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JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool

Dear I have some question in my mind and these can be some childish questions but i need answers of them.
1) Is there any future program to equipped JF17 with TVEngines?
2) Is there any possibility of super cruising with existing or with some modified design?
3) Is there STOL/VTOL variants can be upcoming in future?
4) Is it has the capability of air refueling(if yes is it retractable in future)?
5) Is there any news about redesigning JF17 with Composit materials like HAL LCA?
Thanks if some one can give me satisfied answers to me.
Dear I have some question in my mind and these can be some childish questions but i need answers of them.
1) Is there any future program to equipped JF17 with TVEngines?
I think No
2) Is there any possibility of super cruising with existing or with some modified design?
3) Is there STOL/VTOL variants can be upcoming in future?
STOL Yes (Even Block I has a preety short take off landing IMHO) VTOL No
4) Is it has the capability of air refueling(if yes is it retractable in future)?
At the moment No, but in future Yes
5) Is there any news about redesigning JF17 with Composit materials like HAL LCA?
Even the current Block I is using more composits than prototypes. In case of LCA, do you know even with "lot of composits" it weighs roughly as same as JFT :)
Btw do take a reading of this very good thread to increase you know how.
Interesting info by munir
I think the real deep strike would be done by FC20. Much better wingload and able to go faster and deeper. It will be perfect to counter anything 750 km inside Indian territory. That is deep enough to counter major military airfields, major cities and to keep Indian Awacs and IFR far away. With Babur, Ra'ad as the first wave there is almost nothing that will stop them. Do not forget that it can go one way to China so a though choice for India what to do. They will not go for an attack on China.

Block 2 JF17 will be far more optimized for low altitude air superiority and limited high tech strike. That is why you see drawing in AFM with a dual seater only with BVR on the outer wing stations... Its is far more for command and control and defending outside the WVR arena. That is why you see a big cockpit screens and they do not care about forward view... Everything will be optimized with links. I do miss the IFR and IRST but that would be far more suited for the single seaters that will go into the battle arena and do the real job. I did notice a new "pitot" tube a la Gripen in the rudder but no idea the reason to add that. Somehow the fueltanks look bigger. I think WVR is surely on the table but do understand that more and more is moved to BVR attack. It is better to have a very good BVR then very good WVR and risk a good plane and pilot. The next development will be piloted command and control fighterjet with 2 or more assisting UCAV's.
For me the drawing provides some interesting developments. If true then I see PAF moving into the new decade with far more high tech and very effective strategies.
The next development will be piloted command and control fighterjet with 2 or more assisting UCAV's.

Sorry to ask but is JFT being converted into a command and control aircraft? If true then its a crazy idea. UCAVs cannot match in speed to that of JFTs plus they are operated from the ground station and I cannot find a single reason why it should be operated from the air.
A single JFT can send information via datalink to a group of four JFTs so in a sense, it does have command and control ability though partial at the moment. This is effective even in the absence of an AEW&C aircraft. This ability is there in the first batch as we speak and we have modified/ developed the JFT datalinks according to our own requirements. The communication gear is already indigenous. Changes are taking place in some other areas where deemed necessary but nothing worth mentioning.
There is a misconception that PAC is license manufacturing Chinese avionics for JFT, well to some extent we are but we acquired sophisticated machinery from Europe particularly Sweden and Germany to manufacture our own specified avionics for upcoming batches. There is also an R&D process at PAC/ AMF where they are busy in testing, prototyping PCBs, ICs, to be used in MFDs, WMMCs, EW Suit etc. Once developed/ tested, these will be seen on JFT.

Rather old article discussing early model (prototype1-3) JFT EW capability but no mention of SE-2 MAWS system, still it was concluded above Taiwanese FCK-1 A and Bs that had American systems. Good read......

"Electronic warfare capability: Although GD-53 radar and TC-2 active radar-guided missile in the distance to give -1A / B horizon superior air combat capability, but the -1A / B in fact has a flaw, it electronic warfare capability is its careful scrutiny is actually very weak. 他只是由美国制APX-113(V)/111X先进敌我识别器、美国Litton公司生产的ALR-85(V)1威胁告警系统、美国Traco公司的ALE-47干扰丝/热焰弹头射器等组成! He just made ​​by the United States APX-113 (V) / 111X advanced IFF, the United States produced by Litton ALR-85 (V) 1 threat warning system, the United States Traco's ALE-47 interfere with wire / hot flame shot warheads, etc. composition!

