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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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But the Picture https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/483758_538702339508481_944269643_n.jpg is showing Asymmetric Deflections of Horizontal Stabilators.

If you are talking about the ones at the tail, then the left one is clearly more downward than the right one.
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Qatari Air Chief in JFT cockpit........

notice 12-132 on the tail in the backgound ;)


Which plane's nose can be seen in the background ?

look just behind the Qatari chief's head.
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Enlarge pic and see through cockpit glass

I know where he mentioned serial number is; I am not talking about that.

I want to know which plane's nose can be seen in the background, between the back of Qatari cheif's head and the seat.
. . .
Qatari Air Chief in JFT cockpit........

notice 12-132 on the tail in the backgound ;)


12-132? I can see a number 12-13x which looks like inverted 9.
The last unit of last batch was 11-138, can't be 12-132.




12-132? I can see a number 12-13x which looks like inverted 9.
The last unit of last batch was 11-138, can't be 12-132.

Agreed...it looks more like 136 than 132.
. . .
To me, it looks 138.
138 is out of the question too. The only possible configuration of 12-13x is 139. all serials 139 to 150 (or 151) are stranded with 12.
It looks like inverted '9'.

Here is closeup screenshot and highlight of what I was able to figure out:


138 is out of the question too. The only possible configuration of 12-13x is 139. all serials 139 to 150 (or 151) are stranded with 12.
It looks like inverted '9'.

Here is closeup screenshot and highlight of what I was able to figure out:



Makes even less sense; how would you invert a 9 and not invert the 2?
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well it clearly seem 12-138

may be the Small batch production received from china has also entered into service?
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