i think instead of that brts we should seriously work on underground rail system like london
as many of PML N supporters says even their leadership says Provinces need fedral's gurantee on making power plants :D but i saw some promotion on PML N pages they were showing their fans that we started making power plants of few few mega watts for some industrial estates and at some barrages and heads of rivers and canals ... my question is on one hand they says fedral govt not giving them permission on other hand they are promoting they were making power plants which i highly doubt ,, are they making ppl Phuddu again like PPP ??

its not the issue of capacity we have installed capacity of 24000 megawattttsssss so we dont need new projects right now we need conversion of existing plants to coal and ppp govt is revenge full to punjab they didnt provide our share of electricity even if they would have put new plants it wouldnt have solved the issue.
its not the issue of capacity we have installed capacity of 24000 megawattttsssss so we dont need new projects right now we need conversion of existing plants to coal and ppp govt is revenge full to punjab they didnt provide our share of electricity even if they would have put new plants it wouldnt have solved the issue.

what illl u do with the new plants when u coudnt able to generate electricity from existing plants lol ????
its not the issue of capacity we have installed capacity of 24000 megawattttsssss so we dont need new projects right now we need conversion of existing plants to coal and ppp govt is revenge full to punjab they didnt provide our share of electricity even if they would have put new plants it wouldnt have solved the issue.

before poking your nose into discussing do read the article i shared few posts back of world bank which have your answer .
Crab mentality.

That's what I say about the style of discussion in this thread.


The system was first proposed in 1991 and was updated in 1993 by Lahore Traffic and Transport Studies, funded by the World Bank. The project was subsequently shelved.[1]
In 2005, the Transport Department of Pakistan revisited the project and carried out a feasibility study and in 2007, the Asian Development Bank provided PKR1 billion to conduct a study on the project.[2] An 82 km (51 mi) long rail network with 60 stations was to be constructed in four separate phases as a part of the project. The first phase involved construction of a 27 km (17 mi) km railway line called green line which would include an 11.6 km (7.2 mi) underground network. This line would carry 250,000–300,000 passengers after construction.[3] The construction was expected to start in 2008 and complete in 2010.[2] However, the new Pakistani government in 2008, shifted its priorities to other projects.[4]
In June 2010, Malaysia based Scomi International proposed a US$1.15 billion monorail–based alternative to LRMTS. However, the project was not approved as the Chinese government agreed to loan the LRMTS US$1.8 billion.[2] The infrastructural investment required in LRMTS was US$61.9 million per km which was higher than the average range of US$13–50 million per km for similar projects.[5]
In 2012, the LRMTS was abandoned in favour of more cost–effective Lahore Metro Bus System by the Punjab government.

And you Know Why Lahore Metro Train Project was Abandoned ;) it was all happend after 30 oct 2011 :lol: and there was no time for PML N to make metro train project they jumped into Metro bus project so that they could beg for votes in 2013 elections :D

First of all the it was suppose to underground train system the federal govt didnt approve of it thats why adb was not funding without permission of federal govt thats why they couldnt start that project


The system was first proposed in 1991 and was updated in 1993 by Lahore Traffic and Transport Studies, funded by the World Bank. The project was subsequently shelved.[1]
In 2005, the Transport Department of Pakistan revisited the project and carried out a feasibility study and in 2007, the Asian Development Bank provided PKR1 billion to conduct a study on the project.[2] An 82 km (51 mi) long rail network with 60 stations was to be constructed in four separate phases as a part of the project. The first phase involved construction of a 27 km (17 mi) km railway line called green line which would include an 11.6 km (7.2 mi) underground network. This line would carry 250,000–300,000 passengers after construction.[3] The construction was expected to start in 2008 and complete in 2010.[2] However, the new Pakistani government in 2008, shifted its priorities to other projects.[4]
In June 2010, Malaysia based Scomi International proposed a US$1.15 billion monorail–based alternative to LRMTS. However, the project was not approved as the Chinese government agreed to loan the LRMTS US$1.8 billion.[2] The infrastructural investment required in LRMTS was US$61.9 million per km which was higher than the average range of US$13–50 million per km for similar projects.[5]
In 2012, the LRMTS was abandoned in favour of more cost–effective Lahore Metro Bus System by the Punjab government.

