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Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami


Feb 9, 2011
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Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami

LAHORE – Editor-in-Chief TheNation and Chairman Nazria Pakistan Trust Majid Nizami has reiterated that Kashmir will not be free without waging Jihad against India.
He said the country would convert into desert if we fail to free our jugular vein from Hindus.
“India is constructing dams at rives flow from Kashmir to Pakistan, conspiring to turn our land into waste”, he added.
NPT Chairman expressed these views while presiding over a sitting at Aiwan-e-Karkunan Tehrik-e-Pakistan on Tuesday. Former chief ISI Lieutenant General (r) Hameed Gul was the chief guest on the occasion. NPT and Pakistan Movement Workers Trust jointly organised the event on the World Water Day.
Majid Nizami said Quaid-e-Azam had termed the Kashmir a jugular vein of Pakistan and had ordered the then army chief to enter army into Kashmir for its independence, but he (the then army chief) had refused to admit the Quaid’s order, he added. Since the day, no army chief even tried to please the Quaid’s soul, he regretted. Jihad is the only solution to Kashmir issue, he declared.
“I ask every Pakistani who act upon the spirit of Islam to make oneself ready for Jihad,” he said, adding there must be a war between India and Pakistan on water issues.
While speaking on the occasion, Hameed Gul observed that India with the support of international imperialists wanted to deprive Pakistan of water but their actual target was the country’s atomic assets, he hinted.
“Our national security and internal solidarity is at stake until the settlement of water issue”, Gul further stated. He said the irrigation system of Pakistan had a vital role in the security of the country, yet India intended to destroy the same, the defence analyst added. Gul criticised the political parties those were opposing Kalabagh Dam. He was of the view that Pakistan Peoples Party, Awami National Party and Muttahida Qaumi Movement were the responsible for energy crises in Pakistan. Besides KBD, we must build other reservoirs, he stressed.

Jihad only solution to Kashmir issue: Nizami | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
they tried but seems failed,still looking for it..

i wrote in other thread,
this paper is india basher.
“India is constructing dams at rives flow from Kashmir to Pakistan, conspiring to turn our land into waste”,

Oh C'mon Mr. Nizami don't insult us. We're not conspiring to do it. We're actually DOING IT.

Our guys are working on it AS WE SPEAK.
I thought Jihad was already going on in Kashmir.
I thought Jihad was already going on in Kashmir.

maybe there is different interpretaions of jihad now. don't forget there have been new additions to the meaning of Jihad off late! it's not just about fighting the crusaders anymore!
Editor-in-Chief The Nation and Chairman Nazria Pakistan Trust Majid Nizami has reiterated that Kashmir will not be free without waging Jihad against India.

Thats why the Nation comes with those stories!!!! :woot:

What jihad remained for him? What is he talking about? I think this has been tried for last two decades and making a peaceful Kashmir to a violent zone.
Wow! Then what the heck has been going on in J&K since the last 22 years? Picnic celebrations? :lol:

“I ask every Pakistani who act upon the spirit of Islam to make oneself ready for Jihad,” he said, adding there must be a war between India and Pakistan on water issues.

Haven't we discussed this before? And how exactly is this 'jihad' going to be planned? The floodgates of all these dams point towards Pakistan, which means even if PAF jets make it through our defences and attempt a bombing run on the dams, they will simply be doing our military's job as almost half of northern Pakistan will be flooded.

It would be wiser to see if the dams on their side are working properly and that is there any corrupt malpractice going on with regards to water management. Checking this would be better than attempting to strike on the dams here in J&K.
While speaking on the occasion, Hameed Gul observed that India with the support of international imperialists wanted to deprive Pakistan of water but their actual target was the country’s atomic assets, he hinted.

Why dont you Try another Operation Jalalabad...?:lol:

oh wait..Your army has already burnt its fingers trying this..
Thats what you people are doing from past 22 years and Failed drastically! Duh! Nothing new!

Bring it on.....:coffee:
Give them uniforms, make their cadre and tell them to fight properly, then we will know how better to shoot them.:angry:
Why do they come as stinking rats, long beards, face covered up?
BTW the middle east needs them now more than any time else. Make a few brigades and send them there also.
Right time to show you are really the champions and leader of the muslim cause and world.:pakistan:
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