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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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As anybody seen this statement from

How have you concluded this.

Wat has PAC done recently to make them world class.

To be World class Is Dassult, Elta, British Areospace, General Dymamics.

Even Chengdu or HALDRDO cannot be classed as world class as yet.

And these companies are licensing building flankers ,indengious attack helicopters , testing BVR missles and have dozens of multi billion dollars projects on the go with likes of Israel and Russia.

First of all Kamra has built its own trainer and a fighter jet. Now argument will come that it was done with the help of Chinese but fact remains that all other manufacturers are doing the same with each others help. An example is JSF which is partially made with Canadian tech and partially with EU's tech.

Secondly, you have no idea what is a world class manufacturing environment is and it shows in your ignorance about Chengdu. World class doesn't mean billion dollars in sales but it means a safe and progressive environment which is alligned with technological advances of the present time.

PAC engineers own a lot of patents and haev been a great part of ALL engineering advanceements in the defence sector of Pakistan.

Last but not least, PAC ensured that PAF remains operational during the time of sanctions (almost all of the 90s).
The reason i did not choose to respond to it was not because i could not but rather to what avail. It is very obvious from the know all attitudes of majority of the Indians at this forum that they know everything about Pakistan and what ever they say must be true in all aspects. That kind of attitude leaves little or nothing for debate.

You could not debate because you cant. You dont have the requisite knowledge to influence the outcome of this debate-- to which end you resort to generalize all of us and call for end of debate. Stop leaving in your delusional land.

By the way your earlier post mentioned about avionics and that is why i replied to it.

Here is a link about Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and there expertise:
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As i said earlier i know what PAF Kamra is --to the best of my abilities and unlike you i am willing to be corrected. But so far you havent done that except for resorting to cheap shots at me when i requested you 'treat me with same fashion as i have treated you' ..I try to be logical in my posts and for that you can check my previous posts.

Avionics is not a small nulla term -- it encompasses a broad range of complexities. What does PAF kamra do ? Do they build radar - which is avionics-- Do they build any EW suits -- which is avionics -- Do they build any navigational system -- which is avionics -- all this and much more. You pointed me towards a web site which said that PAF Kamra has started to build avionics for Thunder -- which can be HUD , LCD displays , etc...No country will ever share with you the complex details on radars and other complex system--
Do you what to know what does a complete avionics upgrade means ? Keep in mind this is nothing but a minor upgrade.
LiveFist - The Best of Indian Defence: SPECIAL REPORT: The Story Of India's MiG-27 Upgrade

From the same article let me post something to save you the trouble
This is just a small part of what PAC is capable of doing. Rectifying an engine issue does not even count. That is why to this day we have the mirages flying and that is how those F-16s remained our main stray fighter even with the US sanctions. JF-17 does not even fall in the same list as we will never face any problem even remotely close to what we must have faced with the F-16s due to sanctions.
So your argument about sending engine else where to rectify an issue is invalid and shows your ignorance over the subject.

You dont have any clue about the engines do you ? What was included in the overhaul ? You do know that -- when any country buys aircraft with its engines ofcourse -- the country who is selling it is bound to give the technical know how on how to detect/correct engine issues --they also provide requisite spare parts to do so -- Every engine has MTBF -- after which they are overhauled, in laymans terms - it means replacing nuts & bolts , crankshafts , maybe pistons -- But never does a mechanic touch a core of the engine. Overhaul is too loose a term for you hide behind and point out the complex tasks that Kamra is capable of doing.

You know even IRAN has its F14 flying till date -- You know how ? They cannibalized many F14 planes for spare parts to keep some F14's flying. They are under severe santions -- shows you it doesnt mean a damn thing to keep for example 10 out of 60 planes flying..Even as per reports PAF F16's resorted to same - this i am not sure -- . Anyways to goad behind the fact we have kept our planes flying and saying that 'Yeee we know it all , we have surprased everything -- is living in your own imaginary world.