And you Know Why Lahore Metro Train Project was Abandoned ;) it was all happend after 30 oct 2011 :lol: and there was no time for PML N to make metro train project they jumped into Metro bus project so that they could beg for votes in 2013 elections :D

First of all the it was suppose to underground train system the federal govt didnt approve of it thats why adb was not funding without permission of federal govt thats why they couldnt start that project
ISLAMABAD: None other than the World Bank has severely opposed the government’s proposal to grant first-usage right to the province producing electricity, arguing the policy does not make sense for an integrated power system, reveal official documents available with The News.

“The bank also expressed its opinion that the policy will most likely be economically inefficient since it will preclude the trade of power across the provinces,” the documents state. The government is planning to introduce amendments in the power policy 2002 and to this effect, the committee, headed by Secretary Water and Power Imtiaz Kazi and comprising four secretaries of the provinces, has finalised the amendments, including this critical proposal that based on the location of the power plant, the electricity requirements of the province or local area be given priority. In case the said amendment is approved by the CCI, the electricity crisis will touch a new high in the Punjab, which generates only 30 percent electricity but consumes 60 percent. Surprisingly, however, the Punjab representative in the committee did not oppose the move when the committee finalised this recommendation. While the Punjab maintained a mystifying silence over the proposed amendment, the World Bank has opposed the said amendment.

It is pertinent to mention that under the 18th Amendment, there is a clause in the Constitution under which the gas deficit has become the highest in the Punjab as compared to other provinces. Under the said clause, the province producing gas has the fist right to consume it and the remainder is to be passed on to such federating unit where gas is not abundantly available. This is the main reason that the Punjab is facing a massive gas deficit leading to a massive surge in unemployment as many industrial units have virtually closed down in the wake of non-availability of gas. If the CCI approves the recommended proposal, the Punjab will be exposed to ever more power outages.

Under another proposal that has also been finalised by the committee, the Water Use Charge (WUC) will also be increased to Rs0.425 per unit without annual indexation. The WUC will be reviewed every five years in order to determine whether an increase in the WUC is necessary. In this case, the World Bank has said that the every five years, the WUC review must not be left open ended. Farooq Energy Company has opposed this proposal saying that an increase in WUC is a pass-through item and would lead to higher average hydro tariff.

The committee has also decided that carbon credits earned through clean energy projects from the UN will be utilised for project maintenance and welfare of affected people on an equal basis. The World Bank said that the recommendation should be consistent with the mechanism to share carbon revenues as explained in the government policy for the development of renewable energy 2006.

Power producing province to get priority: govt - thenews.com.pk


Will You Believe In Fiction Or Fact?
Fiction: PMLN Promises To End Loadshedding In Pakistan
Fact: PMLN Produced ZERO Megawatt Electricity For Punjab In 3 Years
Fiction: Federal Govt Interfered With Punjab Govt
Fact: Article 157 (2) of Constitution Gives Full Authority to Provincial Govt To Produce Electricity Without Interference of Federal Govt

The Incompetent leadership of PML N was aware of draw backs of 18th amendment but they let it happend and didnt made a single power plant of electricity and played politics on the name of loadshedding against zardari and made stunts like setting up camps at minar e pakistan but khan factor bangged their A$$ on 30 oct 2011 and now patwaris crying

imran khan was the one who was so against punjab that he tried to turn every one against punjab saying that punjab shouldnt get his part of share according to populationwhen pti ill come in power they ill revise punjab share in budget the poor province like sindh blochistan should get proper share the electricity should be distributed according to that criteria what his policy abt khalabagh dam and so on ????????????

ISLAMABAD: None other than the World Bank has severely opposed the government’s proposal to grant first-usage right to the province producing electricity, arguing the policy does not make sense for an integrated power system, reveal official documents available with The News.

