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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Simple Solution

Step 1: Take over Afganistan
Step 2: Curb all the illegal weapon's stash
Step 3: Setup Anti Terrorism force right in Afghanistan to stop illegal funds
Step 4: Massive operations against these thugs and watch them hide in Burqa and try to escape

the americans planned the same thing :v
now look...
Guys... please don't spread information until it is confirmed!

Imagine if you're wrong and his family finds this while he's stuck at the airport.

Very irresponsible, man!

The young man is dead. It is confirmed. He was the batch mate and a friend of my school friend. Another young handsome soul had to pay the price of the incompetency of those who are ruling this country.
We need a Indian Subcontinent Terrorist Intelligence Agency (ISTIA) to share information between the countries of the Indian subcontinent to help destroy these groups.
I am sure Zardari and Bilawal might be going to UK via Ship now , to get out of country , they were sleeping on the Job , mean while Altaf bhai was busy with his UK problems

Once again its the army that comes to rescue

The politicians might be leaving to neighbouring country via bus service now
oh $h!t not again
dawn is reporting firing has started again
Fresh firing at Karachi airport; one Rangers man injured

KARACHI: Fresh gunfire was reported from the Karachi airport Monday morning and a loud explosion was also heard across its premises, DawnNews reported.

The shooting involving unknown gunmen injured a Sindh Rangers man.

Security forces said that the intensity of the explosion heard across the airport was still uncertain.

Karachi Airport's old terminal was attacked by heavily armed assailants on Sunday night. The Pakistan Army spokesman earlier stated that the entire airport was cordoned off and all militants had been killed during the operation.

Fresh firing at Karachi airport; one Rangers man injured - Pakistan - DAWN.COM


The hotel is maze compared to Airport. Numerous hostages. From delayed deployment of forces to unavailability of map. It wasn't open area combat but a closed, clustered and unknown environment. There is no comparison.
Lol. I'm trying to be neutral here.

Airport had a lot of people too, but the terrorists weren't able to get to them. Not to mention, an airport where people are waiting at gate is like bank. You've 200 people you can take hostage instantly.

Unknown environment? Lol, was it made 2 days ago? Not to mention Indian army is better. Also in airport u can't run around, there could be snipers or claymores or anything! Hotel u can sweep far quicker because it's door to door. Open area is equally dangerous to closed area. You don't know that when you open door, you'll get shot. Similarly, you don't know that moving from one airplane tire to next you'd live, as there could be snipers. There were 10 terrorists and one could've been a sniper guarding some entrance or picking off people randomly.

Anyways, the point is, Pakistani army cleared terrorists faster than India. Took them 76 hours closed space vs 3 hours open space. Also open space is not some plain land. There are many buildings around or gates etc. I'm not saying this but original poster. Couple of guys activated their JAI HIND mode and started blabbing off topic to what the poster had said.

Indian army is better, that's for sure. India has bigger budget. But considering Pakistan, it is also a good job with smaller resources.
Certainly a great show by Pakistan Military to clear out TTP rodents
Massive operations are needed against TTP and all such elements full force hit
Simple Solution

Step 1: Take over Afganistan
Step 2: Curb all the illegal weapon's stash
Step 3: Setup Anti Terrorism force right in Afghanistan to stop illegal funds
Step 4: Massive operations against these thugs and watch them hide in Burqa and try to escape

Its a snake den , you do not take over and empty the hell hole, the eggs will hatch and pesky little snakes will crawl out and bite your property residents.

Do a Military FLUSH out , starting from Afghanistan (West Side) and Eastern Front (KPK/Balouchistan)

And capture any pesky rodent trying to escape
USA should've paid Pakistan and had them take over Pakistan. Pakistan and Afghanistan need to unite to stop cross border. Or otherwise let them have 6m refugees.

They live in our country, don't accept durrand line, there's cluster of terrorists at cross border. We need Afghanistan.
Uzbek terrorist and attacking airports still a better love story then twilight mehran base attack , isloo airport attack , peshawar airport attack all the asshole were uzbeks with Indian weapons
Fresh Firing at Karachi airport

Fresh firing at Karachi airport - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

KARACHI: Security forces said Monday they have relaunched a military operation at Karachi airport as gunfire resumed several hours after they announced the end of a militant siege that left 24 dead.

Fresh gunfire was reported from the airport Monday morning and a loud explosion was also heard across its premises.

Security forces said that the intensity of the explosion heard across the airport was still uncertain.

The initial assault at the Jinnah International Airport began late Sunday and raged until dawn, when the military said that all 10 militants had been killed.

Equipped with suicide vests, grenades and rocket launchers, they had battled security forces in one of the most brazen attacks in years in Pakistan's biggest city. Among the 14 victims were security personnel and four airport workers.

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