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Is the Lahore Metrobus a folly or far-sighted?

well 90 billion has been invested in a project that is beneficial for small portion of population of a city ....
what about investment in heath and education sector ...
10 billion would have been enough for jobs of 10000 doctors, pharmacist and nurses in the govt hospitals ...
but most of them are job less cos of such projects ..
70 billion in energy sector would have provided with atleast 800 mw energy that would have reduced load shedding to great extent,
10 billion for education would have led to construction of new schools and repair of old ones , primary schools of my area lack even basic facilities ?
ISLAMABAD: None other than the World Bank has severely opposed the government’s proposal to grant first-usage right to the province producing electricity, arguing the policy does not make sense for an integrated power system, reveal official documents available with The News.

“The bank also expressed its opinion that the policy will most likely be economically inefficient since it will preclude the trade of power across the provinces,” the documents state. The government is planning to introduce amendments in the power policy 2002 and to this effect, the committee, headed by Secretary Water and Power Imtiaz Kazi and comprising four secretaries of the provinces, has finalised the amendments, including this critical proposal that based on the location of the power plant, the electricity requirements of the province or local area be given priority. In case the said amendment is approved by the CCI, the electricity crisis will touch a new high in the Punjab, which generates only 30 percent electricity but consumes 60 percent. Surprisingly, however, the Punjab representative in the committee did not oppose the move when the committee finalised this recommendation. While the Punjab maintained a mystifying silence over the proposed amendment, the World Bank has opposed the said amendment.

It is pertinent to mention that under the 18th Amendment, there is a clause in the Constitution under which the gas deficit has become the highest in the Punjab as compared to other provinces. Under the said clause, the province producing gas has the fist right to consume it and the remainder is to be passed on to such federating unit where gas is not abundantly available. This is the main reason that the Punjab is facing a massive gas deficit leading to a massive surge in unemployment as many industrial units have virtually closed down in the wake of non-availability of gas. If the CCI approves the recommended proposal, the Punjab will be exposed to ever more power outages.

Under another proposal that has also been finalised by the committee, the Water Use Charge (WUC) will also be increased to Rs0.425 per unit without annual indexation. The WUC will be reviewed every five years in order to determine whether an increase in the WUC is necessary. In this case, the World Bank has said that the every five years, the WUC review must not be left open ended. Farooq Energy Company has opposed this proposal saying that an increase in WUC is a pass-through item and would lead to higher average hydro tariff.

The committee has also decided that carbon credits earned through clean energy projects from the UN will be utilised for project maintenance and welfare of affected people on an equal basis. The World Bank said that the recommendation should be consistent with the mechanism to share carbon revenues as explained in the government policy for the development of renewable energy 2006.

Power producing province to get priority: govt - thenews.com.pk


Will You Believe In Fiction Or Fact?
Fiction: PMLN Promises To End Loadshedding In Pakistan
Fact: PMLN Produced ZERO Megawatt Electricity For Punjab In 3 Years
Fiction: Federal Govt Interfered With Punjab Govt
Fact: Article 157 (2) of Constitution Gives Full Authority to Provincial Govt To Produce Electricity Without Interference of Federal Govt

The Incompetent leadership of PML N was aware of draw backs of 18th amendment but they let it happend and didnt made a single power plant of electricity and played politics on the name of loadshedding against zardari and made stunts like setting up camps at minar e pakistan but khan factor bangged their A$$ on 30 oct 2011 and now patwaris crying around

I think now it's better for Punjab to start buying electricity and gas from India
As if Dilli has 24 hour electricity and Indian in general is overflowing with excess capacity ;)


I guess they were offering us electricity & gas - or at-least have money to generate power for selling :D
I guess they were offering us electricity & gas - or at-least have money to generate power for selling :D

Our company buys heavy machinery from our dear neighbor.

So I have a bit of idea about their strengths and weaknesses

and off course

our weaknesses and strengths.

Condenser, Blenders & Mixers - Paint Industry

Were you guys importing this stuff to Pakistan or your current country of residence aka IRan?

In our case, we go with guys we have already worked with. They are humble down to earth people. We tell them about any changes in spec and they are quick to respond.

You can't beat the shipping time.

Man they are quick like a bunny ;)
Were you guys importing this stuff to Pakistan or your current country of residence aka IRan?

In our case, we go with guys we have already worked with. They are humble down to earth people. We tell them about any changes in spec and they are quick to respond.

You can't beat the shipping time.

Man they are quick like a bunny ;)

My ex-company had plant in Pakistan & Iran - they imported some machinery from India for both (mostly for Iran) but operations manager was more happy with Malaysian supplier than Indian & Chinese.

Anyway - IMHO, India & Pakistan should buy from each other by buying from each other instead of third country to create employments and uplift their population
Do study before , ask this Zardi what the heck they didn't allowed transfer of power plant from Karachi and why they didn't allowed to make functional Multan Solar Energy plant? Don't behave like dumb and literate blind.

Read the highlighted text again and then answer me why PML N went for Power distribution on provinces first use bases and why PML N leadership kept silent over this issue even they were aware of draw backs which Punjab gona face

Typical mind set. Grow up boy and develop in yourself positive thinking.

Ok, agree. Let's supposed they did it for the sack of vote bank but the did it and its working and facilitate people now and in future. Not like like Roti Kapra Makan which was not provided from 1975 to 2013. Not like those who didn't sanctioned power house for Punjab only because of personal fart, not like those who construct Shaukat Kahanum to treat only millionaires.

Stop this bull Sh*t i want my answer over electricity issue and over 18th amendment cz PML N was part of parliment and they did passed the amendment ever they were aware of the draw backs ,, i know zardari and ppp are the most incompetent party tell me what PML N did in last 5 years except few stunts
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