India undertakes overhauling of engines and even for AL 31 engines. But it doesnt mean anything, India does not know a jack about the complexities of AL 31 engines -- if we had , we wouldnt have faced issues for our engine , if pAF kamra had, they could have easily build a engine. If your Chinese godfathers had then WS-13 engine would be up and running -- which currently is not even after laborious and painstaking efforts to reverse engineer RD 33.

And yes dont bother replying as we are done here. There is no need for me to further drag the issue.
Yeah sure we are done over here -- any guy who cant take questions and resorts to cheap generalization shots is not fit for a debate.
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You could not debate because you cant. You dont have the requisite knowledge to influence the outcome of this debate-- to which end you resort to generalize all of us and call for end of debate. Stop leaving in your delusional land.

Whatever suits your little fantasy world, fact is i dont need to influence the out come of debate over a person who thinks out of his *** and not head. And this by the way stands true for the majority of your BR inspired kind who comes here for a single purpose.

As i said earlier i know what PAF Kamra is --to the best of my abilities and unlike you i am willing to be corrected. But so far you havent done that except for resorting to cheap shots at me when i requested you 'treat me with same fashion as i have treated you' ..I try to be logical in my posts and for that you can check my previous posts.

Your first line is hardly surprising since you know what PAC is. Why dont i feel surprised here the know all attitude is pretty evident from your post but then again i dont expect anything different.

Avionics is not a small nulla term -- it encompasses a broad range of complexities. What does PAF kamra do ? Do they build radar - which is avionics-- Do they build any EW suits -- which is avionics -- Do they build any navigational system -- which is avionics -- all this and much more. You pointed me towards a web site which said that PAF Kamra has started to build avionics for Thunder -- which can be HUD , LCD displays , etc...No country will ever share with you the complex details on radars and other complex system--
Do you what to know what does a complete avionics upgrade means ? Keep in mind this is nothing but a minor upgrade.
LiveFist - The Best of Indian Defence: SPECIAL REPORT: The Story Of India's MiG-27 Upgrade

Running is circles are we??? First i answered the avionics question by stating a fact based on a link and instead of refuting it you decided to run around and pick up the engine part, when i refuted that, you ran back and picked avionics again.
Tell me something MR know all Indian how do you know that the avionics development started by kamra is hud lcd and not radar, did they share their info with you and also how do you know that no country will ever share details about a radar with us???
The Link i gave clearly stated that PAC has started developing indigenous (does the word sound familiar because Indians often like to use) avionics along side Chinese.

You dont have any clue about the engines do you ? What was included in the overhaul ? You do know that -- when any country buys aircraft with its engines ofcourse -- the country who is selling it is bound to give the technical know how on how to detect/correct engine issues --they also provide requisite spare parts to do so -- Every engine has MTBF -- after which they are overhauled, in laymans terms - it means replacing nuts & bolts , crankshafts , maybe pistons -- But never does a mechanic touch a core of the engine. Overhaul is too loose a term for you hide behind and point out the complex tasks that Kamra is capable of doing.

I dont need to have clues about engine but since you know everything Tell me how do you know what wasnt included in the overhaul? Also let me get this straight according to you an over haul is replacing nuts and bolts, pistons seriously......how old are you? Do you even know what a jet engine is? I am surprised at your knowledge, we are talking about F-16s and its overhauling and you are mentioning pistons lol. Learn a bit about jet engines before arguing over something you have absolutely no clue about.

You know even IRAN has its F14 flying till date -- You know how ? They cannibalized many F14 planes for spare parts to keep some F14's flying. They are under severe santions -- shows you it doesnt mean a damn thing to keep for example 10 out of 60 planes flying..Even as per reports - this i am not sure -- resorted to same after santions. Anyways to goad behind the fact we have kept our planes flying and saying that 'Yeee we know it all , we have surprased everything -- is living in your own imaginary world.

I am not concerned about Iran but can you back your claim up that PAF cannibalized its F-16s? To set the record straight all 45 are flying with one lost.

