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JL-3 Test

What I do know is that we will need to defend ourselves.


You have a very poor grasp of US capabilities.

As we continue to modernize into a fully integrated multi domain force, we'll retain our overmatch against any adversary.

Your military industrial-complex has just entered into a full blown stagnation.

Your new prized USS Gerald Ford is just a prime example of that, it may not be combat ready until 2024, perhaps remained non-functional in perpetuity.


China will soon become the only country in the world who can build a fully functional nuclear supercarrier with the EMALS & AGG.
Your military industrial-complex has just entered into a full blown stagnation.

Your new prized USS Gerald Ford is just a prime example of that, it may not be combat ready until 2024, perhaps remained non-functional in perpetuity.


China will soon become the only country in the world who can build a fully functional nuclear supercarrier with the EMALS & AGG.

Once again, you ignore the fact that the US nuclear arsenal is the most lethal in the world. Just like you ignored in the other thread the fact that the US military can decapitate the PLA Navy with a multiaxial LRASM barrage from a couple squadrons of B-1 bombers. And theres little China can do to stop it. Not to mention the fact we can destroy your commercial fleet and economy with it.

The reality that you are unwilling to face is that the US military is at the beginning stages of its largest modernization undertaken since the 1980s. A huge amount of new weapons systems, upgrades, and concepts will enter the force over the next decade. The end result will be a fully integrated multidomain battle force capable of defeating any adversary across the spectrum of conflict. As I said, you have a very poor grasp of US capabilities.

The Ford is a first of class ship with a huge amount of new technology. Issues are to be expected, and will be resolved.
Once again, you ignore the fact that the US nuclear arsenal is the most lethal in the world. Just like you ignored in the other thread the fact that the US military can decapitate the PLA Navy with a multiaxial LRASM barrage from a couple squadrons of B-1 bombers. And theres little China can do to stop it. Not to mention the fact we can destroy your commercial fleet and economy with it.

The reality that you are unwilling to face is that the US military is at the beginning stages of its largest modernization undertaken since the 1980s. A huge amount of new weapons systems, upgrades, and concepts will enter the force over the next decade. The end result will be a fully integrated multidomain battle force capable of defeating any adversary across the spectrum of conflict. As I said, you have a very poor grasp of US capabilities.

The Ford is a first of class ship with a huge amount of new technology. Issues are to be expected, and will be resolved.

Most lethal on paper only.

But in the reality, your Ohio class SSBNs will have near retiring age by 2025, and the lead ship of your Columbia class will not be ready until 2030.

When China commissioned many Type 096 SSBNs that equipped with the JL-3 SLBM, this title will inevitably belong to the PLAN.
When China commissioned many Type 096 SSBNs that equipped with the JL-3 SLBM, this title will inevitably belong to the PLAN.

Chinas' NFU as well as its overall strategic posture (see the minimum deterrent posture in their own white papers) strongly suggests a modest nuclear arsenal. Now, and in the future. You are not going to see the thousands of weapons the US or/and USSR/Russia maintained.You are going to see though a very modern, diverse and high capability nuclear triad from them.

In accordance to the above, this also hints towards a modest - yet both efficient and powerful - SSBN fleet. You don't need more, since your actual posture is a deterrent retaliatory force for countervalue targets (as per PRC doctrine).

I don't see China ever matching the SLBM cap the US has, partly because it doesn't need to. The doctrine is competely different.
Chinas' NFU as well as its overall strategic posture (see the minimum deterrent posture in their own white papers) strongly suggests a modest nuclear arsenal. Now, and in the future. You are not going to see the thousands of weapons the US or/and USSR/Russia maintained.You are going to see though a very modern, diverse and high capability nuclear triad from them.

In accordance to the above, this also hints towards a modest - yet both efficient and powerful - SSBN fleet. You don't need more, since your actual posture is a deterrent retaliatory force for countervalue targets (as per PRC doctrine).

I don't see China ever matching the SLBM cap the US has, partly because it doesn't need to. The doctrine is competely different.

Because that belongs to your retro knowledge/vision on China, and it doesn't reflect on the current situation.

The JL-3 is the most powerful SLBM in the history, and with the super advanced Type 096 which provides a huge boost for China to leap over the US in this crucial domain.

China is also currently building more powerful supercarrier than the CVN-78.

