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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

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What that post says about growing JF-17 exports exponentially to "huge volumes" just ain't gonna happen.

And 187 front line operational F-22s will keep the program relevant for the next several decades at least, with development continuing. The aircraft is alive and well, the only thing that has ended is production, for now. It can be resumed if needed.


My assessment is that the u s has realized that the russians and the chinese are nowhere close to competing with the F22.

Whatever bubble the russians had created regarding their stealth aircraft has popped---chinese are farther behind---. So basically as usual---u s has pulled up so far ahead that now it has to pull back.

Chinese and the russians are going to get wrapped up in chasing the 5th gen technology---and that will break their financial back for awhile.

My assessment is that the u s has realized that the russians and the chinese are nowhere close to competing with the F22.

Whatever bubble the russians had created regarding their stealth aircraft has popped---chinese are farther behind---. So basically as usual---u s has pulled up so far ahead that now it has to pull back.

Chinese and the russians are going to get wrapped up in chasing the 5th gen technology---and that will break their financial back for awhile.


My assessment is that the u s has realized that the russians and the chinese are nowhere close to competing with the F22.

Whatever bubble the russians had created regarding their stealth aircraft has popped---chinese are farther behind---. So basically as usual---u s has pulled up so far ahead that now it has to pull back.

Chinese and the russians are going to get wrapped up in chasing the 5th gen technology---and that will break their financial back for awhile.

Based on what? You live in a nation that is moral corrupt, economical corrupt and I bet telling others how to act...
Oh really:D

Today is the inauguration of work on Thar coal mining and power project by engro:)

Work on Thar coal project finally starts – The Express Tribune

Many inaugurations, much fanfare, little achieved, Pakistan's history is littered with inaugural plaques. :D


My assessment is that the u s has realized that the russians and the chinese are nowhere close to competing with the F22.

Whatever bubble the russians had created regarding their stealth aircraft has popped---chinese are farther behind---. So basically as usual---u s has pulled up so far ahead that now it has to pull back.

Chinese and the russians are going to get wrapped up in chasing the 5th gen technology---and that will break their financial back for awhile.

Just like the B-70 Valkyrie and the B-1 Lancer.

Based on what? You live in a nation that is moral corrupt, economical corrupt and I bet telling others how to act...

That may or may not be, but them Murrikans make some damn fine 'planes. :D

Just like your article, this article is also for a different audience

It is better not to lose contact with reality due to josh-e-khitabat, no matter who the audience is!

You missed a comma.
No, I did not. :D
I couldve said the same in response to your post but I just chose to ignore :D

Anyway gents, let come back on topic

Sure, no problem.

Didn't Bangladesh just buy some Yak-24s? Sales successes for the JF-17 are going to be very hard to bring about due to the fierce nature of international competition for such military sales. The funny thing is the spin put on such things. Pakistan offers the JF-17 to Saudi Arabia, and the headlines claim they are interested in buying. One such planted story then gets quoted umpteen times. Good press, but the end result is still zero.

My assessment is that the u s has realized that the russians and the chinese are nowhere close to competing with the F22.

Whatever bubble the russians had created regarding their stealth aircraft has popped---chinese are farther behind---. So basically as usual---u s has pulled up so far ahead that now it has to pull back.

Chinese and the russians are going to get wrapped up in chasing the 5th gen technology---and that will break their financial back for awhile.
Sure, no problem.

Didn't Bangladesh just buy some Yak-24s? Sales successes for the JF-17 are going to be very hard to bring about due to the fierce nature of international competition for such military sales. The funny thing is the spin put on such things. Pakistan offers the JF-17 to Saudi Arabia, and the headlines claim they are interested in buying. One such planted story then gets quoted umpteen times. Good press, but the end result is still zero.
That may or maynot be. You are right that international fighter sales are driven by factors other than the fighter itself. JFT is a sino Pak project as are its sales. The chinese are fairly loaded and can offer a loan on terms which are palatable.The fighter itself is affordable and comes without any strings which is not the case with western products. There is currently no fighter in its class in the market with this much capability at this price. I hope your "USA IS great" bias allows you to visualize what the potential is and why the West is running around a bit worried
@VCheng There are many others that make just as fine or sometimes better planes. The issue is that the USA marketing is a lot better or some are only exposed to data from one side... Being bigger makes it easier to dictate others or win wars (or even that is not the reality... Vietnam, Irac, Iran, Afghanistan) but it does not give you superiority in designing fighter jets. Many Russian planes were better or had a lot more better rugged or newer tech. Now the Chinese will come up with even better stealth tech. One can keep shouting that USA is the best. Based on what?

