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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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But the Picture https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/483758_538702339508481_944269643_n.jpg is showing Asymmetric Deflections of Horizontal Stabilators.

If you are talking about the ones at the tail, then the left one is clearly more downward than the right one.
Qatari Air Chief in JFT cockpit........

notice 12-132 on the tail in the backgound ;)


Which plane's nose can be seen in the background ?

look just behind the Qatari chief's head.
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Enlarge pic and see through cockpit glass

I know where he mentioned serial number is; I am not talking about that.

I want to know which plane's nose can be seen in the background, between the back of Qatari cheif's head and the seat.
Qatari Air Chief in JFT cockpit........

notice 12-132 on the tail in the backgound ;)


12-132? I can see a number 12-13x which looks like inverted 9.
The last unit of last batch was 11-138, can't be 12-132.




12-132? I can see a number 12-13x which looks like inverted 9.
The last unit of last batch was 11-138, can't be 12-132.

Agreed...it looks more like 136 than 132.
To me, it looks 138.
138 is out of the question too. The only possible configuration of 12-13x is 139. all serials 139 to 150 (or 151) are stranded with 12.
It looks like inverted '9'.

Here is closeup screenshot and highlight of what I was able to figure out:


138 is out of the question too. The only possible configuration of 12-13x is 139. all serials 139 to 150 (or 151) are stranded with 12.
It looks like inverted '9'.

Here is closeup screenshot and highlight of what I was able to figure out:



Makes even less sense; how would you invert a 9 and not invert the 2?
well it clearly seem 12-138

may be the Small batch production received from china has also entered into service?
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