India undertakes overhauling of engines and even for AL 31 engines. But it doesnt mean anything, India does not know a jack about the complexities of AL 31 engines -- if we had , we wouldnt have faced issues for our engine , if pAF kamra had, they could have easily build a engine. If your Chinese godfathers had then WS-13 engine would be up and running -- which currently is not even after laborious and painstaking efforts to reverse engineer RD 33.

I am no expert on Indian over hauls so unlike you Mr know all expert wanna be i wont comment on what they can or cannot do. We are talking about PAC here. Why bringing in other issues. Building engine is an all together different story, that is not what we are arguing over. Dont divert the subject because you are running out of counter arguments and have retorted to rants. You said PAF cannot solve a problem if it arises in an engine and i said PAC is fully capable of doing so. Why dragging in engine development.

Yeah sure we are done over here -- any guy who cant take questions and resorts to cheap generalization shots is not fit for a debate.

You were hardly asking questions rather stating your so called facts and even when i have refuted them with links, you are still here running your mouth. What does that tell us about you?
an indian talk abut jf-17 and what you can expect sir?????????? just give me a single answer what he will say? we all know an indian can't even say a single good word no way nothing its imposibleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. forget to debate with them
KLJ-10 has already been tested and would be installed before we go for an AESA radar for the Next Block.

Reports suggest that PAF is now negotiating Vixen-1000ES AESA Radar which is as much capable of any radar around in the world.

Vixen will also be installed on Gripen NG , Earlier Vixen -500E was refused by PAF because of its short range.


Alhamdolillah PAF is smart in its choices.
I expected no better of you IceCold -- You are again and again resorting to personal results -- and your below post shows that you cant handle it when the same is dished back to you !

Whatever suits your little fantasy world, fact is i dont need to influence the out come of debate over a person who thinks out of his *** and not head. And this by the way stands true for the majority of your BR inspired kind who comes here for a single purpose.

No comments -- You dont have anything to add say so ! -- Dont say you dont need to influence the out come of debate --because thats what the forums/discussions are for !

Your first line is hardly surprising since you know what PAC is. Why dont i feel surprised here the know all attitude is pretty evident from your post but then again i dont expect anything different.

You can check all the posts of the previous posts of mine -- I try to make my point if i know the details but at the same i am willing to be corrected ...ofcourse you resort of all sorts of personal insults/generalization of my country men--which is typical of a loser !

Running is circles are we??? First i answered the avionics question by stating a fact based on a link and instead of refuting it you decided to run around and pick up the engine part, when i refuted that, you ran back and picked avionics again.

Putting words in my mouth here are we !!
This is my second post on the matter--
"Icecold i have been long enough on this forum to know that Kamra has begun production of avionics -- but what kind of avionics are we talking about ? avionics covers a wide range of spectrum -- right from Hud - to as complex as radar".
You never responded to that. You gave some points about overhauling some engines -- i responded to that, doesnt mean that i choose to ignore the avionics part. You on the other hand is so pathetically out of place that you dont even know what you are talking about , and as usual when you have nothing to say you mumble some ****.

Tell me something MR know all Indian how do you know that the avionics development started by kamra is hud lcd and not radar, did they share their info with you and also how do you know that no country will ever share details about a radar with us???
The Link i gave clearly stated that PAC has started developing indigenous (does the word sound familiar because Indians often like to use) avionics along side Chinese.

I do not know if Kamra has all the details for radar nor if it has access to complex avionics issues. If i knew then i would not have brought the part over there . But it is clear that even you dont, yet you keep on harping the point that Kamra builds its own complex avionics , has the ability to do any engine overhaul , yada yada , etc
However what i do know is -- how it works around the world ..and how manufacturing nations zealously guard their IP's -- Be it french, american , russian , etc...
Further PAF was trying to negotiate with French on avionics -- You really think frenchies will indulge you with Avionics know how -- at most they will do is to teach you guys on how to integrate/maintain the avionics ---

As regards to Indigenous -- clutching straws here are we ? I can see that You are now trying desperately to salvage your pride-- but lets see indigenious -- hmm lets see from a indian perspective -- LCA is a indigenous plane , but hey it has GE 404 engine, so if there are issues with GE 404 issues then we contact americans, we have EW issues then we have to Israelis --- but still the plane is indigenous-- Similarly just because Kamra is co producing JF 17 doesnt mean that it will have all the techincal know how ! Producing a air craft is different than building one on its own.