“The bank also expressed its opinion that the policy will most likely be economically inefficient since it will preclude the trade of power across the provinces,” the documents state. The government is planning to introduce amendments in the power policy 2002 and to this effect, the committee, headed by Secretary Water and Power Imtiaz Kazi and comprising four secretaries of the provinces, has finalised the amendments, including this critical proposal that based on the location of the power plant, the electricity requirements of the province or local area be given priority. In case the said amendment is approved by the CCI, the electricity crisis will touch a new high in the Punjab, which generates only 30 percent electricity but consumes 60 percent. Surprisingly, however, the Punjab representative in the committee did not oppose the move when the committee finalised this recommendation. While the Punjab maintained a mystifying silence over the proposed amendment, the World Bank has opposed the said amendment.

It is pertinent to mention that under the 18th Amendment, there is a clause in the Constitution under which the gas deficit has become the highest in the Punjab as compared to other provinces. Under the said clause, the province producing gas has the fist right to consume it and the remainder is to be passed on to such federating unit where gas is not abundantly available. This is the main reason that the Punjab is facing a massive gas deficit leading to a massive surge in unemployment as many industrial units have virtually closed down in the wake of non-availability of gas. If the CCI approves the recommended proposal, the Punjab will be exposed to ever more power outages.

Under another proposal that has also been finalised by the committee, the Water Use Charge (WUC) will also be increased to Rs0.425 per unit without annual indexation. The WUC will be reviewed every five years in order to determine whether an increase in the WUC is necessary. In this case, the World Bank has said that the every five years, the WUC review must not be left open ended. Farooq Energy Company has opposed this proposal saying that an increase in WUC is a pass-through item and would lead to higher average hydro tariff.

The committee has also decided that carbon credits earned through clean energy projects from the UN will be utilised for project maintenance and welfare of affected people on an equal basis. The World Bank said that the recommendation should be consistent with the mechanism to share carbon revenues as explained in the government policy for the development of renewable energy 2006.

Power producing province to get priority: govt - thenews.com.pk


Will You Believe In Fiction Or Fact?
Fiction: PMLN Promises To End Loadshedding In Pakistan
Fact: PMLN Produced ZERO Megawatt Electricity For Punjab In 3 Years
Fiction: Federal Govt Interfered With Punjab Govt
Fact: Article 157 (2) of Constitution Gives Full Authority to Provincial Govt To Produce Electricity Without Interference of Federal Govt

The Incompetent leadership of PML N was aware of draw backs of 18th amendment but they let it happend and didnt made a single power plant of electricity and played politics on the name of loadshedding against zardari and made stunts like setting up camps at minar e pakistan but khan factor bangged their A$$ on 30 oct 2011 and now patwaris crying

imran khan was the one who was so against punjab that he tried to turn every one against punjab saying that punjab shouldnt get his part of share according to populationwhen pti ill come in power they ill revise punjab share in budget the poor province like sindh blochistan should get proper share the electricity should be distributed according to that criteria what his policy abt khalabagh dam and so on ????????????
before poking your nose into discussing do read the article i shared few posts back of world bank which have your answer .

and u didnt give me the proper ans when they r only generating 14000 megawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatsssssssssssssss and we could able to generate 24000 megawatts the result would be load shedding

This will run on subsidies. This was an ill planned project that has complicated traffic in the city.

Its all about priorities. I would much rather have spent this money on a million in Faisalabad who have lost their jobs due to electricity shortage and have resulted in huge crime rates.


You do not build a boat while the person is drowning.

Typical mind set. Grow up boy and develop in yourself positive thinking.


The system was first proposed in 1991 and was updated in 1993 by Lahore Traffic and Transport Studies, funded by the World Bank. The project was subsequently shelved.[1]
In 2005, the Transport Department of Pakistan revisited the project and carried out a feasibility study and in 2007, the Asian Development Bank provided PKR1 billion to conduct a study on the project.[2] An 82 km (51 mi) long rail network with 60 stations was to be constructed in four separate phases as a part of the project. The first phase involved construction of a 27 km (17 mi) km railway line called green line which would include an 11.6 km (7.2 mi) underground network. This line would carry 250,000–300,000 passengers after construction.[3] The construction was expected to start in 2008 and complete in 2010.[2] However, the new Pakistani government in 2008, shifted its priorities to other projects.[4]
In June 2010, Malaysia based Scomi International proposed a US$1.15 billion monorail–based alternative to LRMTS. However, the project was not approved as the Chinese government agreed to loan the LRMTS US$1.8 billion.[2] The infrastructural investment required in LRMTS was US$61.9 million per km which was higher than the average range of US$13–50 million per km for similar projects.[5]
In 2012, the LRMTS was abandoned in favour of more cost–effective Lahore Metro Bus System by the Punjab government.