IDF(F-CK-1A/B)战机最大的问题是--轻型战机难以把完善电战设施配于机身内本来无可厚非,但却由于迟迟未配发电战吊舱;导致F-CK-1A/B缺乏现代战机必备的主动(有源)电子反制能力! IDF (-1A / B) fighter biggest problem is - light aircraft is difficult to improve the electronic warfare facilities have been nothing wrong with the fuselage, but with the delay in generation warfare pods; lead -1A / B essential lack of modern fighters active (active) electronic countermeasures capability! 所谓[主动(有源)电战干扰/主动(有源)电子反制能力]是例如:像法国制幻影2000-5/9由内置式ICMS MKII电战系统搭配达骚电子公司的ABD2000高波段干扰器与汤松-CSF低波段干扰器所具备主动(有源)电战干扰能力;或F-16A/B(OCU)以后的F-16系列机型藉著外挂ALQ-131或ALQ-184系列电战吊舱而具备主动(有源)电战干扰能力。 The so-called [active (active) electronic warfare jamming / active (active) electronic countermeasures capability] is the example: as the French-made Mirage 2000-5/9 ICMS MKII from the built-in electronic warfare systems with up to show the high-band electronics company ABD2000 Jammers and Tang Song-CSF with low-band jammers are active (active) electronic warfare jamming ability; or F-16A / B (OCU) after the F-16 series models through plug-ALQ-131 or ALQ-184 series of electronic warfare pods and have active (active) electronic warfare jamming capability.

根据2002珠海航展的资料,甚至连中国成飞公司(CAC)用来外销的FC-1/超七都将具备主动(有源)电战干扰/主动(有源)电子反制能力! According to the 2002 Zhuhai Airshow the information, and even China's Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC) is used to export the FC-1 / Chaoqi will have the active (active) electronic warfare jamming / active (active) electronic countermeasures capability! 而台湾目前的基本型IDF(F-CK-1A/B)却缺乏这类重要电战设备。 While Taiwan's current basic IDF (-1A / B) was lack of such important electronic warfare equipment.

FC-1 可采用的是中国西南电子设备研究所(SWIEE)研制的BM/KG300G新型自卫(电战)干扰吊舱;BM/KG300G号称是和美制ALQ-131或 ALQ-184系列电战荚舱作用方式相似与性能相近的装备(虽然实际上和美制系统应会有差距;但至少远优于像F-CK-1A/B这种连这类基础电战装备都没有的战机)、FC-1若挂载中国西南电子设备研究所公司(SWIEE)的BM/KZ900电子情报吊舱时,据说还可执行搜集敌方各种雷达电子参数情报的任务。 FC-1 can be used in Southwest China Institute of Electronic Equipment (SWIEE) BM/KG300G developed a new self-defense (electronic warfare) jamming pod; BM/KG300G claimed to be U.S. made ​​ALQ-131 or ALQ-184 electronic warfare pods Series similar mode of action and properties of similar equipment (although in practice the system should be between U.S. system; but at least much better than like the -1A / B such that even the basic electronic warfare equipment, not the fighter), FC- 1 if the mount of Southwest China Institute of Electronic Equipment Corporation (SWIEE) of BM/KZ900 pod electronic intelligence, the enemy is said to also perform a variety of radar electronic parameters to collect intelligence tasks.

FC-1 采用的125B IFF机载应答器先进敌我识别装置装于机鼻,也号称和美国制APX-113(V)/111X属于同等级产品,搭配南京新联电子装备工程公司的 ARW9101A雷达告警接收机或中国西南电子设备研究所(SWIEE)的BM/KJ8602A/B雷达告警接收机、GT-1B/2箔条/曳光弹投放器与 BM/KG300G新型自卫(电战)干扰荚舱综合使用。 FC-1 with the 125B IFF airborne advanced identification friend or foe transponder equipment installed in the nose, also known as the United States system of APX-113 (V) / 111X belong to the same level of products, together with the Nanjing Electronic Equipment Engineering Company ARW9101A radar warning receiver or electronic equipment in Southwest China Research Institute (SWIEE) of BM/KJ8602A/B radar warning receiver, GT-1B / 2 chaff / flare dispensers and BM/KG300G new self-defense (electronic warfare) jamming pods integrated use. 整套电战系统功能还算齐全,可较有效反制敌机发射的红外空对空导弹或雷达制导的中程空对空导弹;在执行空对面精确攻击任务时,也能较有效反制敌方中长程地对空、舰对空导弹的威胁。 Complete electronic warfare system functions fairly complete, the aircraft can be more effective counter-air missile fired infrared or radar-guided medium-range air to air missiles; exact opposite in the implementation of air attack missions, they can be more effective against enemy Fang long-range ground-, ship-to-air missile threats. 以FC-1这种等级战机的电战能力,竟是台湾目前的IDF(F-CK-1A/B)所缺乏的! The FC-1 fighter this level electronic warfare capability was actually Taiwan's current IDF (-1A / B) are lacking!