Further if you have details please furnish it for my knowledge.

I dont need to have clues about engine but since you know everything Tell me how do you know what wasnt included in the overhaul? Also let me get this straight according to you an over haul is replacing nuts and bolts, pistons seriously......how old are you? Do you even know what a jet engine is? I am surprised at your knowledge, we are talking about F-16s and its overhauling and you are mentioning pistons lol. Learn a bit about jet engines before arguing over something you have absolutely no clue about.

You dont know a jack and yet you are a senior member on this forum -- seriously how did you get there ? I gave the example so that senior member like you can comprehend what i am talking and not to take the words of an example and Yell ' Hey this guy doesnt know what he is talking about'...
Hmm let me try again --
What is a Engine overhaul in laymans terms ? -- courtesy wiki
"An engine overhaul means putting the engine back to factory specifications. This generally involves new piston rings, bearings and gaskets. When done by a competent engine builder the engine will perform as new."
What does this mean for Jet engine overhaul ?
Depends on whos doing it -- if its a manufacturer then it take on overhauling then it takes on a whole new meaning but if a aeronautical firm like 'Kamra' or 'HAL' ..takes it on then its different since they never have the entire details for over haul. So what does this mean for Jet engine overhaul -- This is normally undertaken before MTBF or definetly after MTBF -- very similar to defination restoring the engine back to the new factory standars -- which includes Taking out the engine from A/C , dismantling the engine, replacing the worn parts , replacing the components , checking for flaws, checking for cracks on componets , cleaning out the engine and refitting the engine on aircraft. All these are taught by the engine manufacture. All these are complex tasks and in no means Mean feat -- and takes about 6-8 months to do a overhaul -- it also increases MTBF since the parts that will be used will new (and probably made with better materials due to advancement in technology)....

Now -- If a engine were to suffer a air intake choke or suddenly shut down in mid flight due to some core engine problem then in all probability it will be the manufacture who will sort these out and not the firm.

A decent video on propeller aircraft overhaul -- Note these are propeller aircraft and relatively less complicated.
Aircraft Engine Overhaul Documentary (wait for bars and tone) Video by ? «TRAVI ? - MySpace Video

I am not concerned about Iran but can you back your claim up that PAF cannibalized its F-16s? To set the record straight all 45 are flying with one lost.

You are not concerned-- because you are caught hook line and sinker. I said clearly in my post the cannibalization of F16 during one of the discussion on Kaiser tufails blog where somebody had asked a question and kaiser replied to it -- unfortunately the comments got purged -- but as i repeatedly pointed out i dont have confirmation on it but let me search again.
However these are comments on Kaiser's blog which led Kaiser to answer the question --
"F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions"
"After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether"

But the point here is --- a nation like Iran can manage with more sever sanctions than Pak has ever had can manage to keep its tomcats in air then it shouldnt be a big deal for Pak do it -- So point to out that 'Hey we kept our F16's in air during sanctions is reflective of Kamra's capability is mere fallacy !'

You were hardly asking questions rather stating your so called facts and even when i have refuted them with links, you are still here running your mouth. What does that tell us about you?

What links ? Ohh you mean those links which said Kamra has started avionics manufacturing , kamra overhauled F16 engines -- do you really want to counter with those links , is that even a refute...you are truly delusional...dont hide behind the fact that you are a senior member and can get away with whatever you are saying !!......Well it tells me that you first you dont know anything what you are saying and further if someone respectfully asks you or disagrees with you , you resort to personal rants and generalization. Dont spew **** when you dont know , just accept that you dont know. However if you do know then educate the other member about it without being sarcastic or bringing nationality into picture. Just be prepared to receive what you dish out, if you resort to unnecessart comments !

