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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

God i was busy working through night and just saw this news. What the heck how did those TTP MILFs get into airport. Anyways as usual SSG came to the rescue. Would have been great if we had captured these MF to get some info out ov them.

Anyways My cousin who has been deployed in NW told me that Army is ready for crackdown. More Soldiers have been called in to assist in the operation which will start within a week or two. Lets pray for our soldiers and wish a painful death to TTP scums.
so COAS was quick to congratulate the jawans for 'successful' operation... this speaks volumes about our capability... hint: firing is still on going and terrorists are still inside the terminal..
someone misinformed him about clearing the airport what is his fault
Well taking Over Afghanistan is first line of defence , we build a defence base there , we stop majority of stuff right there

Uzbaks , Gangez Khan , Alexander the great etc... list goes on

We need a permenent base there with 10,000 Soldiers stationed

Just take over the void territory causing too much problems leaving it empty

Will you please shut up?
Things do not go away merely with a wish list.

Step 1 Pakistan shall cease to exist as it is now know when Step No 1 is attempted.

Step 2 : Never mind the intent, Where is the capability to do this ?

Step 3 : Pak is one of the conduits , for this step 1 & 2 are not needed.

Step 4 : Good luck, till date no concerted action is being done to root out the bad guys , they are targeting the PA also now.
step 4, where are the uzbeks coming from? Right? Who shelters mullah omar? Pakistan has the capability to take over Afghanistan when given approval by UN. Of course that is the only time Pakistan will take over.
God i was busy working through night and just saw this news. What the heck how did those TTP MILFs get into airport. Anyways as usual SSG came to the rescue. Would have been great if we had captured these MF to get some info out ov them.

Anyways My cousin who has been deployed in NW told me that Army is ready for crackdown. More Soldiers have been called in to assist in the operation which will start within a week or two. Lets pray for our soldiers and wish a painful death to TTP scums.

for God's sake please don't post any kind of inside news here. Thanks.
Fire is on the background. Photo has been taken from an angle so that it seems like plane is on fire.
The events will not stop untill Afhhanistan is integrated into Pakistan , as difficult as it may seem but that is the only permenent solution.

Every thing started with destabalization of that region , in 70's and unless we go on and stabalize it FOR GOOD .. the events will keep happening..

Destabalization of that place produced massive problems since 70's
a) Increased drugs in Pakistan
b) Incresed smuggling in Pakistan
c) Illegal residents issue
d) Counterfiet passports
e) Later , Terrorism ideas imported from uneducated areas of afghanistan/void areas

As the planners are all in Afghanistan border areas or even deeper areas which are safe heaven

We are at a cross road , we have only one option go in Afghanistan and clean house

Who knows if they planned to hijack a plane to eastern country can you imagine the impact so all in all the work done by Pakistan Military was wonderful to stop the events
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always leaders take the responsibility.. and whoever misinformed him cannot be a small soldier must have been from top brass... I am quite convinced about someone helping the terrorists from within establishment..
helping the terrorist with what?? is he Uzbek or his ancestors were from uzbekistan? comeon man MI do keep check and tap phones of Military officials remember hisb ur tahrir supporters court Martial by Pak army
Lol. I'm trying to be neutral here.

Airport had a lot of people too, but the terrorists weren't able to get to them. Not to mention, an airport where people are waiting at gate is like bank. You've 200 people you can take hostage instantly.

Unknown environment? Lol, was it made 2 days ago? Not to mention Indian army is better. Also in airport u can't run around, there could be snipers or claymores or anything! Hotel u can sweep far quicker because it's door to door. Open area is equally dangerous to closed area. You don't know that when you open door, you'll get shot. Similarly, you don't know that moving from one airplane tire to next you'd live, as there could be snipers. There were 10 terrorists and one could've been a sniper guarding some entrance or picking off people randomly.

Anyways, the point is, Pakistani army cleared terrorists faster than India. Took them 76 hours closed space vs 3 hours open space. Also open space is not some plain land. There are many buildings around or gates etc. I'm not saying this but original poster. Couple of guys activated their JAI HIND mode and started blabbing off topic to what the poster had said.

Indian army is better, that's for sure. India has bigger budget. But considering Pakistan, it is also a good job with smaller resources.

From what I know, the action went on near hangers, not inside the terminal. The terrorists entered through some fence and went to empty planes. In contrast, there were hostages in the Taj.
May be some senior member can contrast the two better.
No terrorist remaining. The recent reports of firing were by Ranger's while checking area's.
Clearance operation is going on.
Airport will be handed over to CAA for operations after 1200 hours.

Media has once again proven to be immature by making up stories, baseless assumptions, and irresponsible reporting in some cases.
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