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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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I think is what has people all worked up..
The red is clearly the helmet's outline.. the green is my attempt to go for a more accurate profile.. and that spot at the side.. is what I am interested in IF I go with the hypothesis that this is a HMD.

Although I still think its much ado about nothing..
and it could be "Halke Halke" badal :cheesy:
I think is what has people all worked up..
The red is clearly the helmet's outline.. the green is my attempt to go for a more accurate profile.. and that spot at the side.. is what I am interested in IF I go with the hypothesis that this is a HMD.

Although I still think its much ado about nothing..
and it could be "Halke Halke" badal :cheesy:

Spot is SPOT IN buddy, my concern is also on the spot but visor also seems fishy :D

And where did i say its JHCMS?? it could be Archer or something "unknown", Archer has a huge visor compared to helmet profile ;)

Now for those who think JHCMS cant be operated on JFT or any Mux bus (MIL-1553B, Arinc 429 etc) architecture, do some GOOGLE search please, its a helmet mounted system based on MIL 155B interface, not an AMRAAM, HARM or something that need source codes !
Spot is SPOT IN buddy, my concern is also on the spot but visor also seems fishy :D

And where did i say its JHCMS?? it could be Archer or something "unknown", Archer has a huge visor compared to helmet profile ;)

Now for those who think JHCMS cant be operated on JFT or any Mux bus (MIL-1553B, Arinc 429 etc) architecture, do some GOOGLE search please, its a helmet mounted system based on MIL 155B interface, not an AMRAAM, HARM or something that need source codes !

And which HOBOS missile this HMD will be compatible?
Spot is SPOT IN buddy, my concern is also on the spot but visor also seems fishy :D

I still think its nothing more than our wishful thinking..
the extra bump on top of the visor could simply be its cover.. as its attached via an elastic to not loose it.
PL-5E-II.. PL-9..
HMS and HOBS combo already in usage in F-7PG's.

Just researched hobos capability of both missiles. They provide very limited bore sight angles.
Just researched hobos capability of both missiles. They provide very limited bore sight angles.

So yes, they arent true HOBS missiles by the standards we expect.
However, both can be(and are for the F-7PG's) fitted with dual mode seekers.. being able to "see" the aircraft.. which makes flares almost useless. So that is one plus point over existing Aim-9L & P stock.
talking of HOBS, MAA-1B piranha would add a good capability, Brazilian experts maintain that it falls between R-73 and Python-4.

Really?in F-7pg?

Actually F-7PG were delivered with Pl-9C and HMS combo, which remains its main selling point. It also adds teeth to the fighter
And which HOBOS missile this HMD will be compatible?

Compatibality is NOT an issue with Helmet mounted displays/ sights, they are mere electronic projectors with few added gizmos in simpler terms, little complex though.

Theoratically, PL-10, A Darter, MAA-1B all are compatible but it is already known, Brazilians devliered MAA-1A pirhanha since MAA-1B was still under development, as an appitizer.

Back in 2008-09. Trial batch was handed over to FAB by mid 2012.
And which HOBOS missile this HMD will be compatible?

HMD doesn't have to have HOBOS. I mean, the idea is to put the information from HUD on the pilot's visor so he doesn't have too look around to much. Think of it as an HUD but right in front of him and where when he turns his head to side, the information is always in front of his eyes, unlike the HUD which is fixed. As long as the missiles are being integrated and pilots being trained to use HMD, when the HOBS becomes available, it would be a bonus.

I am sure the Chinese are/have developing the HOBS missiles. Just like we didn't see the CM400 AKG coming, we might not see this one as well.

So speculation or not, it's not a big deal to be integrated on JF-17.
HMD doesn't have to have HOBOS. I mean, the idea is to put the information from HUD on the pilot's visor so he doesn't have too look around to much. Think of it as an HUD but right in front of him and where when he turns his head to side, the information is always in front of his eyes, unlike the HUD which is fixed. As long as the missiles are being integrated and pilots being trained to use HMD, when the HOBS becomes available, it would be a bonus.

I am sure the Chinese are/have developing the HOBS missiles. Just like we didn't see the CM400 AKG coming, we might not see this one as well.

So speculation or not, it's not a big deal to be integrated on JF-17.

i dont know if i am rite but HOBS missals r guided by JHMD not jut a HMD..rite?
i dont know if i am rite but HOBS missals r guided by JHMD not jut a HMD..rite?

In a nut shell.. the seeker of any modern missile(including HOB weapons) may be guided by signals sent by the aircraft..these signals may be by the radar or any system that tells the seeker where to point itself.
A helmet mounted system(be it JHCMS(USA), Topsight(France), Archer(south africa)) read the position of the pilots head(or where the pilot is looking.. and tells the seeker of the missile to look there.

This is NOT a quality unique to the JHCMS but to all HMDs.
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