This is my last post since any further it would turn out to be a flame war, i dont intend to do that unless forced !
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an indian talk abut jf-17 and what you can expect sir?????????? just give me a single answer what he will say? we all know an indian can't even say a single good word no way nothing its imposibleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. forget to debate with them

Ure 200% true....Shaitan kubhi Haqq ki thareef nehi karr sakta. Agarr krrey gah to uss mein bhi faraad ho gah...
an indian talk abut jf-17 and what you can expect sir?????????? just give me a single answer what he will say? we all know an indian can't even say a single good word no way nothing its imposibleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. forget to debate with them

Imran sirjee -- I did not degrade the discussion, never meant to do so!! You can check prior posts on how the discussion started. However if someone just sits on his cusion chair and thinks he can get away with whatever **** is spewing without someone challenging him then he has the wrong idea.

You are right , i should not start commenting on the JF17 thread , lest the delusional world shared by some members will be shattered. Apologies for that.
Imran sirjee -- I did not degrade the discussion, never meant to do so!! You can check prior posts on how the discussion started. However if someone just sits on his cusion chair and thinks he can get away with whatever **** is spewing without someone challenging him then he has the wrong idea.

You are right , i should not start commenting on the JF17 thread , lest the delusional world shared by some members will be shattered. Apologies for that.

not all imran here and not all indians are like you dear. if you hart i am so sorry:)
"F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions"
"After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether"
Indian's love quoting Tufail. Well if PAF was in such a mess and weak and IAF is such a strong force why IAF didn't have the balls to attack Pakistan during the Kargil affair or after the Parliament or the Mumbai attacks. Proof of the pie is in the eating rest is just bull. There was a lot of talk of teaching Pakistan a lesson but no balls. A correction though - it did cross the broder during the Kargil affair and it lost two jets and that is beside the one Canberra and one MI17 that was shot down on its own soil.
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Indian's love quoting Tufail. Well if PAF was in such a mess and weak and IAF is such a strong force why IAF didn't have the balls to attack Pakistan during the Kargil affair or after the Parliament or the Mumbai attacks. Proof of the pie is in the eating rest is just bull. There was a lot of talk of teaching Pakistan a lesson but no balls. A correction though - it did cross the broder during the Kargil affair and it lost two jets and that is beside the one Canberra and one MI17 that was shot down on its own soil.

Kaiser Tufails blog is generally regarded as a authentic narrative of the events that happened during Kargil misadventure -- not just by Indians , but by pakistanis also. There have been many members of this forum who have quoted many a times from Kaiser's blog for 65 and 71 war , so why not Kargil. Further the fact that he was a high ranking PAF official helps the case.

Why india didnt attack when it could have -- I dont know , probably i will never know !. Its been never been published , probably never will. However India achived so much without even Attacking pakistan leads me to believe that had India attacked -- short of blood shed , the gains /outcome achieved would have been debatable. In short the media blitz krieg / diplomatic campaign is a perfect example on how to influence world opinion - even if Enemy commited foolishness still you have to make everyone realise that fact.

This is JF 17 thread - lets not turn this to OT discussion.
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Reading through the past few pages, pretty much all of anathema's posts seem full of contradictory vitriolic points. Now he attacks Bossman's logical argument with a personal attack. Personally I found the debate between Bossman and MastanKhan very informative, because Bossman provided alot of interesting references.
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Reading through the past few pages, pretty much all of anathema's posts seem full of contradictory vitriolic points. Now he attacks Bossman's logical argument with a personal attack. Personally I found the debate between Bossman and MastanKhan very informative, because Bossman provided alot of interesting references.

Qasbir -- You are right , i have removed the un necessary comments from my post. It would just lead to flaming. Thanks for point it out. As for your contradictory points -- sorry cant help it, but thats the nature of the points.
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