And you Know Why Lahore Metro Train Project was Abandoned ;) it was all happend after 30 oct 2011 :lol: and there was no time for PML N to make metro train project they jumped into Metro bus project so that they could beg for votes in 2013 elections :D

Ok, agree. Let's supposed they did it for the sack of vote bank but the did it and its working and facilitate people now and in future. Not like like Roti Kapra Makan which was not provided from 1975 to 2013. Not like those who didn't sanctioned power house for Punjab only because of personal fart, not like those who construct Shaukat Kahanum to treat only millionaires.
ISLAMABAD: None other than the World Bank has severely opposed the government’s proposal to grant first-usage right to the province producing electricity, arguing the policy does not make sense for an integrated power system, reveal official documents available with The News.

“The bank also expressed its opinion that the policy will most likely be economically inefficient since it will preclude the trade of power across the provinces,” the documents state. The government is planning to introduce amendments in the power policy 2002 and to this effect, the committee, headed by Secretary Water and Power Imtiaz Kazi and comprising four secretaries of the provinces, has finalised the amendments, including this critical proposal that based on the location of the power plant, the electricity requirements of the province or local area be given priority. In case the said amendment is approved by the CCI, the electricity crisis will touch a new high in the Punjab, which generates only 30 percent electricity but consumes 60 percent. Surprisingly, however, the Punjab representative in the committee did not oppose the move when the committee finalised this recommendation. While the Punjab maintained a mystifying silence over the proposed amendment, the World Bank has opposed the said amendment.

It is pertinent to mention that under the 18th Amendment, there is a clause in the Constitution under which the gas deficit has become the highest in the Punjab as compared to other provinces. Under the said clause, the province producing gas has the fist right to consume it and the remainder is to be passed on to such federating unit where gas is not abundantly available. This is the main reason that the Punjab is facing a massive gas deficit leading to a massive surge in unemployment as many industrial units have virtually closed down in the wake of non-availability of gas. If the CCI approves the recommended proposal, the Punjab will be exposed to ever more power outages.

Under another proposal that has also been finalised by the committee, the Water Use Charge (WUC) will also be increased to Rs0.425 per unit without annual indexation. The WUC will be reviewed every five years in order to determine whether an increase in the WUC is necessary. In this case, the World Bank has said that the every five years, the WUC review must not be left open ended. Farooq Energy Company has opposed this proposal saying that an increase in WUC is a pass-through item and would lead to higher average hydro tariff.

The committee has also decided that carbon credits earned through clean energy projects from the UN will be utilised for project maintenance and welfare of affected people on an equal basis. The World Bank said that the recommendation should be consistent with the mechanism to share carbon revenues as explained in the government policy for the development of renewable energy 2006.

Power producing province to get priority: govt - thenews.com.pk


Will You Believe In Fiction Or Fact?
Fiction: PMLN Promises To End Loadshedding In Pakistan
Fact: PMLN Produced ZERO Megawatt Electricity For Punjab In 3 Years
Fiction: Federal Govt Interfered With Punjab Govt
Fact: Article 157 (2) of Constitution Gives Full Authority to Provincial Govt To Produce Electricity Without Interference of Federal Govt

The Incompetent leadership of PML N was aware of draw backs of 18th amendment but they let it happend and didnt made a single power plant of electricity and played politics on the name of loadshedding against zardari and made stunts like setting up camps at minar e pakistan but khan factor bangged their A$$ on 30 oct 2011 and now patwaris crying around

Do study before , ask this Zardi what the heck they didn't allowed transfer of power plant from Karachi and why they didn't allowed to make functional Multan Solar Energy plant? Don't behave like dumb and literate blind.
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