China is the only major player to challenge the US and poised to overtake them within a foreseeable near future.
What you are describing as retro knowledge/vision my friend is the stated, official and observed nuclear posture of China. If (and only if) something changes in the future regarding said posture and doctrine, we can revise our assumptions together.
What you are describing as retro knowledge/vision my friend is the stated, official and observed nuclear posture of China. If (and only if) something changes in the future regarding said posture and doctrine, we can revise our assumptions together.

That's our own nukes, our own decision.

China will not just retaliate when the foreign nuke has dropped on the Chinese soil, but way before that, during the phase of incoming nuclear missiles, China's early warning can detect that and will retaliate immediately.

So having pre-emptive strike between the major nuclear superpowers is just meaningless, since you cannot get away when you have just launched the nuclear missile against another nuclear superpower.
That's our own nukes, our own decision.

Of course, and I am talking about your stated doctrine. If China changes its posture on this, it will be known (and subsequently analysed) pretty quickly. This has not happened, yet.

China will not just retaliate when the foreign nuke has dropped on the Chinese soil, but way before that, during the phase of incoming nuclear missiles, China's early warning can detect that and will retaliate immediately.

So having pre-emptive strike between the major nuclear superpowers is just meaningless, since you cannot get away when you have just launched the nuclear missile against another nuclear superpower.

Yes, but this is not the reason that the US or Russia don't exersice a NFU doctrine. Or for why a single Ohio class SSBN can carry and deliver more nuclear warheads than the totality of the currently estimated Chinese nuclear triad arsenal.
Of course, and I am talking about your stated doctrine. If China changes its posture about this, it will be known (and subsequently analysed) pretty quickly.

Yes, but this is not that reason that the US or Russia don't exersice an NFU doctrine. Or for why a single Ohio class SSBN can carry more nuclear warheads (up to 336) than the totality of the currently estimated Chinese nuclear arsenal.

We don't care about those anonymous estimates, since that's always their own opinion.

And China won't participate any nuclear treaty, since we won't allow to have our brand new miniaturized nuclear warheads to be mutually disarm in exchange for those cold war relics from the US and Soviet Union.

The tangible fact always remains here; that we will soon deploy the most powerful SLBM in the history with the most advanced SSBN like the Type 096. And more DF-41 brigades will also be deployed, and the maiden flight of the H-20 stealth bomber is also approaching.

You can keep parroting that we have less than 50 nukes like a broken record, we just don't care, since we only care about the action.
@ChineseTiger1986 I don't think I can ever wrap my mind around their blindness. They see this

and do not believe. They see this
and do not believe. They count it up themselves
and still they do not believe. I can keep going in this vein but I'll stop here; I've made my point.

Here we have one fool who thinks his declining, decrepit, soon to spiral into civil war "country" can pull some rabbit out of a hat if only he babbles enough Pentagonese, and another who thinks the greatest industrial engine ever assembled by man couldn't crank out nuclear warheads by the thousands in the blink of an eye.

They truly are the living embodiment of the saying "none are so blind as those who will not see."
@ChineseTiger1986 I don't think I can ever wrap my mind around their blindness. They see this

and do not believe. They see this
and do not believe. They count it up themselves
and still they do not believe. I can keep going in this vein but I'll stop here; I've made my point.

Here we have one fool who thinks his declining, decrepit, soon to spiral into civil war "country" can pull some rabbit about of a hat if only he babbles enough Pentagonese, and another who thinks the greatest industrial engine ever assembled by man couldn't crank out nuclear warheads by the thousands in the blink of an eye.

They truly are the living embodiment of the saying "none are so blind as those who will not see."

That's what I said, they can keep parroting like that we have less than 50 nukes, even fewer than India or Pakistan, like a broken record.

But this will not stop that we will soon deploy the most powerful SLBM in the history and launch the maiden flight for the most advanced stealth bomber in the world.
We don't care about those anonymous estimates, since that's always their own opinion.

And China won't participate any nuclear treaty, since we won't allow to have our brand new miniaturized nuclear warheads to be mutually disarm in exchange for those cold war relics from the US and Soviet Union.

The tangible fact always remains here; that we will soon deploy the most powerful SLBM in the history with the most advanced SSBN like the Type 096. And more DF-41 brigades will also be deployed, and the maiden flight of hte H-20 stealth bomber is also approaching.

You can keep parroting that we have less than 50 nukes like a broken record, we just don't care, since we only care about the action.

I never said anything of the sort though. Thank you for your insight.
if it is equipped with chinese new hypersonic warhead it will become serious threat for u.s
I rather they keep the regular MIRV warheads. Glide vehicles will limit the warhead to one.
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