If you look at Europe. F86 was terrible. F4 was BVR oriented only. F5 was terrible. Starfighter was awful. F16 was just super downgraded F15. Europe had better alternatives from their own industry but they were forced to buy US planes. Now the European have hardly any capabilities left and sold their knowledge to the USA...

Don't forget. It was Nazi Von Braun that gave the USA the moonwalk... And it was German Uranium that was used in the first nuclear bombs...
That may or maynot be. You are right that international fighter sales are driven by factors other than the fighter itself. JFT is a sino Pak project as are its sales. The chinese are fairly loaded and can offer a loan on terms which are palatable.The fighter itself is affordable and comes without any strings which is not the case with western products. There is currently no fighter in its class in the market with this much capability at this price. I hope your "USA IS great" bias allows you to visualize what the potential is and why the West is running around a bit worried

That read like very good advert copy, with some good points. But the JF-17 will need a Chinese engine before anything else for it to be a viable export prospect. And then the whole package, performance and financing included, will have to be competitive for prospective clients. Easier claimed than delivered.

Yes, it does have potential, but just like the immense potential of Pakistan that we so often hear about, much or most of it remains unrealized. The JF-17, similarly, is not much to worry anyone, West or East. And that Sir, is a statement made without any bias. :D

@VCheng There are many others that make just as fine or sometimes better planes. The issue is that the USA marketing is a lot better or some are only exposed to data from one side... Being bigger makes it easier to dictate others or win wars (or even that is not the reality... Vietnam, Irac, Iran, Afghanistan) but it does not give you superiority in designing fighter jets. Many Russian planes were better or had a lot more better rugged or newer tech. Now the Chinese will come up with even better stealth tech. One can keep shouting that USA is the best. Based on what?

If you look at Europe. F86 was terrible. F4 was BVR oriented only. F5 was terrible. Starfighter was awful. F16 was just super downgraded F15. Europe had better alternatives from their own industry but they were forced to buy US planes. Now the European have hardly any capabilities left and sold their knowledge to the USA...

Don't forget. It was Nazi Von Braun that gave the USA the moonwalk... And it was German Uranium that was used in the first nuclear bombs...

Nice rant, but USA has always benefited from immigrants, and thousands upon thousands of sales of the "terrible, awful and downgraded" aircraft prove your claims wrong.

And those Yurropeens make some good 'planes too.

Why do you keep parroting same thing over and over again? Back to old habits eh?

This is JF-17 thread......not what you want it to be.

Why do you keep parroting same thing over and over again? Back to old habits eh?

This is JF-17 thread......not what you want it to be.

I am merely participating in the JF-17 discussion rather than engaging in personal attacks.

There should be no problem in a frank and honest exchange of views on the topic, which is the JF-17, and not the participants, like me.


Back to the topic, it is quite clear that the production line will remain busy with trying to complete PAF's own requirements for the JF-17 for several years to come, before any exports can be contemplated.

Why do you keep parroting same thing over and over again? Back to old habits eh?

This is JF-17 thread......not what you want it to be.

There is typical pro USA attitude in posting form certain posters that have no idea what they talk about. The issue is that not only do they post here but move on to other forums and act like they are Pakistani but degrade "their" nation. Not one single fact comes form these kind of posters. They have no single technical fact but love to share statements... PERSONAL statements. I love the idea for adding a social section called waste of time. Some people think I smile now... Not really. These posters have an agenda.
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