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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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Courtesy of Antibody

Helmet Mounted Sight (HMS) and the Chinese HMS

Though the exact type of the helmet mounted sights for JF-17 is yet to be determined, the HMS will be standard. JF-17 is compatible with a wide range of HMS, and its HMS will be at least equal or better than the HMS offered for J-7E/F-7PG, which first appeared in 2002 at air show and various defense / electronics exhibitions such as CIDEX held in China. According to the staff from the developing firms and their advertise at these exhibitions, the HMS offered for J-7E/F-7PG is already better than the latest Russian HMS available on the export market in that the Chinese HMS is specifically designed to improve the performance of the Russian system, and it outperforms its Russian counterparts including ASP-AVD-21, Shchel series, Sura series in various fields:

* In comparison to the original standard Russian ASP-PVD-21 HMS onboard the MiG-29 and Flanker family, the field of view of the Chinese HMS for J-7E/F-7PGis +/- 90 degrees, which is far greater than the mere +/- 8 degrees of the Russian ASP-PVD-21 HMS.
* In comparison to the latest Russian HMS available with +/- 60 degrees of field of view, the Chinese HMS for J-7E/F-7PG still enjoys much greater field of view at +/- 90 degrees.
* The elevation of the latest Russian HMS designed to replace the original ASP-PVD-21 HMS onboard MiG-29 and Flanker family is only +/- 40 degrees, while in contrast, the Chinese HMS for J-7E/F-7PG is already +/- 45 degrees.
* The Chinese HMS for J-7E/F-7PG already had higher reliability than the Russian HMS.
* The Chinese HMS for J-7E/F-7PG are easier and much cheaper to manufacture than its Russian counterparts.

Although the Chinese HMS for J-7E/F-7PGhas already enjoyed numerous advantages over the latest Russian HMS developed later, it still might not be the final type of HMS selected for JF-17, because even as the Chinese HMS for J-7E/F-7PG was first revealed in 2002, the Chinese manufacturers such as the 613th Institute had already started the development of newer HMS designed to replace the HMS for J-7E/F-7PG. Three major Chinese manufacturers, XBOE, the 613th Institute, and LuoyangOptoelectro Technology Development Center have already developed a variety of HMS systems with improvements including the adaptation of common attachments and power sources so that all night vision goggles and HMS are interchangeable, without the need to replace the entire system. The weight would be further reduced from the 200 grams weight of the Chinese HMS for J-7E/F-7PG, while the performance is further increased (mainly in the increase of elevation angles). While it cannot be confirmed the claims by various sources that the more advanced Chinese HMS onboard Chengdu J-10developed from HMS onboard the J-7E/F-7PGwould be selected for JF-17, the aircraft is certainly compatible with the more advanced Chinese HMS onboard Chengdu J-10

A HMD/S such as the Guardian or the Cobra with a HOBS missile would also be something the PAF is likely to be looking at


I cant make out any thing from it :undecided:.Its just the returning photo from the dubai airshow

if it has just landed and pulled up, shouldn't the brake-chute flap be open. ??

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chutes are always used esp in hot weather.
chutes are always used esp in hot weather.

Deploying chutes means a longer turn around time so I got curious.

As I said, most probably just to save the brakes, a JFT should be able to land safely without deploying chutes.
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Could it be that when the aircraft is carrying external load, the landing speed is higher than when it's in clean configuration.
Hence the drag chute is applied for former configuration. ??
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