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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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So your friends, cousins, uncles, sons, friends cousin told you the JFT disintegrated in the Air? Then we must appreciate PAF to put the whole disintegrated JFT back on crash site within hours to release the following pic to press.




Exactly what I had in mind.

Unless the aircraft was flying at treetop level and the aircraft disintegrated a few feet before the hillface, the wreckage wouldnt be so clustered. You can make out the rough silhouette of the aircraft in the wreckage as well.

But in the immediate aftermath of the crash, alot of media reports and even forum posts (on this one and others by respected folks) did say something along the lines of faulty material and aircraft disintegration.
How do you see the "power"? I always thought it can only be felt, did you ever fly a JFT and felt it under powered?
Was this plane designed by idiots? who didn't know how much power would be required for this plane to carry out the specific roles it was designed for?

Hmm.... You see, I read once that PAF said that the maneuverability of JFT is almost similar to that of F-16A Block 15 (which is infact also considered as the most maneuverable block of F-16)..... But I don't see it same, for eg: if you compare the maneuvering of JFT vs F-16A from the Izmir Air Show, F-16 was still 10 times better than JFT in this case. It's turning makes me feel like am watching the aerobatics of an F-7 fighter. Now, lets come to "idiots", Maybe..... see you are making an a/c of worth $20 Million and a 4th Gen offcourse and then introduced in 2007 to public as compared to the 1980s block 15s, still not better then F-16A makes me think like it is made by a bunch of idiots but we all know that it's not, seems underpowered and still performs well to the given task is a plus point of JFT and I like that.

I was just asking that on what bases did the Jane's reported JFT's RD-93 similar to the performance of Chinese Su-27. I hope you've got my point now :)
Hmm.... You see, I read once that PAF said that the maneuverability of JFT is almost similar to that of F-16A Block 15 (which is infact also considered as the most maneuverable block of F-16)..... But I don't see it same, for eg: if you compare the maneuvering of JFT vs F-16A from the Izmir Air Show, F-16 was still 10 times better than JFT in this case. It's turning makes me feel like am watching the aerobatics of an F-7 fighter. Now, lets come to "idiots", Maybe..... see you are making an a/c of worth $20 Million and a 4th Gen offcourse and then introduced in 2007 to public as compared to the 1980s block 15s, still not better then F-16A makes me think like it is made by a bunch of idiots but we all know that it's not, seems underpowered and still performs well to the given task is a plus point of JFT and I like that.

I was just asking that on what bases did the Jane's reported JFT's RD-93 similar to the performance of Chinese Su-27. I hope you've got my point now :)

The price of a JFT is around 25-30 million... as for your question reguarding janes... JFT was pitted against PLAAFs su-27 in military ex..
The price of a JFT is around 25-30 million... as for your question reguarding janes... JFT was pitted against PLAAFs su-27 in military ex..

Ok..... so JFT $25-30 Million/Unit, that makes my point more stronger, for me if not for you. What happened in that exercise what not, I don't know, that is why I asked my Question. ( and Plz provide a source if you have )
Ok..... so JFT $25-30 Million/Unit, that makes my point more stronger, for me if not for you. What happened in that exercise what not, I don't know, that is why I asked my Question. ( and Plz provide a source if you have )

It has been answered before...
@Aeronaut @Last Hope @fatman17 @Armstrong @Safriz @Windjammer @ANTIBODY @Najam Khan @TOPGUN I heard that JFT had been tested to speed upto Mach upto maybe from any article of Antibody.....
soo whats final expected speed of JFT block 2...
and can we expect mach 2.2 or not from JFT with 100Kn??:yu:
@Argus Panopteslets chk out is JFT capable enough to achieve mach 2.0+ or not in views of seniors....:pop:

Here is your answer:

the design speed is 1.6 to 1.8 mach.

plenty of b*** artists on this forum

Mach 1.6 is the present top speed, and with more development it may reach 1.8. May. There is no way the JF-17 will ever exceed Mach 2, for it was never designed for such speeds. Indeed, there is no need for such speeds for the roles for which the JF-17 was intended.
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The designed speed of the JF-17 is well below Mach 2, and no more than 1.6 in its present state of development. Speeds over Mach 2.2 present their own set of challenges that the JF-17 platform simply cannot meet.
its 1.8 mach dude. Plz refer to Mr Wei wei's presentation.
It will eventually reach 1.8 with better engines. The JF-17 has a top speed of Mach 1.6 in its present state of development, like I said before.
No bro what yr saying is the speed of its prototype 01, but u need to understand two things that the current JFT is based on prototype 04 with DSI n LEREX and the speed is 1.8 of PT04.

Second is that the PAC website for jft specs has NOT been updated since 2007 and the jft's official site has those PAC specs. They r just copied n pasted there.

So in that context Chinese r more credible n give updated specs for export reasons.
Mr Weiwei's presentation says that all n lot of other things abt it that PAC doesnt disclose.
Paf official release of specs is quite old and has not been upgraded. And ofcourse only fool will claim that it was disintegrated at 2.2 since its max limit of design is Mach 2 simple. Why mach 2? Because it uses Divertless sided intake (DSI) whose Theoritical limit is 2.05mach and practically has been tested at mach 2 max.

Furthermore put That GOT DAMN f7 at side someone mentioned that its performance seemed like f7. Dude The Design of Jf17 has quite edge over f7 and is same or little bit more stable than the manuevarbility of f16. Dont judge a jet by some pathetic Airshow display. The exercises are what explains.

Furthermore the design also explains the handling of a jet. JF17 uses Lerx (Leading edge root extension) with combination of Cropped delta wing which gives an excellent manuevrability Plus a good FBW control system.

It has been so many times mentioned that in dogfight it was pitted against f16A of paf and it had Excellent performance. It is better than f16 A in all manners... it is 85% of blk C 52+.

and then pl5E II or PL9C have 60% of OFF boresight which is one hell of a missile for a dogfight.

Let me mention that There are more jf17 than 48 or so 3 sqdn's said. The recent Attack on Kamra has forced PAF and other military organizations to release the information of weapons or so as most dumbs just publish an article that PAF has this and that. The Google maps and earth has also disturbed the Security organizations about Terrorists using it to penetrate defenses of bases.
What is the discussion upon? I cannot find any stable topics and every minor query has been answered in this same thread. Please search before causing confusion.
These pictures are old, although this is the first time I'm seeing them, looking at the base and hangars can tell you that.

I know some new Hangars and sheds have been added to accommodate other platforms, but i understand older HAS are also utilised.
lets say we agree to what u say... but can i simply ask what is the flaw in jf17 that it couldnt or wont make it reach mach 2.0 or +..
the design speed is 1.6 to 1.8 mach.

soo block 1 is mach 1.8.....:super:
but my point is in future is there any chances to increase it's speed with improved engine,less weight of radar and use of composites etc....:unsure:
excuse me for my ignorance but i supposed PAF will atleast try to have a mach 2.2 jet as a backbone overall(when eventually developed i.r JFT block 3)...
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