由上述分析可知,在台军的F-CK-1A/B完成历时七年的性能提升前,其电战能力是薄弱的,存活率恐怕还不如FC-1枭龙! The above analysis shows that, in Taiwan's -1A / B to complete seven years of prior performance, and its electronic warfare capability is weak, survival rates have probably not as good as FC-1 Xiaolong!

成飞公司如果有像台独狗那种有美国在背后随时技术支持的国际环境,如果巴基斯坦订单早点确定,钱早点拿的出,也不会这么晚才把计划落实! CAC independence if there is a dog like that behind the U.S. in support of the international environment at any time, order early to determine if Pakistan, to take the money out early, it will not only then plans to implement so late!

有些台独狗的可笑行径就是--贩卖无知,大力宣扬F-CK-1A/B,贬低FC-1枭龙,依我看来:要论腿短,F-CK-1A/B航程比枭龙还短;比推重比,两者都不佳,枭龙还略优于F-CK-1A/B。 Some Taiwan independence is the dog's ridiculous acts - sale of ignorance, and vigorously promote the -1A / B, FC-1 Xiaolong demeaning, in my view: to be on the short legs, -1A / B range than Xiaolong also short; than thrust-weight ratio, both poor Xiaolong also slightly better than the -1A / B. 只要枭龙采用象样的PD雷达,枭龙能挂先进短距弹,先进中距SD-10,反舰C-802K,反辐射YJ-91,国产LS250激光制导炸弹,这就够了。 Xiaolong decent as long as the PD using radar, Xiaolong advanced short-range missiles can be linked to the advanced medium range SD-10, anti-ship C-802K, ARM YJ-91, LS250-made laser-guided bombs, that was enough.

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Sorry to ask but is JFT being converted into a command and control aircraft? If true then its a crazy idea. UCAVs cannot match in speed to that of JFTs plus they are operated from the ground station and I cannot find a single reason why it should be operated from the air.
I think that would be a critical development as if done so
1) It will give UCAVs capability to operate at higher ranges
2) Enhance counter insurgency and CAS capability.
3) Relieve Fighter Jets from long operations as they can simply switch command inbetween them thus relieveing the earlier jet while keeping UCAVs in continuous operation while far beyond the range of any ground control station
I think that would be a critical development as if done so
1) It will give UCAVs capability to operate at higher ranges
2) Enhance counter insurgency and CAS capability.
3) Relieve Fighter Jets from long operations as they can simply switch command inbetween them thus relieveing the earlier jet while keeping UCAVs in continuous operation while far beyond the range of any ground control station

have you seen the video in which boeing has made a light heli version ucav type-- 2 of which can go forward and transmit info to main gunship helo , which is controlling them--- looks like same concept

boeing future weapons
have you seen the video in which boeing has made a light heli version ucav type-- 2 of which can go forward and transmit info to main gunship helo , which is controlling them--- looks like same concept
Do PM me the link :tup:
tit bit............

JFT has been tested in severe EW environment to check its EW suite, this was done along with a Chinese and another (undisclosed) origin EW pod. Also, JFT has powerful internal jammer that worked quite well against F-16 (blk 15) ECM. This occurred few months ago.

Now there is a reason just why jamming the f-16 blk 15's jammer/ ECM, is amazing is because blk 15 also has a multiband jammer i.e., it is able to jam multiple frequencies simultaneously. Blk 15s had the most advanced EW suite in the 80s and a good part of 90s in conjunction with ALQ-131 which is still widely used all around the world and considered to be most reliable, effective jammer ever made, also modular and repeatedly upgraded to V standard, has seen a lot of new advancements. Defeating it is quite an achievement for JFT ECM suite......

jft will be tested against blk 52s too, only then it will have an ECM that will stand against most major EW threats in the region. Itl will be done that is what i am told. On a side note, JFT and J-10 have the same ECM suite and same jammer but a next gen ecm pod is being developed in China which will become a standard fit on all Chinese and PAF JFTs but might not be exported to other countries because of secrecy level...

It was in 1996-97 when China bought a lot of stuff from Israel, among them was EW equipment/ jammers too. China reverse engineered their tech, added their share of optimization and they had a new toy to play with, after 2 years of improvement to hardware and software tweeks, that jammer is known as the KG-300G! For those who think the 8222 jammer is the ultimate jamming tech in sub continent, think again

nice tidbits by nabil

jf17 pt6 with sd10 and j10a



jf17 pt6 load with sd10 in flight

Original links;

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Some close shots of Thunder's cockpit.





some more info
good to see our thunder evolving fairly quickly..

and also is it true that our current thunder is based PT-04??
because PT-06 has some extra sensors that our currents one does not...


(picture orignally posted by "Antibody")
and also is it safe to say that the next blk would be based on pt-06??

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